Reviews from

in the past

I like Sudoku, I like giant heads that tell me stuff, and I like drawing

yes I did play this a lot as a kid how did you know

Thoughts are the same as the first

Rock paper scissors me, I will always win

this is one of the greatest sudoku simulators of all time. the rest of the game doesn't matter in comparison. the sudoku is just really good. being able to add "small numbers" in order to write down where numbers may possibly be, as well as zooming in on different elements to provide focus on the dual screens is just so useful. it's also fairly good at interpreting the number you're drawing, i hardly ever had problems with that. i honestly wonder if my rating for this would be higher if it was only the sudoku.

Holding the DS sideways will never not feel cool. The Sudoku mode alone makes this worth it. I still haven't found a Sudoku UI as good as this one in any app today.

My mom bought this for me as a kid cuz she thought I should be playing more educational games. It was ayt I guess lol.

The multiplayer drawing game was amazing, wish there was some simple browser-based game emulating it.

Same opinion as the first game, but this one had the piano game which I sucked at but still enjoyed it. I still can't play the piano though.

Still Playing
my very first ds game 💖 yes, maybe 93% of what i do on here is play virus buster & sudoku, but so what! i love it and when i do play the actual brain training games, they make me feel like i am really getting smarter and maybe i am 😌📖💕 ‘still playing’ cause i havent unlocked all the games yet

Can make me frustrated but it is quite fun

Me he convertido en Sudokuman, el hacedor de Sudokus.

+300 iq
sorprendentemente divertido para ser lo que es, y puedes competir con los demás usuarios del cartucho lo que le añade bastante aunque eso no es una opción para mi

What do you want me to say this isn't really a game

51 apparently. Fuck you Dr Kawashima!

Eh, I should probably try it more but idk

unironically love this game, great de-stressor that always makes me feel better. and with sudoku mode, it's basically two games in one.

does this meaningfully help your brain? probably not - at least, not any more than most simple puzzles. however, I am a competitive gremlin and being told "good job" after banging out The Maths at good speed is nice. (also, my brain-straining faces are good entertainment value for friends)

If you have the first there's no real reason to play this but it's still fun to check in every once in a while and see Dr. Kawashima be upset you left him alone for over a year.

this game is the reason why im so fucking smart

Ahead of its time, a mobile game before mobile games were a thing (in a good way). Very charismatic floating head.