Reviews from

in the past

This is for Arcade Racing nuts and and it's great for it.

Miss these games

This game is essentially a way to experience the sega aesthetics of mid to late 90's racing games on modern software. I haven't been the most into racing games for quite awhile, but I had fun playing through this.

It's on Xbox Game Pass for consoles as of writing so it's a good way to see goofy characters race through immensely colorful, and drift intensive tracks.

Likely would have rated this higher if I had more nostalgia for this era of racing games, but frankly I'm only just old enough to remember them, but not really pine for these titles.

Básicamente un Mario Kart low poly que te retrotrae a los grandes títulos de conducción arcade de los 90 y principios de milenio. Bastante bien.

Um jogo pra passar o tempo sem muito compromisso. O jogo não oferece nada de mais, alguns carros diferentes, pistas diferentes, pilotos diferentes e cores diferentes.

it only lasted me about an hour before i won every event on expert but i still dont regret buying it

Bought this game for my Switch during a sale. It's my second copy and I replayed the game in full. I am pretty into it but it feels a little lifeless at times. They reuse the same scenery a lot. You go in expecting something along the quality of Daytona USA or Scud race, you'll be let down like I was.

Also the drivers never shut up and turn them off.

Another racing game. I can barely distinguish it from Horizon Chase Turbo. This one might have even fewer edges, because its art direction is not as good. I really don't know.

Esta muy bien por el precio, mas de 15pistas mas de 15autos, las carreras se sienten bien. Logros medios complicados para el 100% pero bueno.

I like the artsyle but the gameplay is just a standard racing game.

For a very simple tribute to arcade racers this is very easily one of my favorite racer. I really liked the drifitng in this game, it just felt right to me, and at higher speeds doing time trials was more enjoyable than I thought, I really wish this game had more people that played it because the online would be really fun.

It's definitely a fun arcade racing game, though I don't know if worth more than one playthrough fun.
I also recommend putting dialogue volume all the way down because why would you add le funny quirky dialogue in a fucking racing game.

you love virtua racing? you'll love this one.
you don't? stay away
you don't even know what i'm talking about? well this is a super arcade racing game, one of those easy to pickup but hard to master at higher difficulties. it's simple, it's fast, it's "old" but not gold

Ce n'est pas vraiment ce que je cherchais.

Le jeu manque cruellement de sensations, tant sur la vitesse que les dérapages. Les collisions entre les véhicules donnent une impression de deux boites de carton qui se cogne, ça fait cheap et ce n'est pas très agréable. La difficulté est quasi inexistante, j'ai fini les 4 premiers Grand Prix en Expert sans aucune expérience préalable des circuits, ni vraiment du gameplay : il suffit d'optimiser l'utilisation de son boost et l’accélération donnée par la voiture du devant, quand il y en a.

Tout de même quelques points positifs : son prix en promo de 2€, qui donne un aspect beaucoup moins important à tout ces défauts; sa bande-son plutôt sympa; son UI vraiment bien pensé et sa direction artistique.

It's a strangely fun game for something that seems so simple, the only issue I had with it was really the boost gain that sometimes feels like is barely there, even though it isn't, it's just really slow. Otherwise even the music is pretty decent.

Completed all circuits with 3 characters. Amazing ridge race arcade vibes, great driving / handling. The only thing that kinda sucks is the music (meh) and the terrible borderline offensive voice actors.

The best way to describe this game is to essentially take Mario Kart and remove the powerups, memorable characters, and well-designed levels. The only thing Hotshot Racing has going on for it is that the driving model itself is okay and the simplistic look fits.

Otherwise good game absolutely obliterated by the worst rubberbanding i've ever seen in a racing game, you'll be getting slammed into walls constantly and literally never get more than a few feet ahead

played just because of waterflame music, but actually enjoyed the mechanics

This game goes hard both visually with its homage to flat shaded polygon racers as well as gameplay wise with controls that remind me of ridge racer. The only problem is that yea the single player is short and okay while the multiplayer is a ghost town. Where the heck is everybody? this game is cool and the gamemodes for multiplayer seem really fun... Guess it just doesn't have the lasting power to build a playerbase.... So what the heck are you waiting for??? Get the game and start playin it so other people can do the same this game rules its a crime there's nobody online!!!

cool retro art style the actual racing is fine

I really want to like Hotshot Racing. It's an unashamed tribute to the golden age of proper arcade racers, but unfortunately it's just not really that fun. Between the weird handling and the bland visual style, there's just not a lot that kept me engaged after finishing the cups a few times.

It's a great multiplayer game! Really fun to pull out at a kickback. Fun, classic arcade style racing. Just not enough depth to keep you playing for a long time in singleplayer.

Superb arcade racer, but it doesn't offer a tonne outside of that.

Super satisfying controls and cool design. A little sparse though

I wanted to play a game, and I didn't want a tutorial or an opening cutscene or an expository monologue and Hotshot Racing delivered. I did turn the dialogue volume all the way down though, because unless you're Funky Kong I don't wanna hear you hootin' and hollerin'.

Hotshot Racing pulls no punches in solidifying itself as one of the best arcade racers ever made, but combining all of this content with a price tag at $19.99, with more content coming in a free post-launch update soon, is even more ridiculous. With blistering speed complimented by genius design choices, an absolutely absurd amount of customization, and the beautifully crafted love letters to the four wheels of racing and its arcade predecessors, Hotshot Racing places itself valiantly alongside the best games of 2020.