Reviews from

in the past

glitchy ass fucking game !!!! i got stuck and was never able to complete

Jogava mt quando era criança, pretendo zerar algum dia

I played this when I was 7 and even then I knew it sucked ass

Even back then I realized this game sucked

Game isn’t anything special and the story is a major step down compared to how amazing Book 2 actually is from the show but goddamn this game is still fun especially with your friends, the combat is surprisingly well done, collectables are extremely well hidden and I think this was one of the first games in my childhood that my friends & I were actually competitive towards each other thanks to the Earth Rumble Six Combat Arena and with an actual fighting game roster. Again, this game isn’t anything special and I’m sure if we had an Avatar Tournament Fighter or Action Adventure game it’ll easily beat this game if done properly but as it stands, its the best Avatar game to date.

Generic button masher of a licensed game that has no soul whatsoever. The series deserved much better and i can only assume the others in the series are just like it.

I still have the case of this game from when my mom originally purchased it, but I lost the cart. The thing I recall most from the game was the drill at the outer wall of Ba Sing Se and when Aang and Katara go inside to destroy it. Needed help from my brother

I just did it for the gamerscore

As soon as I saw that this game had a (good looking) main menu, I knew it was better than the first one

A very easy 1000 Gamerscore but honestly kind of worthless outside of that, it's just a really boring beat 'em up.

My shortest GameFly rental ever, all just so I could boost my Gamerscore.

True Gs know that Momo is the real Melonlord.

infelizmente não tão bom quanto o primeiro, mas tenho boas lembranças com esse também

Dear God what happened here this game is absolute train wreck. This make the first game look like a masterpiece.

The presentation this time is so ugly and abysmal. It retains some fun cutscenes with cute animations that again capture a feel for the show. But these moments are few and far between. The normal way you will watch cutscenes in this game is cutting back and forth to the in game character models and their idle animations, as they stand there and don't open their mouths and the voice actors try to salvage the terrible dialogue. It's probably one of the cheapest looking games I've ever seen. The animations in combat and in the world are awful.

They did add co-op which is probably the only positive thing here. So you can suffer through this garbage with a friend. The puzzles take no thought or effort; which would be fine if they didn't last so long. Just boring hallway after hallway of the same generic enemies.

The game is meant to be based on the second season. But it tells the story so poorly and so loosely. They throw Jet in the Swamp for who knows what reason.

And they don't even go through the entire season. They stop at the DRILL? Did they just give up halfway? They even told it out of order too. The lake comes first and then the drill?

It has a pointless fighter mode with a friend. They wasted Dev time on a bad smash clone instead of their main game.

This game gets a single point because the Appa flying levels were kinda fun. I felt mildly stimulated. Otherwise, awful game. Don't bother.

I loved the show. I wish there was a game that did it justice and wasn't just a cash grab. Mastered

I feel like the main reason I had an issue with the first game was because I'd only ever watched the first season, and instead of playing the first game immediately afterwards, I left it a few weeks.

Because of that I've now decided to play any TV show games basically as soon as I've completed the season prior to said games release, as I've done with movies.

The sequel game is loosely based on the series' second "book" and fixes most of the issues I had with the first game.
Every cutscene is skippable, the combat is easy to learn and it's pretty fun for a short while.
After about an hour, however, you start to realise how monotonous the gameplay is.
Puzzle platforming followed by beat-em-up stages, for about 4-5 hours.
Once you've played one level you've played them all.

Would I play this game again? Maybe.
Would I recommend it? No.
If you really want to I would honestly just recommend you rewatch the season, unless you're strapped for time, then just hold out hope for a sequel to the terrible The Last Airbender movie.

Solid af action game that translates and adds to Book 2. Bending was done well here

Doesn't have very good controls.

Surprisingly decent gameplay if only for the nice gba sprites. A lot of playable characters with different moves provide. enough variety for 2 hours filled with okayish combat and nice simple puzzles.

A shameful 1000GS but I gotta pump those numbers!

Even for a title from 2007, the visuals are bland and the combat is exteremely simple.

But as the developers have insisted in interviews, this game is FOR KIDS.

If you're really hungering for that gamerscore it may be worth a couple dollars at most.

it's so cool that thanks to the power of Xbox Live i can go back and see that i rented this game on December 29, 2007 so i could get a quick and easy 1000 gamerscore. must have been a hell of a christmas that year.