Reviews from

in the past

minus half a star for that cringe-y laughing scene hahahaha.

Little grindy in certain areas that I didn't like but overall a very good and comfy ps2 rpg

shit got me crying man
fuck you seymour and fuck that sin battle though

The entry for the PC port bundles X and X-2 together so I'm using this one for it.

This is the first Final Fantasy game that after finishing made me think "damn I want to replay this already", the turn order and rock/paper/scissor combat system is such a natural evolution from the ATB system that makes the game just so much more fun because it gives you control of everything that happens while still facing an adequate challenge.
I also love the sphere grid because it's a cool way to add variety in your builds.
I feel like the only real flaws this game has are the PC ports jankyness, the fact that menus are not able to be scrolled fast and that some areas feel pretty barren, but these are so minor and overwhelmed by the great story and my favorite gameplay in the series that they are null in my eyes.
On a side note the arranged music is amazing, with tracks like "Assault" being an absolute standout.
Amazing game and great entry point if you need a feel for the modern FF games.

A timeless wonderful story with a perfect ending complemented by great turn based mechanics

Final Fantasy X might be one of the most linear FF games but it makes up for it with a story that has stood the test of time to be the best. Most of the characters are fleshed out incredibly well and its the game in the series to sell the romance. The great soundtrack is one of Uematsu's best, really punctuates the great story moments, To Zanarkand being one of the most meloncholic yet unforgettable songs. Combat is great, having a order timeline and the ability to swap party members mid battle introduces a ton of flexibility. Blitzball is alright, not as good as previous card games but it fits into the world so well. The only thing i dislike is the sphere grid, normally its a fine way to "level up" stats but going for the plat it becomes a real chore to fill it out completely. Otherwise the games still a Masterpiece.

Final Fantasy 10/10
Fuck squenix for this awful remaster/port

Deep and fun combat system, heartbreaking story and epic plot.

One of my favorites in the series.

Really enjoyed this, didn't even look at the grind that post-game would be. Great story and journey all throughout.

A perfect story and combat system that I felt were severely hindered by some parts like frustrating world design (constant random encounters and corridor routes made exploration tedious) and making every music track in the game amazing outside of the boss theme, which you hear a LOT. The second half became a massive slog with the grinding. I dunno, maybe I was doing it wrong.

FF 10 is the most overrated numbered entry in the Final Fantasy series.

Story has engaging beats, but in general its just walking to this one place.

Characters are very one note with the 2 notable exceptions being Yuna and Tidus, but thats not new to FF. Most characters in most games dont get properly developed.

The combat and exploration are the worst offenders to make this game just not fun. The "explporation" are just the same corridors over and over with a puzzle here and there to try to cut down the monotony. The combat is easy but battles, more so bosses, just drag forever.

It is an okay game, overall. What it does is middling, and it doesnt do much beyond that. Completely undeserved of the high praise it gets.

......Fuck, man, some of you be talking about this game like it cured your mom's cancer and shit. This?! Really?!

Compre el Remaster en su día para PS3 y fue una mierda con temas que faltaban en el juego.

Volví a comprar años después el Remaster para PC y... Sigue siendo una mierda pero con los temas restaurados al menos.

If cutscenes were skippable it would get that missing half star because I've spent too many hours of my life watching the pre-Yunalesca fight cutscene.

Could have been a "perfect" game a la Chrono Trigger if not for a few major flaws. Although some of the digital "acting" is a bit stilted, the writing and voice acting convey a compelling narrative and I formed a strong connection to each character. The battle and leveling systems are tactically engaging without being overly granular. Many of the boss battles are masterfully crafted, and most of the major setpieces hold up very well. Unfortunately much of the game is plagued by dated and clunky JRPG mechanisms like obscure missables, frequent random encounters, and impossibly-hard minigames. The cloister puzzles are so tedious (even with a walkthrough on-hand) that it truly boggles the mind that they were included in the final product. I stopped shortly before the final boss because a generic enemy wiped my over-leveled party at full HP with a dying attack, setting me back almost an hour's progress. I will watch the final hours online and definitely try out FFX-2, but I really hope some of the above issues are addressed.

Tidus dad is an asshole and Tidus is a goober.

While i love parts of X the full experience is often lacking and the cast ain't really my jam, but I did enjoy this entry a lot followed by 10-2 in the same package which i think has an amazing gameplay system for the series I wish would return again.

[thru tears] yeah it's an ok game i guess

I love this game so much! Everything is perfect!

Madrileños turisteando en la Galicia profunda

Another blonde swordwielding himbo has been taking most of my free time so there's no way I'm finishing what's left of this in the coming weeks so I'll just say: love FFX. Had I done the main story and not much else, it would have been very close to perfect!

Unfortunately, the postgame was made by insane people for insane people. Everyone complains about the asenine minigames to get the Celestial Weapons but holy fuck, why did they feel the need to add unskippable superbosses in places you need to go to also get those weapons? Sure, it's possible to get these items during a very small window of time where you don't have to face them but you'd need a guide open during every waking moment. Even so, the particular bosses are more of a battle of endurance than anything else. It's just not worth the grind. I'd still like to actually 100% it but in an eventual replay I'd rather just play the original version with less superbosses and allegedly better faces.

I don't mind linearity in games, I in fact welcome it compared to the asinine amount of open world games we've had in the past 8 years. I was expecting something like God of War 2018 where it was linear with a bit of openness but no. Barely any side paths to take from what I remember, the only way to truly grind was to keep moving forward. Felt claustrophobic. Might pick it back up but definitely not anytime soon.

I have only played X yet and I am stuck at the final boss fight. Other than that, Final Fantasy X is a phenomenal experience with an intriguing story and a tight battle system.

Between the incredible story, the themes that get fully explored , the characters who get full arcs and the deep and complex combat system, Final Fantasy X becomes one of the best games I've ever played.

This is the first mainline Final Fantasy game i've completed as im writting this (18/02/2024) and i dare to say that this game is the perfect one to introduce people into the series. it has a more normal turn based combat system compared to other games in the franchise, has memorable characters and a great story that has feels all over it. a masterpiece of a game that everyone should play.

eu poderia escrever um texto com infinitas linhas pra falar o quanto esse jogo é especial, mas vou resumir em duas palavras

Eschewing the active time battle system for a more refined rock-paper-scissors turn-based combat system, I found this to be the most engaging and enjoyable of the final fantasy titles for gameplay.

The story is simple and well executed with compelling and believable characters. the voice acting is fine, the voice direction is appalling...

Overall a tight package that feels as refined as you'd expect given the series' reputation.