Reviews from

in the past

Podría ser un 10 por la banda sonora, pero ese infierno de nivel final clama al cielo "Esto no tiene gracia"

It's fun, the music is actually extremely good and both Bobobo and the theme song are voiced by the recently late Ichiro Mizuki. It's so short that it just feels like a nice and fun treat when you finish it

I have no idea why this game is still on TBD
but i guess its up to me as the only backloggd user on this site thats played this game to give a review.

So first things first, this was a bitch to get a hold of LMAO. Like getting it legitimately is relatively easy if you already own a japanese ps2, but if you dont then you gotta do some digging and ad-dodging in a totally legal manner of "Yarghhhhh" hehe.

Ok now the actual game, is it good? Uh not very, no.
Its KINDA FUN? If youre like me where youre both
A: someone actively seek out weird games to play or
B: someone that likes bobobo-bo bo-bobo :)
then yeah youll enjoy it, its short as fuck man
Like five levels are in here, it totally gives off the vibe of a Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo arcade game that youd play IRL or something with fancy looking themed controllers. But im not so fortunate
So the basis of the gameplay is its like an auto-rail game where Bobobo moves forward dancing down the level facing the camera, youll see characters like Don, Jelly, Gasser, Beauty, etc etc

And they kinda just join you in walking around, i never really figured out what they do in particular but you fight half the cast as bosses and you beat the shit out of the bald grunts along the way to get there
And thats where i think this is extremely different from playing the RPGs of this franchise, you attack by flicking the left and right analog sticks around up and down whenever an enemy is on screen. And you can use R1 or L1 to activate the armpit hair vortex attack which is kind of like a shitty screen-attack (Emphasizing kind of shitty because it doesnt last very long, is tied to getting a bomb item and it doesnt always instakill everything thats on the screen as enemies scale with bigger hit points and sometimes smaller hurtboxes)

Each boss you encounter is a similarly silly philosophy with just flicking the dumbass control sticks in the direction the prompt tells you to when it pops up, failure to do so results in you giving the boss a turn to attack you. If you put in all the boss' control stick inputs fast enough, you wont get hit and will even recover HP!

Infact, technically you can sweep EVERY boss in this game if you have a sharp enough eye. But the boss is always guaranteed one free turn to try and attack you if you get them halfway-to-death.
From there your score is tallied up andddd then you get to something else i dont like about this game

If you die to the boss you dont restart from the boss Fight, you have to redo the whole level all. over. again.
Which is really weird, i think they mightve designed the game like that because this is already a short as shit game that u could knock out in like an hour (maybe even less if youre really good and just keep going back to back with the levels and no breaks like me)

btw there IS cutscenes and the music is fine, but like... its bobobo-bo bo-bobo.. do you Really need to be able to read it? because i sure as shit didnt.

Regardless there really isnt that much content here and you mostly just kind of get a kick out of the spectacle of it all rather than look for any deeper substance, and really,isnt finding enjoyment in spectacle for the sake of spectacle is a reward in it's own right when it comes to Bobobo-Bo Bo-bobo?

Like watching a sun implode upon itself and then upchuck a brick of shit, like none of that makes any sense or probably should even be conceivable or interpreted in reality. But damn if it isnt a sight.