Reviews from

in the past

Fazer o final ruim é muito fácil e pode ser desestimulante. O jogo possui um design antigo que tem uma orientação e direcionamento um pouco ruim pros dias de hoje, mas é notável que o design era um dos melhores na época.

minigame da parede é imbecil, chefes são bons, mas demoram demais pra morrerem as vezes

Le plus beau jeu de la console mais affreusement dur.

I liked the exploration but found the level design to be lackluster.

Apertar start nunca foi tão divertido

Nice level design, nice (if rigid), controls, wonderful artstyle, pretty cool bosses, and neat collectables. This game is pretty good, though you practically need to 100% it to get full enjoyment. My main problem with it is probably game being too easy if you know what you're doing but I admittedly haven't tried any self imposed challenge.

mejor que el ghost n goblins añañañaññaña

Already played the game with little to no Saves and Rewinds but now i did with just none of it. and in the right order i should have done before

yeah i like it way more

As it is one of the last games for the SNES, it really gets everything out of the console technically, especially graphically. The sprites look fantastic and the levels are beautifully designed. The game also has no end of atmosphere, especially for an SNES game it was very dark. I really enjoyed the gameplay itself, and Firebrand's different abilities complement each other well. Unfortunately, you have to do a lot of backtracking during the rather short duration of the game to find the various transformations and other items. Unfortunately, there are no clues as to where anything else might be hidden, which quickly leads to frustration. The level of difficulty is also a bit strange. Sometimes I was stuck on bosses for ages, sometimes, especially towards the end, I defeated bosses with 5 attacks, which didn't feel very balanced. The music was great for the most part, but a bit more variety would have helped here too, especially the boss fight theme really got on my nerves. All in all a good game but I would recommend reading a guide to avoid unnecessary backtracking.

A challenging and often extremely obtuse Super Nintendo platformer. An atmospheric world and thrilling boss battles help to elevate this 1994 Capcom adventure to a slight recommendation for those with a high tolerance for an old-school challenge.

Full Review:

It's going to be a little complicated to evaluate Demon's Crest, but I no longer think it's that wonderful thing that a lot of people point out, for me it's like Banjo Kazooie, it's a good game, not wonderful, not even my favorite, but it works, despite having been part of From my childhood, what about Demon's Crest? well, it's a Megaman either, some bosses are cool, others are meh, some are motherfucking difficult and two are disgracefully unfair, the graphics are pretty but not impressive, and the beginning of the stages is very challenging, but as you go you get items to strengthening the game is calm, but strangely it becomes empty, I don't know after the first stages the game becomes emptier than my soul, but hey, that's actually a positive point due to the lore of you being a lonely demon that absolutely NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU and much less you with them, since the game, as beautiful as it is, lacks a bit of charisma in the characters, I think the only one who can be saved is the crazy person who sits in the village who probably treats you with every transformation of yours as if you were someone else and that's kind of cool, it has a cool replay value too, but I don't think it's enough for me to play it over and over again or miss playing it again, I don't know, after playing the 3 games in the Gargoyle's series, I thought the second is more fun than the first which I don't recommend much and even Crest which isn't bad, it's good, but it doesn't make me think it's an incredible game like a lot of people do.

Demon's Crest is a very unique game for the SNES era. In it, you play as the demon Firebrand, who's on a quest for revenge and ultimate power, which is a stark contrast from what most other games of that era were doing. Also unique is the game's atmosphere, featuring a haunting art style and macabre music.

Gameplay is pretty fun, with the ability to swap between different forms and abilities. However, the game can be extremely frustrating due to its pretty high difficulty so it's a little hard to recommend for those who don't like tough games. Otherwise though, go for it!

MUITO BOM, tem uma estética muito legal. A mecânica de mudar de forma conforme o poder era demais. Nunca tive a fita desse jogo, só joguei em emulador.

Joguei na infância, lembrei que era um ótimo jogo, peguei pra zerar depois de muito tempo, e posso afirmar que está no top 5 melhores jogos de SNES, Ótimo jogo, mas não perfeito, consegue ficar na sombra de Mario World, Super Metroid, Zelda, Chrono Trigger, mas com certeza recomendaria para as pessoas jogarem.
Enredo 8/10: Ótimo enredo, consegue ser consistente e entregar uma boa história, mas não faz tanta diferença entende-la, logo não precisa entender inglês.
Personagens 7/10: Não precisa saber muito dos personagens, e essa nota não significa nada, significa mais o nível de profundidade dos Personagens, mas os 3 mais importantes eles trabalham bem.
Gameplay 9/10: Para um plataformer, ele é tanto bom quanto difícil, precisa lidar muito com a movimentação, até precisa entender o moveset de alguns inimigos (Principalmente os chefes) para passar, pois você vai morrer muito kkkkkk.
Trilha sonora 10/10: Todos do meu top 5 recebem essa nota, com esse jogo não seria diferente, é maravilhoso ouvir aquele começo, que até bate nostalgia, e a "Beyond the Colosseum" no próximo cenário faz a magia, se não tivesse uma trilha sonora tão marcante, com certeza a nota não estaria assim
No geral: Recomendo pra quem gosta de um plataformer difícil com uma gameplay adaptativa (Depois do primeiro mapa do jogo, você pode ir em qualquer fase que liberou, coisa que no Mario de SNES são fases lineares, e que só no mario 3d world que tem, acho isso um charme do game), e quem não gostar do jogo, ouça a trilha sonora, sei que vai gostar de alguma kkkkk

Esse jogo é aquela bebida que só os mais velhos conhecem e cada vez que você a bebe fica melhor.

Honestly I didn't play this much but what I did play was pretty fun. I like it much better than any ghouls and ghost game. Being a bad guy like Firebrand is cool. I need to play this for real soon and give it a better review.

cool game. neat art.
you never see any of the bosses twice.

After a second playthrough, I view this one a little more favorably. I'm still not a fan of where and how some of the items are hidden and at least half the bosses are a little lame, but it's generally a pretty polished game with a great soundtrack.

Jogo muito bom, divertido e difícil, a velocidade do personagem ser lenta me incomoda as vezes, os visuais desse jogo é muito foda, sem falar na trilha sonora que é boa


Fiz o bad ending admito...

This game looks visually impressive af for the SNES. The gameplay is as hardcore as you can get from a Ghost'n Goblins spin-off: 2 hits, dead. Just slightly easier because you can fly with Firebrand, I suppose.

Playing this after the first Gargoyle's Quest feels really nice btw.

I quite enjoyed this game. However, there comes a point in which the path forward becomes very unclear.

If the main character wasn't so slow the game would be much better

waaaaay too short but i love everything else, especially the aesthetic and music.

Derrotei o final boss depois de 3 fases e não sei como pegar o resto das coisas, então foda-se.

Un muy buen juego, con buenos gráficos y una genial banda sonora, jugablemente es muy divertido.