Reviews from

in the past

Please buy this game. It's so worth anyone's time. It's such a good game with amazing combat, amazing areas, and a cliche but overall interesting story. I can't recommend this enough. If you like games like Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia or just metroidvanias in general, you'll love this game.

One of the ugliest things I've ever seen, and I'm including people. Avoid!

Tried to finish this game twice. Did not succeed. Because it was not interesting enough.

blasted through this game to full clear it before my girlfriend at the time. probably better if you're a furry. pretty good game.

The art direction is what it is, it's not my thing, but it's fine. The gameplay is really fun though, I remember being really impressed by the overall game-feel when this first came out. Never got around to finishing it, but sometimes this goes on sale for like $1, so you might as well give it a go.

The game I keep saying "I keep forgetting to play this" before I try it again for an hour and then dropping it, only to do it again next year.

First played this many moons ago on XBox 360 Arcade, but never finished it. Got it cheap on Steam and blew through it in a few days. Short, but very fun game! The story isn't anything to write home about, it's fine. The art direction is great, it looks like a cartoon you control, kind of like Hollow Knight years before that game came out. The anthropomorphic furries and their big expressive eyes give the whole thing a very Disney vibe. Just make sure you buy it for $10 or under, it's too short (and old) of a game to be worth more than that. I beat it with low 80% completion in just over 8 hours.

A visually stunning game with an amazing soundtrack and a heartfelt story. This game combines the fun of a Metroidvania with the fluidity of a hack & slash game.

Although the late game can get somewhat repetitive, the charming characters and exploration elements dull the tediousness. Wholly recommended.

Nicht immer spaßig aber immer wunderschön.

A content creator I follow described this game as "endearingly cringe" and I think that's a really apt description of this game. Dust doesn't give the best first impression of the bat with its relatively basic storytelling told by a brooding amnesiac protagonist and a shrill voiced companion and to be honest, it doesn't improve much after its initial impression, as its story progresses going through generic beat by beats up until it reaches a somewhat mediocre finale.

I think what's more fascinating about Dust is its developmental story, as it was one of the first notable indie games and it was made in major part by one developer. In that sense, the final result is quite impressive with its lush backgrounds, detailed character animations and solid gameplay.

It reminds me of games I'd daydream about in my head but this one is real. If anything, I do appreciate Dust as the realization of one's passion projects, perhaps giving it more rope than it deserves on its own as a game but I honestly don't feel too much negativity to the time I spent playing the game, sure it wasn't like the most outstanding game I played but there was enough of a solid foundation here to keep me going up until the end of the game.

When I finished Dust, the feeling I got was that I saw the daydreams of the creator and that was kind of inspiring to me. I left the game wanting to follow their example and create the games that exist in my headspace real.

Bom metroidvania com estilo visual fenomenal

This might be my favorite Metroidvania ever.

It was a lot better than I was expecting, this game did not disappoint me at all. Give it a try.

Honestly not the worst, it's short so it doesn't get old fast and the story isn't bad. Combat was pretty fun to play around with as you progressed too.

Loved it, but unfortunately never got to finish it.

A decent metroidvania. Art style might throw you off but really its fine

The art style is not for everyone but the gameplay should be. A solid metroidvania that deserves a little more love.

i dont know why i played this lmaooooooooooooo
edit: now i know why i played it ps its fun

Not the best game ever made, but I'll be damned if it doesn't have heart. If you like metroidvanias at all give it a shot. It's not gonna be the best one you've ever played but certainly not the worst one either.

Absolutely beautiful game, with a fun and engaging combat system.

Metroidvania/Hack n slash game that's great! Story's good and gameplay is so good. Have fun getting as high of a combo as you can.

o jogo q me fez gostar de games plataforma

Esse jogo é um dos únicos motivos que eu encontrei até hoje para rever meu ódio pelos furry's.

Made by one guy so it's pretty impressive, but i'm docking half a star because furry

Não fede nem cheira pra mim, só não me diverte, então dropei, talvez, um dia eu volte pra zerar, mas é pouco provável, bem pouco mesmo.