Reviews from

in the past

This shmup is mid as fuck but it has hot anime girls in it so I'm intrigued to come back to this eventually.

I'm not the biggest shmup person but I had fun with this while it lasted. It also kinda just ends with little fanfare. I was expecting something a little more, especially since the final boss was probably the easiest.

I kinda wish I had more to say, but it's just kinda generic with nothing really going for it - oh well.

A short and mediocre shoot em up that can be played in either a vertical or horizontal mode, which probably explains why the screen size doesn't feel appropriate in either mode.

Dull enemies and bosses, ugly backgrounds that can conceal enemy attacks, and weapon pick ups that you can use together to fairly quickly clear but lack any feeling of punch to them.


Amateurish. They took the easiest way out for every ounce of bullet & enemy program implementation and it shows. Odd right-angle spread shots, poor shot visibility, a lack of any meaningful powerups, cheapshot frame 1 lasers, and a bevvy of other obnoxious and disinteresting design choices.

It's funny how much of its merit rests on being an Anime Fanservice game, yet it's the tamest shit imaginable. Imagine living in the 90's and being so desperate, you buy this for a few stills of girls in backless unitards sitting in a cockpit. I say this in 100% earnest: I would respect it more if it went shamelessly horny instead of just being a bad game with a half-dozen stills thoughtlessly shoved in.

Dropped it after savestating my ass into a gameover on level 4.