Reviews from

in the past

I have UFC2 on ps4, and it's a great game except for the massive drawbacks of extremely inconsistent ai and bizarrely unexplained fighting mechanics. Fight Night Champion has the same level of satisfying boxing with none of the awful confusion. It's got a cliche but enjoyable story line, and some of the heaviest most weighted combat I've ever encountered in a game.

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wanted to see what this was like, ended up running through the story in a couple hours; pretty fun to do some punching and such for a bit. and honestly a pretty solid story with really good presentation (though I did skip a few cutscenes cause I just wanted to get on to the fights). when you have to lose to your whiny baby brother, it was so much fun briefly switching roles and blasting him with Frost.

This game was a lot of fun, I don't usually play games like this but the story was fun and punching the shit out of mexican people i can never call that not fun can I?

This game was a joke lol. I mashed buttons and rolled through the story mode easily. Nah, this game is too simple for it's own good.

Nossa! Só de lembrar a existência desse jogo, me faz ficar maluco. Joguei muito contra o meu pai, eu de Ali e ele de Tyson. Extremamente divertido!

A fantastic boxing game that has aged very well.

A história é bem clichê e rápida, mas ótima pra um jogo de boxe, os desafios do jogo enriqueceram mais a gameplay tornando a experiencia mais agradável.

Too many damn fighters locked behind the dlcs. EA-esque...


Finally this fucking game is done i defeated Isaac Frost that mf its been long time good boxing game 9/1

i triiied soo harddd... and got so faarrrr... but in the enddd... it doesn't even maaatterrrr

First Fight Night game I played and it's really good. The Champion Mode is actually really fun, it feels like a classic boxing movie.

The controls can be tricky as the game is very technical(I still don't get how blocking works tbh), but they are very snappy and feel very good. All the punches feel believable, especially for a 2011 game.

Last fight on Champion Mode felt like literal hell, super hard and unfair. Frost's punches felt like cannons any time they connected, didn't really have any fun in this particular fight, I feel like it was not well balanced.

Overall, a pretty fun game and playing with friends must be really good as the fights go on for quite a long time and can be decided in a single punch.

desperdicio de potencial.
o game tem um grafico sensacional, gameplay muito boa, fluída, natural, atores fodas e tal…mas deviam ter construido melhor a historia, algumas lutas acabam ficando meio sem sentido justamente pelo jogo nao te dar background de nada com uma historinha clichezona.
e no final vai toma no cu, oq eu demorei pra passar do frost foi mais que a caminhada ate a ultima missao

Genuinely fun and mechanically deep. It can devolve to button mashing pretty easily but there's a lot of heart in this game. Fun with friends.

not big on these games but i had a decent time on this for how little i played it.

My dad was number 3 in Australia on this at some point

My cousin kicked my ass on this, but it was fun to digitally beat each other the fuck up

Ain't hard to see why this was the Fight Night chosen to be forever immortalized in Xbox backward compatibility. The sweet science in its purest form.

By far the best combat game in history. Still to this day, 13 years later, the graphics are great and the gameplay is unmatched. A more expansive roster where every fighter felt considerably different (in power, cardio, technique) to play as and against would easily have put this into the 5-star category.

Świetna filmowa, krótka fabuła w stylu starych filmów akcji o zemście i bitkach na ringu i w więzieniu. Gdyby FIFY czy inne sportówki miały taką historię, to może bym się nawet nimi interesował. Gra ma nadal żyjące multi, ale prócz paru meczy, gdzie dostałem w ciry się w nie nie zagłębiałem.

Plusy i minusy:
+ cutscenki pomiędzy walkami, świetnie zagrane, wyreżyserowane, klimatyczne. Trochę jak "Champion" z Wesleyem Snipesem, choć jeszcze bardziej przewidywalne i stereotypowe. Ale jakie fajne!
+ niezła muzyka
+ krew i brutalność uderzeń, gdy pozwala na to sytuacja można stosować ciosy poniżej pasa
+ dobry dubbing
+ grafika nadal wygląda całkiem ok i to nie tylko "jak na 10 letnią grę"
+ prosty system walki, który sprawia frajdę. Macham analogiem na lewo i prawo, walę w mordy i czego chcieć więcej
- czasami za mocno gra zmusza by grać tak jak wymaga tego fabuła (np. chcielibyśmy wygrać, ale musimy przegrać tak czy siak)
- powtarzalność kwestii komentatorów i ich częste pomyłki
- trener pomiędzy rundami nie mówi nic sytuacyjnego, zawsze wymawia swoje ogólne hasła ("keep it up!", "use all you got", "we prepared for this" itd)
- ostatnia walka to przesada, nagle podbity w cholerę poziom trudności

This game carried the boxing community for over a decade. Undisputed is on its way to claim that void but I still want EA to release a new installment.

I still have nightmares of Isaac Frost.

The champion mode was great fun, controls and combat was extremely responsive. KOs and replays were done really well and made you feel powerful. Overall the story of Andre Bishop was a simple one but really well done, I would have hoped for a little bit more time to develop especially regarding the second to last fight but was overall interesting. Only detractor would be the final boss, constant restarts takes away from the gravity of the fight.

Arguably the best combat sports game I've ever played. I wish they'd get these guys to develop the new UFC games. Those are shite.

Des barres, le jeu est vraiment cool et ça fait peur à quel point EA a régressé dans le domaine que ça soit le mode histoire ou le gameplay qui est grave bien fait, les sound effects, les visuels, t'as vraiment l'impression d'avoir un giga impact avec tes coups alors que dans UFC 4 par exemple on a un mode carrière fade et on a pas l'impression de faire mal, c'est franchement sympa... jusqu'à Isaac Frost cet enculé 🤣 il est vraiment dur je pense que si j'avais fais le boss en étant enfant j'aurais jamais fini le jeu

This is the best simulation-oriented boxing game ever made by a comfortable margin. That's not really saying much, since boxing is the rare sport that has never really been well-served in the world of games (outside of Punch-Out!!). The only complaint I really have about Champion is that its default roster was pretty weak, but luckily, its create-a-fighter mode helped with that. It has some niggling flaws - nearly every fight ends in a knockout - but I've played hundreds of hours of this game in the past, and I expect to play many more in the future. This is not because it's some sort of masterpiece, but because it's the best game in the space, and there isn't going to be a better one in the foreseeable future.

Loses half a star cuz my friend is constantly busting my ass in it.