Reviews from

in the past

o jogo tem slowdown a cada 1 seg
sendo q o primeiro com menos sprite funciona melhor
mas pelo menos tem mais animação

Joguei c Maria do emulador SNES play 2, curtim. Friendly fire mata d+

substantial improvement over Final Fight 2, much faster gameplay and expanded movesets for characters are all great, presentation is also slightly better, the spritework is more unique and so is the music this time around.

it also has more variety as well, branching paths and multiple endings allows for some replay-value unlike the first and second games.

it still lacks the fast paced action and slick presentation the first Final Fight on the Arcade is going for but this game feels way better than the predecessor in almost every way if we are comparing straight home console beat'n ups.

Do dash cancel infinites as a girl who pronounces it "Cawfee." Clearly the greatest game ever made.

Final Fight 3 is a big improvement over the previous games in the franchise.

First of all, we've got four characters to choose from, each with their own unique moveset and multiple special moves. I can't believe I'm saying it, but this game actually has more than just one special move; not only that, but you can also run if you double tap the forward button and do a backflip if you double tap the forward one to avoid enemy attacks. You can also do a super special move that can completely destroy enemies once your gauge bar is full with a combination of buttons. It's kind of hard to pull off, but it's really satisfying when you do.

It's not fantastic, but it makes the game genuinely enjoyable. Enemy variety has also been improved, and there's an actual sense of strategy on how to approach every wave of enemies since they all behave differently.

It still gets repetitive after a while, the bosses are nothing to write home about, and the level design is as bland as it gets, but the additions do make for a better, truly enjoyable game.

So, yeah, I liked this one quite a bit. If I ever feel the need to play one game in the series again, it's definitely going to be this one.

Better than the other 2 because of Haggar's ponytail.

¡Joder! ¡Hay motion inputs! ¡Y supers!

Rejogando essa obra prima agora com meu mano @orocher, tenho que citar que so agora pude notar que os gráficos melhoraram do segundo jogo para esse, além de algumas mecanicas e golpes que pra mim deram um grande upgrade.

Agora o ponto máximo do jogo vai pra trilha-sonora, a musica que toca no final do Dean é uma demonstração de qual f0da era a CAPCOM nos anos 90. TRUE GOAT 🐐

she final on my fight 3!!!! Three fucking times!!!!

A big step up from 2 but still not as good as 1. All 4 characters feel good and have a lot of unique moves. The enemy roster is some how more forgettable then 2 and by the end of it you will never want to see Dirk or Arby again in your life. Health drops also seem to hard to come by, but its okay cus the game is really easy with super lenient check points.

Beat 'em-ups tend to be monotonous and can become quite boring if they go on too long. This game alleviates that issue by giving a short but fun experience. Final Fight is one of the best Beat 'em-up franchises and this installment continues to enhance the gameplay. Mike Haggar is one of the greatest Beat 'em-up characters of all time and is super fun to play with. Overall this is a fun game that does its job and doesn't stick around too long.

Another great Beat'em up and polished gameplay to enjoy

Bom demais, um dos melhores desse gênero da época. A possibilidade de ir por caminhos diferentes e cada personagem ter uma habilidade única fez eu gostar bastante dele.

Esse é o que eu menos gosto da trilogia. Mesmo com tudo mais avançado e mais desenvolvido, é o mais fácil e o mais sem graça.

Aguante Dean, y aguante el pelo de Haggar

É melhor que street of rage 3(não que isso signifique alguma coisa)

Dean saved us in one mini-game and then wandered off of a building at the end of the game and was never seen again.

Jogando jogos que o Velberan não cala a boca sobre pra poder entender os papo #4

de novo melhor que o anterior, gameplay não é imediatamente tão mais interessante assim mas adicionaram boas funcionalidades que vão fazendo sentido conforme tu joga

as musicas tao mt fodas

haggar dnv, pq sim é o mais foda

Another great sequel in the trilogy, introducing ass kicking player ladies continue with Lucia this time, another great memorable babe. I quite dig Haggar's design here and return of Guy! Gee, why did the devs decide to make Cody get thrown into jail in SFA anyway? Oh well, either way, this is another good one, in some aspects I prefer its variety and how the game feels better, feels less bullshitty but I might be misremembering. But in some places FF2 felt better. Unlike SOR, I don't have a clear preference or fav in this trilogy but these are all fun in their own way.

Comparado ao Final Fight 2, esse aqui trouxe muita evolução, como o dash e ataques especiais, o jogo bem mais rápido e fluido, além da volta do Guy. Não rejoguei o 1 ainda mas pelo que me lembro é o melhor dessa trilogia.

basicamente minha review é a msm de @gabsofc

US SNES version on a Wii emulator using the Tatsunoko vs Capcom Arcade stick.

I played through this as Haggar, not sure if it was on Normal or Easy, but I saw the ending without using all the credits you’re given. The graphics are solid but unspectacular, what music is there is good (heavy basslines) but the three main themes are overused throughout the game. Even the last boss didn’t get a new theme! Gameplay was pretty good I thought. Haggar is a lot more swift in movement than in Final Fight 1 for the SNES which I tried briefly beforehand. He had a good variety of moves such as throws, dash attack and supers.

This is probably the best Final Fight game. Gameplay is great, though enemy designs still don't top the first one.

Great beat'em'up that i find myself coming back to play all the time. Every character feels fun and the inclusion of super moves was really neat and innovative. Each character feels fun and has a special move and a variety of throws that allow for decision making in combos that you didnt really have in Final Fight 1/2.

Best of the trilogy but honestly that's not saying much as the series is very bog standard.

Law and Disorder is one of the hardest songs on the SNES