Reviews from

in the past

the vibes and storytelling sustained my interest in this one all the way through, which is rare, but even rarer for a game that i would still describe as not being particularly well written or voiced. story and writing are different things, though, and the story was compelling, and the game felt good to play, limited as it is mechanically. i didn't want to write a thing with caveats, i had a ton more thoughts about this game a week ago when i finished it, but i dragged out on it, so i feel myself bailing out now. this is a worthy little game, though

a cyberpunk flying car simulator where you play as a delivery girl on her first night in the big city, going around delivering packages from one place to another while many strange events that you have no control over take place around you, as the game tells the story of the city rather than your character with good visuals, atmosphere, voice acting, soundtrack.
the game can be finished in ~8 hours which fits with it taking place over 1 night.

A very pleasant little adventure, and an indie game made with a lot of passion. The story is quite alright and some nice ideas are in place. In many ways it's a walking simulator, where you go from place to place with a lot of conversations on the way.

The voice acting is not always up to snuff, but that's a minor complaint. Looking forward to see where this dev team will go from here (and to the expansion)

La verdadera Cyberpunk experience del 2020

This review contains spoilers

30 de Diciembre. Arranco el juego sin muchas pretensiones, tan solo para pasar el rato y divertirme un poco abstrayéndome de la realidad para variar. Es tu primera noche como repartidora para una empresa de dudosa legalidad llamada Cloudpunk y al principio todo bien pero cada vez te ves mas envuelto en situaciones que no tendrías por que entrometerte en ellas por tu trabajo.

Me lo he pasado bastante bien con el juego de marras, desde la toma de pocas decisiones que tienes, conducir por la ciudad de Nivalis, mantener el vehículo etc.

He disfrutado tanto esta mierda que lo que iba a ser una sesión de juego corta acabaron siendo 8 horas. Literalmente dejé de jugarlo tras acabarlo el 31 de Diciembre a las 6 de la mañana.

Pros: Beautiful environmental art, character portraits, and music
Cons: bad character models, voice acting, and story unfortunately

First game beat on the Steam Deck!

Es un juego que me cuesta mucho recomendar o decidir si es bueno.
Por una lado, es bastante tedioso ya que la mecánica de juego principal es desplazarse de un punto A a un punto B. Estamos todo el tiempo en la calle y el transito no reacciona de ninguna manera y ni siquiera hay una penalización por no seguir las rutas, podés usar tu auto volador para sobrevolar las casas y evitar el tráfico, porque al final en una distopia Cyberpunk solo los giles Siguen el camino.
Sin embargo es un juego con tanto corazón ,tanto para contar. Es un placer desviarse del camino y la historia principal y pararse a escuchar lo que cada NPC tiene para decir, es un juego lleno de contenido en ese tipo, de historias y misiones secundarias que profundizan tu relación y conocimiento de la cultura e historia de la propia ciudad en Decadencia.
La idea de una Super Inteligencia Artificial Senil me parece maravillosa, No solo es Senil porque tiene muchos años, sino porque su codigo se volvió ilegible y está lleno de parches sobre parches para que aguante un poco más a pesar de que el problema es Estructural y ya nadie sabe como resolverlo de Raiz.
Si buscás un juego tranqui sin dificultad alguna para quedarte inmerso en una linda historia llena de contenido, te lo recomiendo ampliamente, si buscás un gameplay más interactivo que te de libertad y expresión, quizá no sea el juego que estás buscando.

my initial reaction was: my god this city is a nightmare. and just a few minutes of flying car traffic with a flying machine that behaved neither like a car nor an airplane wanted to make me tear my hair out. the entire game is just fetch questing with random A or B choices woven in. by the end, I simply found it to be far too tedious.

Cool aesthetic, interesting plot and characters. Driving gameplay gets a bit stale too early unfortunately. Hoping to come back to it someday!

Decently cool aesthetic, good flight controls and an intriguing premise but the main protagonist is just so unbearable and devoid of emotion, and the story is just so uninteresting and really badly written.

I pushed through to the end, and it really just wasn't worth it. The only real positive I can say about this was that it was sort of relaxing just flying around and going from point A to point B

Don't see myself playing the DLC

A estética cyberpunk, os personagens e a história são muito bons. A gameplay deixa muito a desejar. O veículo sempre parece estar com o freio de mão puxado e as movimentações laterais se equiparam a uma Scania (à la Euro Truck Simulator).

Ha sicuramente dei difetti, ma ha ottime basi e ho amato il mood

Short and sweet cyberpunk taxi driving adventures.

writing is pretty good and it has style, i just wish it also had any kind of gameplay.

Good game with a lot more to say that I expected. The actual experience of playing was pretty zen, most of the time. The only place it really falls short is the ending, but that's hardly enough to ruin it.

A fairly short game with a nice story and really nice aesthetics.

Una maravilla de juego donde las decisiones tienen un papel importante, así como los personajes secundarios. Me ha flipado cada encargo y cada diálogo que Rania tenía con Camus❣y con los demás.
La Bso y Voxel me han encantado
Ampliaré esto cuando juegue al DLC ^^

This is a charming but ultimately forgettable little game. The gameplay isn't deep and the side content is completely trivial, but the main story is solid and the presentation and worldbuilding is great. There's something surprisingly peaceful about driving a flying car through a dystopian megacity, it's just a shame the game doesn't do a bit more with the premise.

Night Call shows us Paris in the present day. Neo-Cab takes place in a not-exactly-distant neon future. Cloudpunk takes place in a time inconceivable to us. But each story is the same: the way things are is utterly fucked. People are stratified and kept in their place in society not by choice, indeed often by force, and with no other options. Those above dump their refuse and bad decisions on those below. Class solidarity is suppressed because everyone up to a certain point is “just trying to make ends meet” and the poisoned system is allowed to metastasize to a point of unsustainability. In the process our friends and family get hurt or killed and nobody bothers to notice. Even our very unimportance is leveraged against us by everyone from our real-world bosses threatening to fire us, knowing we need the job more badly than they need us, to the shady deuteragonists in the kinds of narratives games like Night Call and Cloudpunk employ.

I might just be sleeping badly.

jogar isto numa nintendo switch portátil é a morte da minha visão

Next to zero skill required. It's essentially a tarted up walking simulator.

This game really impressed and influenced me Should play it again soon

There is a dog in the game, what else do you want

The community development gang was pretty swell

Indieperle, die mehr aus der Story hätte rausholen können. Aber sehr nice Idee!

Una linda demo de manejar desde el punto A al B. A las 2 horas se vuelve insoportable, y dura alrededor de 8.

An interesting concept with an infuriating gameplay loop and irritable writing. Game is much better when ur high and listening to the downward spiral by nine inch nails and speeding into traffic