Reviews from

in the past

The controls are very satisfying to use.

In fact, I completed this game for the main character, she is CU-T-IE. But in the end I got a good action platformer. Only the whole time I was playing, I had the feeling that I was in a children's cartoon of the 90s, when only 3D animation was just getting up from its knees.

На самом деле, я прошел эту игру ради главной героини, она МИ-ЛА-ШКА. А в итоге получил хороший экшен платформер. Только у меня все время, пока я играл, было ощущение, что я находился в детском мультике 90ых, когда только 3D анимация только вставала с колен.

it's a CAT........GIRL........ with a BLADE........... WOW!!!!!!!!!!

I got into the game for the cute visuals and the fact that it seemed like a fun platformer, but sadly it feels pretty unfinished. Not that fun to play, and the cute visuals that I mention before doesn't look that good in-game. So, it was kinda a disappointment for me.
The only thing to praise are the character animations.

2d platformer/brawler, where your character can do a lot of different movements and the fights can be fun too. There is a good game in here, you can feel the passion. sadly, the level design is going to take you out of it constantly

"This game is good, just deeply misunderstood!" I repeatedly told my closeted self as I played the cute catgirl action platformer over and over again