Reviews from

in the past

ive played this lesbian eroge for millions of hours and it actually WAS for the plot

Ladykiller in a bind was enjoyable from start to finish - the daytime scenes were delightfully tense, with the dynamic responses mechanic meaning that you had to pay attention to what people were saying and try to gauge whether you would be able to wait and see a better response, or whether it was best to try and stop a conversation going down a route that would make things trickier.

The night scenes were all enjoyable and well-written (at least, on the beauty route), I particularly enjoyed the focus on consent and the fact that things didn't always go according to plan, and the responses to that were very natural. They felt somewhat separated from the daytime story, but the relationship that developed between the main character and the beauty did feel like it was a natural conclusion of the story being told in the night scenes.

I also particularly enjoyed the general queerness of the game, was fun!

Swimmer, Photographer, Nerd, and Boy... my DMs are open.

i'll message you first Stalker, don't worry

Really interesting dialogue mechanics but I rarely felt that I was wanting for either of the main resource you bargain with which results in it being somewhat neutered and I have trouble remembering most of the characters besides the mc and the two main love interests.

An erotic VN about social games and what breaks them down, Ladykiller in a Bind does an excellent job of handling both kink and the absurdity of teenage drama. It demonstrates that it understands that while consent and proper emotional communication are critical, few live up to it in the heat of a moment, especially when tensions are high and experience is low. The dynamics involved are messy, chaotic, inconsiderate, and tense, and the game refuses to paint any character in a perfect light; nobody is reasonable, nobody is perfect, and everyone is ultimately, to some degree, caught up in a moment.

In my mind, this is queer representation at its finest; understanding exactly what makes queer relationships and group dynamics work and, more importantly, what makes them fail. It shows that, no matter your intentions, no matter your demographics, it is still possible to be a bad person while trying to be a good one, and it is always possible to fuck it up. For that alone, it is worth a playthrough.

That said, the ending is... as endearing as the backing story is, and as smart the framing device is for giving players the sense of not knowing what is going on without fully abandoning them, the final conclusion of the narrative arc is... it is presented nearly separate from the rest of the game, with a focus almost completely disconnected from what the main portion of the game was exploring.

One of the few english eroge that can live up to the japanese ones. It's a game about consent, and all the different variations on that--both good and bad--it can be.

You ever play a game that has porn in it that makes you cry? I have.

Much as I deeply respect Christine Love, this game is so Messy (in the neutral sense) and filled with complex intertwining social situations that are just too much for my almost certainly autistic ass to keep straight that at some point I was more or less just reading for the sex scenes. I think that by choosing the most willing and subby options at every opportunity (a real shocker, if you know me), I dodged most of the things that get people riled up and engaging in extremely emotionally charged debate, so I have very little to add to any of that except that I respect things that choose to be queer and lefty and still messy, and that we generally ought to give those things the benefit of the doubt to see what we can squeeze out.

I leave this with a neutral rating simply because between all the bits I enjoyed, there was a ton of being thrown in situations that were simply too much for me. And a lot of scenes with alcohol :<

christine love is a hack to begin with but i gotta say the entire "completely untagged and unprompted 'cis guy rapes a butch lesbian' scene in the first release" is a new low even by what standards she purportedly has

Erotisch-abgedrehte Visual Novel mit Charakteren, die im Kopf bleiben. Das Herzstück des Spiels sind die tollen dynamischen Dialogoptionen, wodurch die Gespräche im Spiel lebendig und echt wirken.

Very well written smut, as well as a visual novel with some really interesting mechanics. It's a bit annoying that within a single playthrough, you can do one entire character's route and a bit of another one, but not an entire one.

this is an absolutely fantastic erotic LGBTQ+ visual novel about consent, about vulnerability, and about, well, bondage. The writing is absolutely excellent, managing to clearly surpass thin-excuse-for-pornography that other VNs of its ilk reach, and instead creating an interesting mystery, some very strong and well-developed characters, and sex scenes that actually have a narrative purpose on top of just being hot.

I should play more visual novels!

This game has the single best dialogue tree implementation I've ever seen. The story was interesting, but the social mind games lacked tension because the currency everyone was trying to get didn't feel particularly important. All of the romance routes were great, but a number of the routes featuring side-characters were underwhelming .

A quality visual novel with some interesting things to say about power and consent, as explored through dominance, submission, and other complex topics. I think the framing device and endings don’t quite live up to the conversations within the game’s main story. That said, I enjoyed how those conversations were designed to be flexible without necessarily being predictable. Ladykiller pushes back on player choice depending on the situation, which is wholly appropriate to its themes. If the frame held up to how well the rest of the game considers power, it would be a sure winner.

Well, the original release of the game had a man raping the lesbian protagonist and her deciding she enjoyed it, and when I tried to play the patched version Without that scene I found out it still has the lesbian enjoying sex with a man (but consensually this time).

So there's that.

Probably gonna get roasted for playing a porn game but but but I genuinely think this has some of the best conversation mechanics in games. Every conversation is a tight-rope walk where you have to juggle various interests (including potentially porn-y ones!) to get the result you want and this is maybe the only game I've ever played that has properly validated rude and catty dialogue options, never mind made them fun. Moment-to-moment this is Love's best, funniest, most well-observed writing (though admittedly I should probably replay Analogue, and I never played Hate Plus).

And in the interest of not making it seem like i'm reading playboy for the articles, the sex parts are also pretty good, i dunno what to tell ya.

(cw: pretty straightforward references to bdsm relationships, nothing explicit)

this game is extremely me. it's very gay, it's very kinky, and it has one of the best explorations of the psychology of dom/sub relationships that i've ever seen in any medium. it hits me in a very tender spot considering how important dom/sub stuff is to me.

and one of my partners showed this to me when we were in the very early stages of figuring out our dom/sub relationship, and i have subsequently shared it with both of my other partners to talk about things i really like about the pyschology of submission.

i really love being in subspace. i really love how vulnerable it makes me. and i really like that this game treats that it like the Big Deal it is.

and uhhhh, beauty is just a hecking super hot domme and i would love for her to tie me up. there, i said it.

im going to fight christine love in an alleyway behind a 7-11