Reviews from

in the past

It’s sick and stylish! The timing is SO much better on the psp version in my opinion. iNiS always proves themselves kings of the rhythm game genre! Of course my opinions are biased as this is my favourite game of all time. the controls are a little janky sometimes especially defense phases and the one hour main story is nothing to write home about but I love this game so much!

Also Gregorio III sometimes haunts my nightmares

And... oh, I got to tell you, it was perfect. Perfect. Everything, down to the last minute details.

played a bunch of rhythm games but this one was an immediate top 5 for me. nearly every song is an instant classic. the call and response nature of the music duels is unmatched, the art rules, the story is funny and sweet. there's nothing quite like it and it still holds up to this day.

Dripping with character. Love the music and the style. Did want to pull my hair out beating the final boss though, but super glad i played it.

mnogo qka igricka pochti zagubih zaradi input lag zashtoto striimvah pred hora da az sum striimur

Still thinking about The Legendary Theme

Tainted Lovers is one of the greatest game music compositions of all time.

ridiculously fun rhythm game. the hard mode is so crazy but i'm still having a lot of fun while playing!


Sinestesia the game.
Não sinto que palavras são necessárias acerca dessa obra, então jogue e presenciei a magnitude de gitaroo man, definitivamente foi uma grande surpresa de 2023 pra mim e irei guardar pra sempre esse jogo.

Decent gameplay that only feels like it truly lives up to its concept of a guitar battle in the latter stages

The best thing I can say about this game is that the amount of heart and soul put into this project shines through everything else. It feels incredibly awkward with its story and cutscenes (especially the english dub) but I can't help but love how earnest it is.

es un juego muy bonito de un chaval que aprende a tocar la guitarra, algo así como una historia de origen de fito y fitipaldi

really fun little game! unfortunately, because of how uncomfortable gripping the psp joystick is, it can be a bit of a pain sometimes

5-4 yıldız verenler stage 4'ü nasıl geçtiniz lan bana da öğretin

Legendary Theme.

That last level was so difficult. jesus christ

had to beat it basically three time because of the emulator.

Songs are fire. 9

Rhythm games will never be this good again.

The music is fantastic, the control scheme is neat, and the visual design is spectacular. The only problem is that playing even one song absolutely destroys my hands.

a really fun and simple rhythm game! got into it after failing to play both parappa the rapper and um jammer lammy (both great game’s respectively, i just suck at its timing), has a fun art style and the 3d models make me oddly nostalgic. you can probably finish it in one sitting if you’re not lazy like me

I don't know what inspired a game like Gitaroo Man to ever exist, but man am I glad that it does. Also always happy to get a reason to pull out my PSP. It's not often these days, but I still love that little guy :').

Anyway, feels very much like Parappa the Rapper in that its extremely weird, could never have been made in any other country than Japan and probably not in any other year than 2001. Just like Parappa, we follow a boy (named U-1, of course) in love with a girl, but his social anxiety stops him from telling her so he goes through several trials in order to get the courage needed. Instead of doing real world things, though, U-1 travels into outer space with his talking dog, and with his musical weapon, the Gitaroo, he liberates an alien planet from its evil dictator Zowie. It's stranger than I make it sound and might also all take place in U-1's imagination since both planets have characters who look exactly the same and serve the same role, but at the core of it all, it really is just a simple love story and despite the plot's constant layer of weirndess over this, it's honestly very well realized. It even shows character and plot progression through the gameplay in one of the later stages in a way that is honestly one of the coolest and most unexpected experiences I've ever had with a rhythm game.

Being a rhythm game maybe the story isn't what you're mainly after when playing it, so I'm happy to say that both the songs and the gameplay are just as good. This is not a long game so it's just 10 songs to play through, but they're both of varied styles and, most of all, very, very good. Despite being someone who praises soundtracks a lot in these entries, I don't actually know music theory or anything so I can't really tell you why they're so good, though. Just that they sounded good to my ears and were very memorable, I guess :). Made me bob my head a lot, etc.

Gameplay is sort of standard rhythm game where you hit the right button at the right time, but it's also very much its own thing. Every song consists of defensive and offensive phases, where you basically tap buttons coming in from up, left, down, or right to avoid taking damage, and then where you have to follow a line with the analog stick (which admittedly does feel a bit stiff on the PSP, but it works well enough) while also pressing the right button when the line reaches there to damage the opponent. It can be a bit overwhelming on some songs, but it never became too much (I think I had one game over during the entire game, and that was on the final boss) and I enjoyed its uniqueness when compared to other rhythm games I've played, as well as switching between those two gameplay styles throughout every song. Really kept me on my toes and somehow made the experience more immersive.

Honestly one of the ugliest artstyles I've seen in a game in a long time, though. Didn't really affect my experience with Gitaroo Man at all, but it's certainly not a looker of a game.

EVERYTHING about it is so good. I wish it wasn't so short. The story isn't serious, but the music is very wonderful.
The gameplay is so unique and engaging! It was so smart to design the game based on the guitar's melody, so I'm curious in how it was sampled.
It felt like the game repeated itself when I took too long, which was embarrassing to hear. It'll wait for you to bring the opponent's HP low enough, rather than be on a set time. Because I didn't want to ruin the mood, I asked "Please don't play that again" when a character repeated a phrase.
The call and response that Parappa The Rapper uses helps players understand the rhythm of how they should play, but Gitaroo Man doesn't do that, so I'd get lost very quickly if I did not know how to play a part.

I love this game, I really do
just about my only issue is that its too short (if you can call that something that detracts from the experience)
the music, the characters, a dog kidnapping a boy and dragging him to another planet to fight in music wars
is exceptional.

How come you don't get points for correctly timing the release of a note? Regardless, very fun with a wonderful game feel.

why is every stage in this game literally 40 minutes long. my repetitive stress injury is bad enough already, thanks

the amount of soul this game had............ BAAAANGERRRRR
the soundtrack gives me the same nostalgia that the flcl soundtrack does despite me only every playing this when i was 20.
jeremy nine-hundred-eighty-five is responsible for me even finding this

The better version, controls feel more responsive than the ps2 version.

Absolutely amazing game. Great art style, incredible music, and a very fair difficulty. My biggest issues with the game were the short length and the unnecessary romance subplot, but as a whole it was a fantastic experience. This version is also a vast improvement over the original, with fairer charts and more lenient.

Honestly? better than Parappa.

plus the dog is funnier

Gitaroo Man Lives! may be both the strangest rhythm game I have ever played and the strangest game I have ever played period. This weirdness, however, is not at all a detriment and is really just a part of the Gitaroo Man Lives! Experience.

Gitaroo Man Lives! is a 2006 port of the 2001 PS2 game Gitaroo Man. While both games follow the same plot, Gitaroo Man Lives! adds local Ad-Hoc multiplayer, a new duet mode, and more difficulty options. The main character of the game is a young boy named U-1. He is constantly picked on by his rival Kazuya and tries desperately to gain the affection of his crush Pico. One day, as U-1 is suddenly attacked by a diaper wearing demon named Panpeus, his loyal talking canine Puma sheds his skin and gives U-1 the last Gitaroo he’s been storing in his body. Upon taking the Gitaroo in his hands, U-1 is transformed into the legendary warrior Gitaroo Man and the wild ride of this game really begins.

Throughout the ten stages of the game, both U-1 and the opponent have a life bar, with the player being tasked with depleting the opponent's life bar and reaching the end of the song without dying. Nearly every level consists of four main phases; Charge, Attack, and Guard, followed by an ending phase called Final. During the Charge, Attack, and Final phases, a line containing red strum bars will curve across the screen. The player must use the PSP analog stick to follow along with the line while holding down and releasing one of the four face buttons at the start and end of each red strum bar. During the Charge phase, strumming the notes successfully restores U-1’s health, whereas in the Attack and Final phases, successfully strumming notes damages the opponent. Missing notes of course causes damage to U-1. During the Guard phase, the player must tap corresponding buttons as they reach the center of the screen to avoid the opponent’s onslaught of musical attacks. Dodging successfully will yield little to no damage to U-1, while failing will result in U-1’s health taking a hit. This control scheme can honestly take some getting used to and is a bit strange compared to other rhythm games. It also makes the game incredibly difficult to master and even beat on the Normal difficulty. I failed several times during the later stages and suffered a couple of hand cramps along the way.

Each of the ten stages in this game are an absolute trip. While normal human characters in the game can lean too hard into the uncanny valley for me personally, the bosses of each stage have fantastic designs that are all interesting and unique. You will face everything from the aforementioned diapered demon, to a mariachi band of bones, a space shark, and even the current ruler of Planet Gitaroo. There are small custcenes between each stage to tell the story of the game, but don't expect a Triple A experience here. While the animation work is fine for a port of a 2001 game, the voice acting for every character is a bit off and doesn’t sync up well to the mouth moving animations. This is only a tiny gripe and doesn't effect the gameplay or overall experience whatsoever.

Gitaroo Man Lives! is a fantastic, if not short, rhythm game for the PSP that has stood the test of time. It is both fun and challenging, while also telling a compact story that will have you smiling from start to finish. Just be warned, if you decide to play this game prepare for a difficult yet fun and wacky experience.

It doesn't take much to turn "Impossible" into "I'm possible." (That's your dream, calling.)
The heart has wings; I've taken the leap;
It's your turn!