Reviews from

in the past

A nostalgic entry that I recently got to replay. Not the same as I remember but the co-op factor adds a lot.

Playing this co-op as a kid probably elevated it in my mind as a much better game than it actually was

Amazing couch co-op game. A lot of cool little details in this game. Using night vision visibly equips it on your character, as you progress through the mission the time of day changes, and this game has dynamic music when the action kicks up. Tanks were genuinely terrifying and super fun to take out. This one holds a lot of nostalgia.

Who's gonna win?
A whole platoon of Iraqi soldiers VS 4 Cockney soldiers

A good game and enjoyable even though the later parts of the game is just swarm with respawning enemies.

A game I've played through multiple times and cannot get enough of, along with one of the few I've beaten on the highest difficulty. I attempted to play it on PS2 and it is immensely frustrating and flat out horrendous there, but couldn't get enough of it on PC.

Excellent as a co-op title on the Playstation 2. Slow, considered, and tactical gameplay that really emphasises and rewards teamwork making for a really strong 2 player experience.

Different skillsets of the 4 party members adds a lot of character and creates genuine emotional investment.

Level design is strong, tone is excellent, although the story is somewhat forgettable - be the good guys, win the war?

A shame that the Steam version is single player.

Every once in a while I think about the part in the tutorial where the drill sargent shouts "CLIMB THOSE LADDERS!"

Holy fuck as a kid I remember having to take hours to complete the first mission. Why in the actual fuck in a coop game do u make one player sit in jail while the other goes to rescue you with no ability to do anything as the incarcerated player??? Horrible controls and AI as well makes this seriously one of the worst games of all time.

this is the first game i'ver played in my life

Genuinely has one of the coolest co-op moments where in the first mission you have to rescue your co-op partner, wish more games experimented with something like that

Goddamnit soldier, you’re a one man killing machine. That's superb marksmanship.

Played this together COOP with my dad. Hell of an experience, and tons of memories I won’t forget. I remember once that I cut the wire to my dad’s game cube controller to troll him playing this game.

Madly janky game with some laughable graphics, but still somehow offers a fun fireteam based experience. Play on higher difficulties for the real deal!

Easily my personal favourite game. I have many a memories playing this with my brother as we grew up. It's replay ability along with the co-op is brilliantly gelled. Even today almost 2 decades after its release I still find the game to be one of the most enjoyable play through to date. I couldn't fault this game if I tried. It's just a full on Nostalgia fuel for me and it'd take some beating to be topped.

Rating - 10/10

I used to play this with my dad as a kid. The co-op was so fun— and I loved the command system. However, I do think the most fun comes from killing your teammates or failing the mission. You get a bootleg replacement of the characters when you do. (Connors for Rollins)