Reviews from

in the past

the writing in this game is just


hire me randy and then treat me like shit

Fun Fact: The current cuckold meme was actually popularized out of hatred for Borderlands 2's writing staff. In some nonsensical eceleb drama saga, one of the writers Anthony Burch was found out to be an open relationship, and because it was 4chan circa 2013, Burch caught a lot of hate for 1) being in an open relationship and 2) not getting as much out of the open relationship (i.e. sex) as his partner. Which then lead to several users of 4chan's videogame board to dig deep and find out various awful things that's happened to him in his life. Eventually this led to the phrase "At least you aren't Anthony Burch", which then got reduced to shaming him for being a (un?)willing cuckold, which then got reduced to calling anyone who "tricks" themselves into being passive a cuck. (Like with most memes, the actual definition of a cuckold is not really the point here)

A really good time in co-op. Handsome Jack is a fun villain and the dlc was good too. Maya is hot

imagine having your ex wife steal your wii u. that never ceases to make me smile, that's the funniest thing in existence. literally cucked and thieved of your Game and Wario copy. and then you humiliate yourself for all of eternity by posting about how your ex wife stole your wii u and cucked you. amazing.

every time i think of this game i think of the time ryan davis absolutely savaged the writer of it to his face on twitter. rest in peace big man

Randy Pitchford's Bizarre Money Laundering Adventure

I can complain about the script as much as I want, that will not change that this is still one of the best looter shooters made of its time and Gaige is one of the most fun characters I've ever played in a shooter.

a game for people who think the deadpool movies are the funniest things they've ever seen

also randy pitchford sus USB drive

Ganhei de graça quando ainda existia o Games with gold no xbox e n sabia de nada da história, achei mt foda o estilo gráfico além de ser um dos melhores jogos de fps do xbox 360.

>> Prós
• HISTÓRIA : O universo de Borderlands é mt foda e vale a pena ser jogado.
• MAPA : O mundo aberto é bem bonito e bem feito ( só q pra mim bugou a conquista de ir em todos os locais ).
• GRÁFICOS : Achei incrivel o estilo meio cartoonizado do game.
• MISSÕES SECUNDÁRIAS : Tem várias, demorei uns meses pra voltar e zerar todas ( msm assim n consegui a última q é de matar o boss secreto ).
• PERSONAGENS : Os personagens são bem carismáticos, além do próprio antagonista Handsome Jack.
• HABILIDADES/ARMAS : Tem diversas habilidades pra colocar nas diferentes classes dos personagens jogáveis, além de várias armas raras e lendárias ( algumas desbloqueei usando as chaves douradas q consegui na época ).
• MULTIPLAYER/ONLINE : O online é mt bom pra completar certas missões ( ou pra se divertir msm ), além de q o jogo é coop local.

>> Contras
• Nenhum.

>> Perso Favorito = Claptrap, Lilith e Tiny Tina.

The most complete and fun looter shooter ever made. Has one of the best antagonists ever, and a very satisfying game play loop (shoot thing, get new guns, shoot more things). Also one of the best co-op games to play with friends

This game was meticulously designed to be as annoying and a frustrating as it can get. Everything about this game works so well together to form an utterly asinine experience(except you handsome jack, i love you)

Hilarious and fun the whole way through

Joltzdude is a trooper for playing this game as long as he has

An excellent looter shooter with a killer and humorous plot.
Well-developed, interesting - open world
Good plot, a large number of additional missions, DLC will keep you busy for dozens of hours
Also original graphic style, unforgettable characters and much more.
I highly recommend playing it with friends, you will simply experience more emotions and love the game even more.

I'm convinced that this game doesn't have an ending. Nobody has ever beaten Borderlands 2. Everyone starts it multiple times with different groups and never beat it. This game sucks.

I bought this game at a Target's black friday sale for $35 and took it home to discover I hated almost everything about it. Days later, I then went to a local brick-and-mortar used games store which let me trade it in for $37 in-store credit.

Maybe the only game that actively made me money. Half a star for that!

It was written by a guy who thought cuckoldry would save his failed marriage.

Despite never playing the first one, I vividly remember being hyped for this, looking up trailers, the world, the different weapon manufacturers, the idea of my two favourite genres (at the time) merging, then on top of that the cel-shaded aesthetic and goofy sense of humour (which looking back might’ve been a bit cringelord, but being 14 at the time, I was the perfect age for it. Plus I’ll be honest, parts of this game still get a guilty chuckle out of me, Psychos reciting Hamlet still cracks my shit up). It was my main game for like two years, I had so much fun exploring the world, farming for loot, watching how the enemies interact with eachother, building characters, becoming this overpowered monster, plowing through legions of mobs, and the raid bosses. My favourite classes were the Siren, which I decked out with a set of elemental smgs, the Hellfire, the Bad Touch, a Plasma Caster, etc..and the Gunzerker, whom I built into pistols, pairing an Unkempt Harold with either a Rubi or a Lady Fist so I could heal up and melt raid bosses’ health bars away in no time. I loved the easter eggs too, all the references to Minecraft, Lord of the Rings, Batman, Dark Souls, Se7en, etc. The dlcs were also pretty great, The Captain Scarlett and Tiny Tina dlcs were the standouts, but even the Torgue dlc I had a lot of fun with. I didn’t play the Commander Lilith dlc but it was still cool of them to add that so long after we all thought the game’s lifecycle had concluded.

My only real problem with the game was the Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode. Enemies become ludicrously health spongey, slag becomes a crutch and you’re constricted to top of the line gear if you want any chance of keeping up. Despite that hiccup though, I’ve pumped so many hours into this game across multiple systems, it’s truly one of those landmark games for me.

This game is excruciating. The humor is grating, no gun in this game feels like it does anything, and the world is underdeveloped and seemingly goes out of its way to avoid telling you anything interesting about it, lest they miss the chance to cram in some more "bacon, mustaches, explosions, so epic!" humor.

I've accepted that this game turns me into a curmudgeonly old man. Everyone has those games. This is one of mine.

One of the most overrated games in existence, constantly trying to outdo itself in the lolrandom unfunny as possible department every 5 minutes all marred by a million guns that all feel like they do nothing. Heaven forbid the world be interesting beyond tiny pieces of lore, too; leave it to TellTale to remove all of the actual gameplay to make the world somewhat interesting in Tales from the Borderlands instead. How did this get nominated for GOTY? Slow year?

Claptrap is one of the funniest characters in all of fiction, you guys just don’t like fun

Yeah I love this game. One of the best sequels ever made as it didn't have much material to expand upon with but it went and did it anyway. Claptrap is one of my favourite characters ever and the storyline is great. The humour is great and never dries out. Perhaps one of the most underrated games of all time

I downloaded Borderlands 2 back in June of 2019 after it became one of that month's free PSN games, as I always heard that it was fun to play with friends. After noticing that it was in my backlog years later, I asked my friend if he wanted to go back and beat Borderlands 2 with me, but because 2K Games apparently hates it when two people want to play the same game on different consoles by making it a nightmare to set everything up, I decided to beat the game on my own. This process took well over a year, and that is entirely due to just how unfun Borderlands 2 was for me to play.

Before I go ahead with why I hated this game so much, I just want to address the whole sentiment that this game is more fun with multiple players, because you can apply that to pretty much every game ever made. Playing with friends is fun by default, regardless of what game it is, so me playing the game alone doesn't excuse how bad Borderlands 2 is. Anyway, I hated pretty much everything about this game that other people seemed to love, and one of these would be the gameplay loop itself. Wandering around empty areas and shooting endless amounts of bullet sponge enemies that take forever to kill made this game feel like a chore the whole way through, and the enemies themselves aren't placed with any sort of purpose or intricacy whatsoever. One of the main selling points of the Borderlands series is how no two weapons are the same, and while it is interesting to have your loadout constantly change throughout each playthrough, the dependence on RNG made almost every weapon that I earned feel obsolete when compared to what I had already found.

If the game was just unfun to play, then I would've just dismissed Borderlands 2 as a boring looter shooter, but what makes this game a complete disaster for me is its writing. No character in this game ever shuts up, and the game's sense of humor reeks of 2012 internet culture with how loud and obnoxious it is. When I wasn't bored by the gameplay, I was annoyed by the dialogue, and I couldn't stand hearing these characters constantly run their mouths before I had even reached the halfway mark. Not only that, but this constant barrage of annoying nonsense is used to tell a boring story that somehow expects you to care for its one-dimensional characters, which was flat out impossible for me to do because of how aggravating they all were. It doesn't help that this game is coated in an ugly artstyle that looks like a bad mishmash of Mad Max and a comic book that was written and illustrated by a 13 year old. I will admit that the music wasn't that bad, although that isn't to say that it wasn't generic. For me, Borderlands 2 was zero fun to play, and I don't think I ever want to play another game from this series ever again.

This game has one of the best villians in all of gaming hands down. Handsome Jack is so well put together and voice acted that I cant remember another game where I couldnt wait to hear what other insult the villian could give me. So many laughs and so much fun.

Take my review of this game as a note on the whole series.
The writing in these games is unbearable to the point where I would always play these games with the sound off while listening to my own music, and this is not something i say lightly as someone who thinks it's important to experience games in all of their facets. I have played these games a lot, but now I'd like to think my brain has healed enough to where the "number go up" form of game design just isn't doing it for me anymore without anything else substantive backing it up and I can finally put this series to rest. So with that being said, fuck Borderlands I am extremely over it.

Backloggd has quite the hate boner for this game whoa

more borderlands but with lesser writing and mostly the same gameplay as before