Reviews from

in the past

Music is nowhere near as good as the first game, so ended up being disappointing to me.

was sick as hell being able to play as your xbl avatar back in the day

Dude DJ Hero is so much fun, I hope they make another some day.

DJ Hero 2's still neat.

A lot of the catharsis is lost from the slightly weak input density in the charting (Harder difficulties are more focused on scratching over taps and crossfades) but it's still a delightful experience thanks to its sound design and crossfade remixes.

After excellent first game this was an extreme disappointment, a game that destroyed the whole franchise. While the first game had an phenomenally curated art direction in music and DJ culture, this game was all about expanding it's audience, make more money and to please everybody. It was all over the place, with no clear direction or identity and ended up drastically shrinking it's playerbase, all the way to extinction.

Como el 2, pero con más mecánicas y peores canciones

i only remember liking a couple songs but oh boy were they fun

É praticamente o mesmo jogo, deram uma piorada de leves na playlist mas enfim

god. they were this fucking close. unique style of gameplay in the guitar hero mold, more room for improvisation, an actual career mode, better graphics, cleaner presentation and more fun charts- then the entire plastic controller rhythm game empire collapsed. severely underrated and worth playing, find a way to play the dlc however you can. party hard vs ghostwriter still goes insane.

It's sad that this was the "end" of the Hero series for a while. Improved and cleaned up everything about the first game and was one of my personal favorite rhythm games. This series was super underrated.

DJ Hero 2 makes DJ Hero look like a rough draft, much like Guitar Hero 2 made Guitar Hero before it.

It takes the fundamentals of DJ Hero and iterates on it in little ways, such as adding head to head battles and new gameplay elements such as held scratches and freestyle sections that allow you to crossfade and scratch your own style into the game's fresh set of song mixes. They don't change the base gameplay in huge ways, but make the game feel like the full realization of the rhythm game - Guitar Hero never fully approximated the feeling of playing a guitar, but freestyle crossfading, managing effects, and simulating scratches gets fairly close to what video games can do with rhythm games.

The big way that DJ Hero 2 betters itself is in its presentation; DJ Hero 2 actually has a usable menu interface, and a full career mode that iterates on the setlist driven single player campaign of the original game. This career mode, even though it amounts to little more than tasteful menus to choose set lists from, allows for a real sense of progression as you move through the various cities that the career sends you to on tour. Your stars are tracked as you move from venue to venue with visible progress presented to the player between each setlist. It makes a substantial difference in terms of game feel that makes it a tighter overall experience.

DJ Hero 2 also adds head to head DJ battles, which act as skills checks throughout the career mode; these are like Guitar Hero's Face Off mode, tasking you with defeating various DJs at their own game; mixes are broken up into checkpoints of various lengths. You compete for percentage of notes hit in each checkpoint; the DJ with the most checkpoints won at the end of the song wins the battle. It's a great way to shake up the structure of the gameplay. The expert difficulty battles are especially rewarding to master.

The game's setlist continues onwards from the work that DJ Hero started with a tasteful mix of rap, R&B, pop, and dance music that gets blended together into a series of truly beautiful music experiences. It feels a smidge more mainstream in its sensibilities than the original title, but resonated more deeply with me as a listener; only one DJ Hero has 50 Cent's In Da Club mixed with Lil Jon's Get Low. Cmon now.

At the end of the day, DJ Hero feels like a promise of greatness. DJ Hero 2 IS that greatness.

Incredible track list, control of the mix is truly in your hands, I get the mashups stuck in my head just thinking about them.

la escena del modo historia donde aparecia DeadMau5 sin la cabeza puesta Me Asustó La Mierda Fuera De Mi

mejoras ligeras del gameplay pero los mixes muy caca porque son de cosas más pop/mainstream que no rap/hip-hop como el anterior juego y no molan ni la mitad

This and the first game were the best plastic instrument games ever, and it's an absolute travesty that it got canned after only two games. wicky wicky WAHHHHHHH

A great sequel to the first game with even more tracks and more modes

An insanely creative and promising series that got caught in the crossfire by the oversaturation of plastic instrument games... i hope one day it can come back despite all odds

Great rhythm game from the PS3, wish it has been ported to PS4 so I don't need to have another console to play it.

Best game in the hero series. Satisfying gameplay, great song selection, and a blast to play through. Only thing that could make it better is if the peripheral didn't break so easy. It's not uncommon to open a sealed set and get broken turn tables. The first one I got was broken entirely, and the second had a finnicky FX knob. Once you manage to get a functioning table this game is great.

I owe so much to this games, that's where I got a taste (alongside the first game) for music, and now I'm deep into it. If the controllers weren't very buggy whenever I pick it up I would play it from time to time. I think sometimes about some crazy mixes in this game, like you don't expect the Lil Jon/50 Cent mash to be this challenging, and the Scratch Perverts mix of Galvanize... what a miracle I found it randomly, that changed my life forever

More of the same, I think. I do think the first game has the superior music though, even though I find myself remembering more mixes from this game. Thanks DJ Hero 2 for introducing me to DJ Shadow's Entroducing via Midnight In A Perfect World, still one of my all time favorites to this day.

This is my favorite hero game, I played it so much growing up. I wasn't sure what the consensus was so it's nice to see that other people enjoy it too! I still have my turntables so sometimes I dust off the 360 and jam

sorry to the original but the freestyling adds so much to the core gameplay. even if the aesthetics and tracklist is what i imagine gentrification is like. dlc makes this a four