Reviews from

in the past

An excellent looter shooter with a killer and humorous plot.
Well-developed, interesting - open world
Good plot, a large number of additional missions, DLC will keep you busy for dozens of hours
Also original graphic style, unforgettable characters and much more.
I highly recommend playing it with friends, you will simply experience more emotions and love the game even more.

game about guns but all the guns feel like shit

Todo mundo, acho, tem um(a) amigo(a) do(a) qual você era inseparável. Nunca tinha dia ruim, ele(a) estava sempre pronto para animar você, fazer piadas, propor aventuras malucas e você era muito feliz do lado dele(a).

Todo mundo também, acho, já teve um momento de reencontrar esse(a) amigo(a) depois de anos sem se falarem e… a princípio é legal, as lembranças, as piadas, é tudo muito nostálgico, mas no fundo você sabe que tem algo errado ali. Você tenta entender o que, mas nada parece estar fora do comum. Aquela amizade está lá do mesmo jeito que sempre foi. Até reparar que o problema é você. Você que mudou, você que não gosta mais daquelas piadas e daquelas aventuras.

Eu sempre vou ter um carinho especial por Borderlands 2. Foi um dois primeiros jogos mais next gen, na época, que eu comprei e eu me acabei com ele, com todas as missões, personagens, armas, cenários etc.

Quando saiu o Borderlands 3 eu sentia que tinha que comprar, não existia a opção de não jogar. Mas a verdade é que não consegui passar dos primeiros minutos até perceber que não era para mim. E isso não é culpa do jogo, mas é minha culpa. Borderlands não é mais uma série que me move, que me surpreende e me motiva. O que eu sinto agora é mais uma nostalgia e um saudosismo, mais do que qualquer coisa.

Isso não que dizer que eu passei a odiar o jogo mas, assim como aquele(a) amigo(a), talvez seja a hora de seguirmos cada um pelo seu caminho e guardarmos conosco somente as boas lembranças do tempo que passamos juntos.

An improvement on the first game, but I still find it boring, bullet-spongy, and so fucking obnoxious. Travel is an arduous chore. You can see them start to hit their stride, but not in a way that captivates me.

Imagine having SEXTILLION GUNS AND YOUR MOTHER and they all feel like shit to fire.

Also this game eventually ruined an entire generation of video games, so fuck you Borderlands, and fuck you Randy

Honest to God, a gem of its time, what I concive to be a revolution in looters shooters that facilities a grind that always pays off in the end. Its unique set of graphics puts a few people off but I believe better highlights how hog-wild the game is and how much of a blast it is, whether you play solo or with friends. An iconic game that hooked me onto the looter shooter genre, where the bugs are hilarious when they happen, and the only downside is the UVHM mode, but only because it forces into viable builds and stifles creativity. Still one of my favourite games to date, even in light of its succession that is Borderlands 3

My mom calls me Handsome Jack

I mean, what can I say that hasn’t already been said? There’s a reason this game’s as popular as it is. Great story, fantastic villain, funny writing (I love all the meme shit sorry, and now that they’ve aged it’s more endearing than cringey imo), cool environments and a gameplay loop that is so addicting you’d think they put some sort of crack in it. Still every bit as good as it was in 2012.

first singleplayer game that i went back to beat MULTIPLE times

Cammy Grounds type game. If you find this game funny I don't think we would get along.

A good game with fun weapons, builds, and enemies (except for the buzzards). People harken back to this one when criticizing the other games in the series, but this game isn't perfect. Still, it's probably the best in the series, and very nostalgiac. I never liked the humor in these games but it's at its most tolerable here.

too many guns. otherwise fun. cover image is kind of scary.

Writing is cringe and the gameplay gets repetitive. Especially once you are expected to complete the same campaign repeatedly to progress

Didnt stop playing this game for 3 years. Having no wifi this game was a godsend

A thousand guns in the tank, scrapped away in a blink.

Hilarious and fun the whole way through

Joltzdude is a trooper for playing this game as long as he has

I can't in any good faith really call this a bad game. It's certainly not a GOOD game. There's a lot of heart and soul put into the nooks and crannies, from Handsome Jack's great delivery, some of the interesting build variety choices, some of the speedtech, some really good abilities, some fun satisfying moments with the gunplay.

But like, on top of all of that is a whole fat load of garbage. There's a ridiculous amount of grind, a shitton of terrible writing, a whole lot of fluff and fucking about. I don't understand WHY it's a loot shooter, it doesn't really ever meet that goal of being one. I'm not really a big fan of diablo but there was more concise design choices for why that game is loot-ran, where loot here is a lot of fluff shit.

There's a good FPS here, it's just under a whole lot of gearbox shit. I do fully understand the appeal of why people play this game as much as they do, in fact in some ways the co-op play of it is recommendable on its own in the way most co-op anything is, but even still I can't in any faith keep playing this game past a few hours because it just numbs my mind. I don't think I'm ever really going to grasp the full appeal of this, but I guess I should be glad that people find fun in this game because there's never anything wrong with that.

Why is this in my Steam library? Leaving this game behind like Randy Pitchford left his USB stick at Medieval Times.

Unsatisfying gunplay with bullet-sponge enemies and extremely hit-or-miss writing & humour (Most of it missed for me.) Loot system is adequately compelling.
Altogether a tolerable experience when played through with friends.

Hated this game when it came out, still hate it. Cringe dialogue and writing.

I really liked BL 2 when I was younger, but for God's sake, I can't push myself to finish this game. the bad jokes, the repetitive gameplay, I'm just so tired of it all.

The only thing stopping me from replaying this game periodically is unskippable cutscenes and dialogue. It takes like 10 hours before you finally get to play the game a bit.
It's a fun lootershooter game bogged down by its story.

Felicito a este juego por aburrirme hasta la muerte, incluso jugando con mis amigos

I have a special fondness for Borderlands 2 because not only was it the first game to get my wife into first person shooters, but it was also the main way the two of us kept in touch with a couple friends of ours that had moved out of town.

I think Borderlands 2 is, sadly, where the Borderlands franchise peaked and Gearbox hasn't been able to meet this quality in every attempt since. The story and tone are perfect without feeling like it's ever trying too hard the way subsequent Borderlands games felt. The gameplay felt great. Every aspect of it works together to create a fantastic game experience that we still think back on fondly.

As an act of rebellion to avoid playing another game, i decided to spent 3 full days getting all the achievements in BL2 for the first time, as redemption to my younger self who put almost every game aside to play nothing but multiplayer shooters for 4-5 years. I do remember this one being the most fun to play, aside from BL1 which is my fav all around being introduced to it in 2011. Gunplay and build crafting is simple and enjoyable i played Axton for the first time so i went with a turret/kill skill build that made my normal playthrough trivial. Now, not having played this game in quite a few years i had forgotten the majority of the dialogue or jokes written and it has to be just the over-saturation of the style of writing, but after the halfway point and for all the DLCs i was tuning that out. I dont know if BL2 is seen as the perfect middle ground of snappy and good writing compared to the other ones (especially BL3) but i was generally bored when it came to having to pay attention to the story, and almost any wit gave me an excuse to eye roll especially with the dated humour, but those got a pity laugh for them even adding it in the first place (they had a Do it for the Vine Badass Challenge name and its there forever). And of course the massive positive i can give the game is the grind it gives you for gear, i didn't do too much of that during my playthrough but if i get bored and return i know for sure i can go hours killing the same boss for a specific thing. All in all BL2 still holds up as an amazing looter shooter with those fundamentals honed in, while i feel like i moved away from its style of writing, i know some people that will quote this and other BL games for hours and die laughing in the process.

I regret to inform everyone this is the best FPS game. I'm so sorry to have to tell you this.

Only played single player, and that was ok for a while, but after 20 or so hours becomes pretty boring and rinse repeat shooter with not much variety to its gameplay. Dig the art style and world (which is why I love Tales of the Borderlands so much!) but yeah im sure multiplayer would have been better.