Reviews from

in the past

With Fortnite making its way over to UE5, this chapters takes an entirely new aesthetic in graphics along with a brand new map. Right off the bat this installation gave us a great new Battlepass, along with plenty of new and refreshing features.

Motorcycles - Extremely fun and versatile form of rotation. Having your friends piggy-back whilst you ride without steering as you are reading to pump someone in the face is euphoric.

Lootpool - Here I thought EPIC was running out of ideas, I suppose not. The Ex-Calibre rifle is fantastic for those with accurate aim, its a mix of a boom-sniper and an AR. There are so many fresh takes on old weaponry with unique abilities. Speaking of, this season has specific perks that are unlockable during each match, similar to League of Legends. Each perk is balanced and well thought out to make gameplay, especially co-op, exciting again.

Map/POI - With the destruction of the last island, everyone has bound together to form a new one. Chapter 4's map feels slightly larger and is riddled with large biomes to roam. However there is plenty of room here to add more POI in the near future. Flag points, Ice-lakes, slipstreams, shockwave jellies, all are fantastic additions to the map. My two only complaints would be some of the cliff-faces are pretty nasty if you aren't paying attention and the fact there is no weather system anymore. This would have elevated gameplay to a 10/10.

This season literally killed one of my friend groups

I was really weirded out by how Chapter 3 ended. It ended after 4 seasons and concluded with a really bland and boring event. I had doubts about Chapter 4 but thankfully they delivered hard.

Firstly the battle pass; As a woman enjoyer, I absolutely loved a good amount of these cosmetics in the battle pass. They're all cute and also THE FUCKING DOOMSLAYER IS IN IT.

Gameplay wise this is refreshing as hell. The new gimmicks were really fun, such as the augments adding a bit of depth to the gameplay.
One thing that really strained me was the beginning grind. Early on Epic decided it was a good idea to make weekly quests limited time, meaning whenever the next set of quests came out, poof! It put a lot of FOMO onto the player and not to mention the god damn midseason drops, which required you to level up. This was not retroactive in anyway, so if you were level 200 when it came out, you still had to level up.

That was the final straw for me and combined with burnout from playing all of chapter 3. I quit for a bit before coming back to finish it all off

Overall, a bit of a rocky season but it still was a solid season and a good start to the chapter. Let's hope season 2 delivers!

I'm very mixed on this season. I think that the beginning was extremely strong, with great additions such as hurdling, augments, the My Hero Academia collab, and Winterfest (although Winterfest wasn't that amazing this past year, it was still notable). However, as time went on, this season just began to completely fall apart. It was evident that some things were just genuinely broken, with so many features (including the aforementioned hurdling) being vaulted only to either never return or return months later. I really think they planned this season poorly and loaded up the first month with an insane amount of content and made up the rest as they went along, including the very thematically out-of-place heist event later in the season. It was still enjoyable for the first month and towards the end, but the large barren gap with no content in the middle really hurt this season gameplay-wise, and I just began to grow really tired of it. The Battle Pass was good, though. Geno, Doomguy, and Geralt are all top-tier skins. But overall I think this season could've been way better, especially as our introduction to the new chapter.

This season was a lot of good and a lot of bad. Extremely buggy on release, parkour is one of the worst additions they've added to the game (which they thankfully removed pretty early on), and don't get me started on the hammer, you practically needed it to win. They also butchered weeklies by making them limited to that week, which is pretty dumb considering that Epic recently had a lawsuit over abusing post cost fallacy, and the weeklies weren't even that good to warrant the limited time. Thankfully they fixed it, but it really shouldn't have been a problem in the first place. The midseason drops were also pretty bad, there was one good skin and it was the final one for Nezumi. However, I will definitely say that on the same coin, augments are one of the best additions they've made to the game. It made the game feel less like the sweat fest that it already is, even by a little. They started off with some good augments and some bad, but later in the season, they just kept adding better and better augments. The battle pass was a bit of a drag to go through and I'm personally not a fan of it, but for that final glider, it was definitely worth it. The superskins are also great too, but by that point, I was really tired of the game and just decided it wasn't worth it, but I definitely don't blame people who grinded for them, they're sick as fuck, I even got some myself.

6/10 battle pass, cool new map but lost a star on k#lling klombo. RIP

Started off shit but hammer + heist event were gamechangers

doom slayer was cool and i liked the hammers

Capítulo em geral muito bom, talvez empatado com o capítulo 2 como o meu capítulo favorito entre os que eu já joguei, o único defeito desse capítulo foi história, falta de evento ao vivo, e os eventos (eventos de verão, natal e halloween), os eventos de natal e o halloween (até o momento), foram nem tão ruins e nem tão bons, mas o evento de verão foi terrível. Mas em questão de gameplay, parcerias, foi muito divertido, gostei muito do mapa, das armas e dos passes de batalha, ainda falta uma "temporada" que será a "volta do capítulo 1" ainda não posso ter uma conclusão precipitada, mas a ideia de isso acontecer parece legal para mim, farei uma atualização na review na próxima temporada, e um ranking na minha opinião sobre as temporadas:
Temporada 1 (8.5/10) - Melhor temporada do capítulo na minha opinião.
Temporada 2 (6.5/10) - Não gostei tanto assim, me parecia uma temporada que iria gostar muito, mas não foi tão bem oq esperava, mas seu começo foi muito bom.
Temporada 3 (4/10) - Essa temporada é o famoso "promete muito e entrega nada", tinha tudo em mãos dadas pra ser uma temporada boa, tendo um tema bom em mãos, mas não conseguiram aproveitar tão bem, e tendo o pior evento de verão do jogo.
Temporada 4 (8/10) - Muitos podem não concordar comigo, mas sim, eu tô achando essa temporada realmente boa, gostei do tema, e vem sendo bem aproveitado, também gostei da ideia das armas míticas antigas voltarem e os lugares novos com capangas e bosses, apesar de como todas as outras temporadas, seu problema ser a história não se avançar tanto, agora perto de seu final, ela parece que vai começar a andar pelo menos um pouco agora, e ela trouxe a nova interface, que é algo que pelo menos eu particularmente queria que mudasse há muito tempo, e o evento de Halloween até o momento vem sendo um "ok".
"Temporada 5" (?/10) - Antes de começar, já sei que a temporada não exatamente será uma temporada 5, mas ainda não sabemos bem como denominar ela, então deixei assim só que entre aspas, mas ela parece promissora, o jeito é esperar e ver se ela realmente será uma "temporada" boa.

i came back for DOOM GUY and a really fun map, good time as always

Without the annoying building crap Fortnite becomes a playable game. It's a bad shooter through and through though, it's like playing Smash with full items but you have to pay for all of the fun characters.

Zero-build is fun, however Epic abandoned Unreal Tournament, for this. For this, and everything it represents. Unforgivable tbh

Uma das melhores seasons do fortnite, skins muito boas, mapa não é dos mais legais só que entrega e todas as novas mecanicas e principalmente os augments deixaram sensacional

any1 wanna drop into a game and get some Ws, we'll get the dub and hit that epic victory royale

a nothing season and my interest is waning

I mean it was alright, very good battle pass and I really enjoyed the augments as an addition so they bring it up a lot of points (hammer was also funny)

Greatest game ever made

You got a favorite game? Fortnite it's better

worst map, worst battle passes, the lore is worse then ever, there was a 3 week star wars event just straight ASS but it added gohan goku black miles and 2099 so it gets 1 star

tratava o capítulo 3 como a pior coisa na humanidade porque eu não fazia ideia do que satanás estava preparando para 2022... e agora o que resta é só a saudade

é como dizem: a gente só valoriza quando perde

Despite the games reputation, I did really enjoy playing Fortnite with friends for a long time. By the end of Chapter 3 only two of us had stuck with it, and we both stopped very quickly into Chapter 4 probably due to burnout. Additionally, I found the map way less interesting than the previous two I've played, and the XP/Quests system to be the most grind-heavy and least encouraging to spend time on. Also, not a big fan of the new graphics and shading system. I know this is a constantly evolving game that has shifted its style a lot, but this chapter really lost some of the simplicity that I liked. At its core the game is still pretty fun though.

Addendum: Augments are a weird addition and it kinda sucks to pause every 4 minutes to play "would you rather"

this one was ok, i was really just playing for doomguy, the citadel was cool tho