Reviews from

in the past

Better with friends but I didnt have any ;(

it's borderlands 2 but on switch
why does this still run at 30 fps like the 360 and ps3 versions.

Loved my pistol with infinite ammo and my homing grenade that never missed

Played with my friends after it was free on epic

It was fun but it crashed multiple times except for one of us.
Probably bc it's only 32-bit, which sucks but it was alr

We never got to finish it and probably never will, but it was so goddamn hilarious you have no idea

the art direction is cool but otherwise ive never actually stomached enough of the game to see it all the way through, ive played it numerous times with friends and dicked around in the vehicles from time to time but like.. i tried this game at a time when i didnt really "Get" shooters, its probably a fine game but for me i just dont really see anything special in this series aside from a neat aesthetic.
Unfortunate that it seems like one of those things thats losin it's audience more and more with each entry

Amazing game and it's a drastic improvement to the original game in pretty much all aspects.

terminei uma vez no ps3 lá em 2013 e agora terminei de novo com todas as dlc

one of the worst games ever made i fear

Melhor shooter de todos os tempos

This game has more guns in it than No Man's Sky has Planets

El mejor borderlands en cuanto a historia y humor se refiere, obra maestra en gameplay únicamente superado por Borderlands 3. Altamente recomendado.

Escaleras? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :c

Wonderful, Fun, Addictive Looter Shooter action that you'll come for the guns and stay for the excellent cast and memorable moments.

Handsome Collection. Started ~6:52p ET, completed ~10:10pm ET.

One of the best video game intros ever

Когда прошел игру, чувство опустошение было, спасибо, плакали всей семьёй

Caótico, engraçado, divertido e completamente estiloso. Bordelands 2 é um daqueles jogos que fez seu nome apostando em sua originalidade e ideias que sabem como se apresentar e conquistar o jogador. É uma aventura caótica de gameplay maluca, com personagens ainda mais loucos e divertidos de se jogar, e armas... armas pra caralho! De quebra você pode se divertir com seus amigos, quer mais alguma coisa?

As long as you’re willing to put up with annoying writing and a not insignificant chunk of the game that just spins its wheels without going anywhere, the game is so fundamentally fun and engaging that I can recommend it to basically anyone who’s ever enjoyed a shooter.

Read the full review.

buenisimo, lo jugaría mil veces

Los exploits hacia jefes invencibles son inconsistentes, verga. Me he oneshoteado a hyperius usando el truco de axton con la build de granada y una arma celeste que me da daño explosivo de fuego y si lo sueltas suelta balas por doquier te lo oneshoteas en menos de 13-15 segundos. Lo mismo con Zero con la habilidad barrenador, que si te llevas un sniper de nivel 28 y el jefe invencible es nivel op8 pues no pasa ¡nada! te lo matas en 8-10 segundos si juntas a los robots idiotas le das un punto crítico y vale callampa. Haciendo que la gran mayoría de jefes invencibles es un gran desproposito y pierda gracia con que el juego quiere plantearnos cómo "los jefes invencibles" todo valor de esa mecánica no tenga sentido y pierda valor. Siendo que explotar ese exploit con Zero sea inconsistente y lo mismo con axton con esa build rota de cojones. Lo mismo va con el exploit de la flakker y con un lanzagranadas con un mayor daño posible de juego, te oneshoteas al idiota del jefe invencible que te da la misión principal de juego más no del dlc y es fácilmente explotable esa cosa en tener legendarias o "botín raro" de sumo valor. Yo no volvería rejugar por segunda vez está cosa, para volver a desbloquear todos los ops y volver a rejugar otra vez está cosa ya que tiene defectos, pero la verdad es muy buen shooter y es de los pocos en tener una mecánica de sistema de niveles y tener elementos RPGs sin ser uno.

Uma das melhores experiências multiplayer que já tive, além de ser um jogo muito bom com um enredo muito divertido!

Bol aksiyon aradığımda bunu oynarım... FPS türünün iyi örneklerinden...

borderlands and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

"bonerfarts" was the only good joke

It's borderlands. What you see is what you get

I'm aware that this is a controversial thing but I've played Borderlands 3 before 2. So while this game excels in the story I don't think the guns and the world aged well. And for a game that's revolving around just shooting thugs and bandits. This is a huge deal breaker for me and it's why I rarely ever pick this game up and play it. The story goes on forever which is a good thing but it just feels so boring and pointless to get trough. The game however offer you skills to use and make builds with but it takes forever to even level up so it takes too long to actually get to the good part.

very fun veru silly

play it with some friends smile

Gameplay: 4.5
Art Style: 5
Story/Lore: 4.5
System: 4
Chracter: 5
Total: 4.6

People love this game—no wonder. Plenty of fans call it the best game in the series, and there's definitely a reason for it. Quirky-but-entertaining characters, a charming soundtrack, strong aesthetic design, fun gameplay, a /very handsome/ antagonist. There's a lot of deserved praise to give.

I was always off-put by the difference in atmosphere between this game and its prequel. The first game had such a solitary vibe to it, while the second was rife with a fun cast. This gives Borderlands 2 a charm that the series initially lacked. Plenty of the NPCs will stick with you, just because they're lovable and unforgettable.

The gameplay is sick, too. Various guns—87 bazillion according to devs, LOL—each of which with different modifiers, features, and even elemental abilities. There's a playstyle for everyone, and it's fun to find new styles of gameplay that work well for you. I personally like playing as the Assassin and Siren classes most.