Reviews from

in the past

A pretty fun entry, I thought the job system and story were great, but nothing makes me despise this game more than the final stretch of the game. Up until that point, I'd had fun with the challenges in the game, and I don't remember the grind being too bad.

But then you REALLY hit the bullshit wall.

So, after getting the Earth Crystal when you clear the Ancients' Maze, you then get access to Syrcus Tower. And god damn, if this wasn't one of the absolute most bullshit difficulty spikes I'd ever experienced in a videogame, ever. I ground for hours, changed jobs, ground some more, and would still get absolutely stomped in just the first floor of the tower.

I dropped this game after that and I never intend to go back to it.

FFIII is a solid turn-based jrpg, but that's about all it is. I don't remember anything about the story and while the job system is fun, it's much better done in more modern games.

Was a really harsh introduction to JRPG's for me.

Solo recuerdo el traje de mago blanco con orejas de gato.

I played a bit of this on PC and I was liking it but the graphics weren't so hot and something about the controls & UI rubbed me the wrong way so I tried it on my Galaxy S10+ and it was a lot better. Clearly the UI was made for a touch screen especially with the use of zooming in and it looks rather clean on my phone than my laptop.

First play through - 36h36m19s
I was given three stars

Important tips the game doesn't tell:
You can group heal & attack with white & black magic spells. When you select the spell, look at the top right hand corner and press all.

Higher overall level is more important than job level because it determines more how many spell charges and damage you do.

It was a decent Final Fantasy. It had the job system, which is neat.

Would've gotten a 4 easy if the Crystal Tower wasn't so unforgiving but besides that, it's a classic NES RPG with some graphical & story/character updates.

Perhaps too simple for some but personally, I found it extremely charming.

Recommended if you're up for a challenge & more than a little grinding.

peca na história e nos personagens que são bem fodase, mas eu AMO o sistema de jobs e esse jogo é a introdução desse conceito. Crystal Tower = 🖕🖕🖕

Abandoned as I was getting my ass kicked in an area where I could not grind to level up. Will probably give it another try in the future as I make my way through every Final Fantasy canonical episode...

This was my first Final Fantasy game! Good introduction to the series and the job system was fun enough but there's not really anything that would make me want to revisit it.

kinda sucks compared to the og, dropped after around 7 hours i cba

I mean, I can see why this one came to the west last, but it has a job system, so it isn't ALL bad.

The DS version can go fall off a cliff

I think I got to the Water Crystal and then dropped it. I like the job system, but can't groove with spell charges. Not that fun.

A great installment in the franchise that takes you on a wonderful journey of adventure and discovery. As you discover multiple locales, you also experiment with the game's signature Job Class system, which lets you customize the growth and specialties of your party members however you please.

This has been fun so far. I hope I finish it!

Ia dar 3,5 pelo mesmo motivo que o Final Fantasy I. Domina o básico extremamente bem e é uma experiencia muito divertida. O problema desse aqui é o level design que peca bastante.

It wasn't doing much for me. Don't like having to force my characters into roles.

Didn't finish cuz final dungeon with no save point

bloated and deeply unfair remake of a game that could really very some more love. one of my favorite world maps too.

Probably the most fun FF to play and to be the entry point for a layman of the franchise.

Back in the early 2000s, Square-Enix was set on remaking and rereleasing the classic Final Fantasy games to a newer audience onto newer consoles with Final Fantasy I + II being remade for the Gameboy Advance as well as Final Fantasy III and IV being remade later onto the Nintendo DS. However, whereas Dawn of Souls reimagined the original two with gorgeous 16-bit pixel art, the latter two were plagued with awkward 64-bit polygonal models as well as blurry textures.

Prior to the remake, Final Fantasy III had only been available in Japan with it being released solely on the Famicom in 1990. So the fact that they were localizing this classic game in English offered a fantastic opportunity to deliver a once hidden gem to a Western audience that otherwise couldn’t experience it through legal means.

Final Fantasy III truly was a milestone in the franchise, being the first to introduce the job-changing system that would influence not only its own series in the future but many JRPGs going forward. So it was definitely a shame that so many gamers missed out on it for 16 years. Luckily, the DS remake kept many of these original mechanics intact with a few quality-of-life changes particularly in the inventory management departments. But keep in mind, Final Fantasy III was still a simple, straight-forward NES era JRPG and the DS remake keeps everything under the hood the same albeit with a new 64-bit coat of paint.

It’s this new coat of paint that I have a problem with. The crude polygonal character and environmental models as well as the blurry, shaky textures don’t hold a candle up to the gorgeous original pixel art on the Famicom. This is especially noticeable when you compare the new boss models with the original boss sprites that adapt Yoshitaka Amano’s breathtaking concept art into brilliant 8-bit pixels. These bosses also tower over your small fighter sprites making these battles feel like a real undertaking. In the remake, the bosses feel like uninspired and vague recreations of the pixel art, not to mention the size difference is much less staggering. The chibi style given to the character models is a cute art decision but isn’t quite enough to make any battle feel particularly menacing apart from the actual turn-based combat that was still quite standard for that era.

The DS remake did a great service by getting Western audiences closer to a complete catalogue of FF games but trying to bust out those Nintendo DS graphics on an NES-era Final Fantasy game seemed like overkill and a disservice to the artstyle as a whole. Imagine had they focused on doing all new pixel art using the DS’s graphical power based on Amano’s original artwork in the same vein that Dawn of Souls had done, this remake wouldn’t have been such a chore to look at. The game does offer an opening cutscene in full CG which is a great touch but perhaps a few more would have helped in bringing the entire world to life especially during important scenes like breaking through the boulder in the beginning or getting shot down over Saronia. It also can’t be stressed enough, though, that the localization does a great job in breathing life into some of these side characters, adding some flavor in an otherwise standard “Four Heroes of Light must go and save the world from an Evil Darkness” kind of story.

If you want an officially translated version of Final Fantasy III to add to your collection, definitely seek out this remake. If you are looking to experience how the game was meant to be experienced, it might be worth seeking out a translated rom of the original as Final Fantasy III for the DS doesn’t offer much besides a serviceable, totally legal remake of the original.

De todos os final fantasy que joguei esse é sem dúvidas um deles. É um bom jogo, mas só penso nele negativamente graças a conquista da steam "JACK OF ALL TRADES".

Eh, it's an ok old-school remake by the end of the day. I got more fun towards the end where I finally got the most op summons and jobs (even if everyone hated the Crystal Tower).

No es mal juego pero tampoco la panacea. Final Fantasy III destruye los elementos de Final Fantasy II y mejora la fórmula de Final Fantasy con el sistema de trabajos para traernos un título divertido, pero insuficiente y con varios problemas de desarrollo en la historia, pese a que esta edición expande la vida de los personajes.

Amazing NDS remake.
Job system makes it considerably better than the 2 previous games.