Reviews from

in the past

please give this game DLC level packs instead of character packs i beg of you PLEASE

it is pretty fun playing with someone else but idk at the same time it's still a lego game and something about lego games don't click 100% with me, still fun with others tho

The scope of this game is pretty unreal, but a lot of it feels like trendy game design concepts were thrown into a blender regardless of if they fit or not. This game is the most fun when you're exploring the galaxy hunting down the many collectables and listening to a podcast/watching TV in the background.

sent 4 seperate requests for the devs to fix a but that ruined my save, still not fixed 😁

I shit you not. This game ran perfectly until I started playing the sequel trilogy (I started from prequels to sequels). I think even the game didn’t want to play through the sequel trilogy

Falls flat compared to every previous game of the series, while still trying to improve on every front. 3,5/5

It sure is lego star wars.

A very generous 4-star rating as while the game is fun, the levels are so short and the open world is kinda waaay too stretched out and filled with seemingly endless menial tasks. By the time I finished the story for all 9 Episodes, I didn’t have much incentive to search for more shit or unlock every character. Most every upgrade is practically useless since the game is so easy dying has such little penalty as you respawn instantly anyways. The game brought back a lot of the charm from the early LEGO games, and the voice acting here is actually not completely awful as was the case in a lot of the more modern LEGO games. While the game world is way too overcrowded at times with things to collect and missions to complete, the attention to detail is incredible for any Star Wars fan in the amount of references and gags poking fun of the series’ history is a delight to experience.

I’m a big Star Wars fan and this game hits all the right spots. It recreates the scenes from the movies well and makes them mostly enjoyable to play. I also really loved the humor and how they mocked the movies in a loving way. This was a fun one.

Love it. Lego Star wars had some set backs with its last game but this one incorporated all the good in the Lego Star Wars series and adds alot of content on top of that. Ill never 100% it probably by the sheer volume of the game but i recommend anyone who gre up with the complete saga to give this one a shot.

Started in the afternoon (CT), finished in the evening (ET) sometime December 2022.

Divertido con alguien para jugar y mas si eres fan de las películas. Incomoda la pantalla dividida.

Esse jogo... Ele tenta pegar elementos RPG, mas simplesmente não da certo.

É uma ótima evolução da fórmula dos jogos Lego, mas definitivamente ainda tem muitos aspectos que precisam ser polidos nos próximos jogos, missões chatas de seguir lentamente o NPC, seleção de personagens confusa, etc...
No geral, ainda é um ótimo jogo cheio de conteúdo, TOP 3 Lego fácil

the prequels were surprisingly the best part of this

Make every lego game like this please.

Not very good, mediocre, bring me back the original saga game

Review copied from GameTrack

7.5 / 10.

If you're a fan of Star Wars this is a no-brainer to buy. But even someone like me, who isn't a die-hard Star Wars fan, still enjoyed this game quite a bit. It has a lot of content, with tons of characters and ships to unlock, and plenty of Kyber bricks to find. However, it can get a bit glitchy at times, especially during boss fights. Speaking of which, boss fights are very easy in this game. I understand it's a kid's game, but it would have been nice if they at least made the final boss of each trilogy somewhat difficult. So while it's a bit rough around the edges, I enjoyed my time with Lego Star Wars, and I even want to try and 100% it! But I have a lot of other games to play, so that's something I'll have to put off until later.

é legal? até certo ponto sim, depois só fica chatinho mesmo

fazer 100% história é cansativo e nao estou nem um pouco afim de sair explorando o mapa

This one is a mixed bag. I'm not a huge fan of LEGO games, let alone Star Wars in general, so I was a bit skeptical whether I would like this or not when I started it, but as far as LEGO games go, this is pretty good (not that there haven't been any good ones in the past.) Though part of me is left wishing other franchises LEGO has tackled would be given such treatment as Star Wars. I think this new style both suits and doesn't suit the LEGO games, like as if it almost wants to be something else, in most cases kinda doing away with what drew people to the older LEGO games.

As coverage of the Star Wars films, it's pretty average. For someone returning to the franchise, it's fun to see this game's take on certain scenes and to experience a bit of nostalgia, but as a newcomer, it's a pretty awful way to experience them which I'd say is a given in any case, but some of the narrative is just completely skimmed over and even in plots I was familiar with, I didn't know what the fuck was going on. But, as much as it wants to be, this is very much not a narrative driven game for me. By definition, it is, and again, it really wants to be, but it's just not. It tries too hard, rushes things and feels very disconnected between each trilogy.

It's a fun past time, especially with the dumbed down gameplay that doesn't really offer much outside of simplicity. All the boss fights are the same, a few are just added with a few bells and whistles to make it seem different, but there's not much of a variety at all. What really took me back with this game was how it looked and how authentic all the environments were. I was more mesmerized by the atmosphere than I was the actual gameplay/narrative.

But, in general, it's a solid experience. It has it's flaws, but it's not awfully made nor is it expertly crafted, it's just good. A nice experience that is probably even nicer with friends (but I don't have any)

tem boas missões na campanha, mas, ao mesmo tempo que o mundo aberto é grande, ele é vazio. o r2 e os caçadores de recompensa quase não voam também.

Decent open hubs, very good recreation of the planets from the movies at least, and they house a lot of fun side quests and just overall feel good to be in, though traversal can be a chore sometimes since it's usually so vertical and no character can fly. Stages themselves feel mostly really uninspired (though they get a lot better during the Sequel trilogy, and especially Rise of Skywalker, surprisingly enough), being really short and almost always 99% combat which has never been the lego games' strongest suit.

Still, had a good time playing through the whole game in multiplayer (but what game isn't fun when playing with the right person?), and the character roster is pretty great for a Star Wars fan, even if the UI used for switching characters is awful.

gostinho incrível de nostalgia, literalmente um remastered dos 6 primeiros jogos lendários! mas ainda tem alguns defeitos na jogabilidade

Had some good lego charm - but I really disliked the character system, and for me it just got a little boring - lots of filler.