Reviews from

in the past

took me a while but it was worth it.

La primera entrega de Devil May Cry da las bases para lo que seria un nuevo genero, pero en este momento es una Increíblemente solida combinación de elementos de Desafió y Exploración en armonía que se resume en una carta de amor hacia los videojuegos en general.

Classic. Loved the game, although the best character in anything ever doesn't get added until two entries later, which is a shame, but overall, fun time, even if a little dated compared to it's non-immediate sequels.

I thought this game would've been at least somewhat interesting but it's just.... nothing.

Starting the game you get an unskippable, long ass cutscene and then the gameplay just thrusts you in without warning or any idea what to do.

The controls are awful (Triangle to jump, movement changing constantly because the camera is predetermined and unmovable) and you don't get any pointers.

The first level I have no idea what I'm doing, I thought this was a game in which you run from room to room fighting things but all I got was an empty room that I can't look around with janky controls.

I thought this game was good.

Janky as hell, but still neat

Um jogo com um level design muito interessante, ambientação foda, puzzles divertidos, e um combate simples mas que para a época já é uma grande coisa. Porém decai muito por conta de uma câmera merda, e bosses que são chatos e maçantes que se repetem várias vezes.

Yeah IDK, I think the controls were too old and clunky for me.
Couldn't get past it.

Has it's issues but fun all around. Mainly a positive experience.

I played about half of this game, and throughout the tank controls, I found myself to really enjoy it, but I'd have to restart the game at this point

Bom é muito bom esse jogo para época, e de lembrar que era para ser o resident evil 4 kkkkk, eu joguei no easy, não me prendeu muito, mas é bem interessante viu, não jogaria denova, nem lebro oq aconteceu muito, mas tem um pegada bem dark, é um classico! Só achei meio datado para mim, bom jogo!

Imported from my Backloggery:

DMC was a lot worse than expected. It was so light on story that you could never enjoy the camp of the aesthetic. In addition to this, the puzzles were okay, but never worthwhile. In terms of the combat, it was fast and fluid to use, but there were so few combos that you could do in the game. There was very little diversity in bosses and enemies, and the lack of a dedicated dodge button made combat unsatisfying. The game got better toward the end, but not enough to save the experience.

let's rock baby, but not too hard. i'm glad not all action games are EXACTLY like this, but hey this is still pretty dang rockin' to play. some absolutely batshit awesome ui.

Haven't revisited this game since childhood and was surprised with how well it held up. The camera can be frustrating and some of the combat still needs ironing out but still incredibly enjoyable.

showdown with nightmare is probably the worst fight in the whole game

The birth of my favorite action game franchise. It was pure dumb luck that this was one of my first games on the PS2.

The first game has shown its age considerably, but it still is worth playing if you want to get into the series. Just be sure to only play the odd titles (1, 3, and 5). I know some liked DMC4, but that one also left a poor taste in my mouth (especially the 2nd half), and DMC2... we won't even go there...

DMC1 and its main protagonist, Dante, blend together this gothic horror vibe, "Resident Evil feel", sprinkled in some badassery, and just the right amount of "cheese"... some of the voice line delivery in this game is unintentionally hilarious. An old Capcom staple it seems...but the game knows what it is, and has fun with it.

Highly recommended to stick with it though to see its exponentially improved sequels (skip DMC2 though). As it isn't until DMC3 and DMC5 where they absolutely perfect the "stylish action game" genre.

Why are there enemies called fetishes?

Really fun game in spite of some PS2-era clunk in some aspects.

Finalmente sono riuscito a recuperare il capostipite di questa storica serie di Hack'n'Slash targata Capcom.
Già sapevo che non si sarebbe trattato di un gioco story based, quanto più di un gioco di azione pura; la trama è solamente un pretesto, utile per dare un contesto al gameplay, ma ammetto che ha del potenziale.
DMC non dura molto, ma in quelle poche ore sono riuscito a divertirmi abbastanza, senza percepire momenti di stagnazione o ripetitività.
Le combo non sono tante, ma quanto bastano per rendere i combattimenti sempre diversi e da permettere al giocatore di ideare tattiche di approccio differenti a seconda del tipo di nemico da affrontare.
La telecamera fissa, spesso molto ravvicinata, si è rivelata più volte d'intralcio all'azione, in quanto, talvolta, occultava i nemici e nascondeva le loro zone sensibili, costringendo così il giocatore ad attaccare alla cieca. Un altro problema di DMC è rappresentato dai checkpoint, non presenti all'interno delle missioni, anche se molto lunghe e complesse, se non tramite l'utilizzo di un raro consumabile; in pratica, se morivi e non avevi nell'inventario una "pietra gialla", ti toccava ricominciare tutto il livello da capo. Molto in stile arcade.

DMC lo consiglio a chi cerca un gioco d'azione senza molte pretese, da giocare ogni tanto nei momenti morti.
Attenzione però a non sottovalutarlo, perché potrebbe mettervi in seria difficoltà quando meno ve l'aspettate.

devil may run up on a fella the pee ess three baby

A pretty intense and fun beat'em all, with that weird atmosphere that a lot of games of the era had, a very slow start in a deserted area where you're left wondering what you're supposed to be enjoying there.

Cool One-liner Simulator. Truly god tier VA work as well.

Classic Character Action fun, Outdated in some ways, but still a blast and nails it as an entrepreneur of it's genre.

Abosoluta sorpresa, apenas se notan los años que tiene y juego que marcaria la industria.

Me gustó, sentí una gran diferencia con el 3, a mi por lo menos se me hizo más difícil en cuanto a jefes. Se nota una clara ausencia de los estilos, pero no los extrañas tanto la verdad. Sus controles y su cámara son un poco toscos, pero es normal considerando la época en la que salió. Los jefes son repetitivos y la dificultad es pesada. No lo hacen mal juego, pero si se diferencia bastante de su antecesor.

Jogo podre merda e datado, caguei se to sendo injusto com a época dele.