Reviews from

in the past

Doesn't settle for merely bad, playing this feels borderline abusive. At the start of each stage there is a windup sequence where have to wait your guy get dropped through various tunnels and only until it says go you can actually start playing. But very first thing your guy does, literally the very first thing is randomly hop around without your input, before you even get a chance to do anything, even if you were mashing the buttons the whole time waiting to finally play.

In this game you don't move by using the directional pad and jump by pressing X or something normal like that. Instead you have to use L/R buttons to move left/right and jump by pressing both L and R simultaneously. Technically the gameplay would have functioned equally well the other way, so doing it this way accomplishes nothing but make playing the game feel more laborious.

So anyway, anywhere from ninety to ninety-five percent of each stage simply involves holding down the R button while repeatedly mashing the L button. There are very few instances anywhere in the entire game with any challenge and even those instances are quite easy. There are plenty of instances however (nearly in every stage in fact) where a collectible is teased but it's suddenly too late to get it without starting the whole stage over, as if the game is saying "ha, ha, that's what you get for not being psychic!"

The graphics are very basic and gross. The background is white pretty much all the time and everything else resembles paper craft. The entire game feels like it takes place on the wall of a pediatrician's office. Some stages have you inside the stomach of a whale or frog or something and you get literally sharted out at the end.

The only good thing about this game is that it saves me from having to play the sequels. Well, there are some sequences where you watch them sing for a moment in order to get a collectible, and those were kind of funny to me but maybe unironically funny since I always imagine that what's really going on is something akin to a rap battle or dogs barking.

incredibly catchy and charming ost, but surprisingly frustrating at times due to finnicky controls/physics. feels like a game designed to make babies mad. it makes you feel like a world citizen.

best video game plot twist imooo

I wish Sony still made games like this! It’s creative and fun. A game doesn’t need to be hyper realistic Ubisoft open world game to be fun

This game was fun, cute, and ran like a dream on the PSP, but that's pretty much all I have to say about it. I remember it fondly but also couldn't describe a single stage to you, for me LocoRoco has been lost to time.

Why haven't we got a new one? Why haven't we got a new Ape Escape? A new Patapon?
They took this from us.

I was OBSESSED with this as a kid, it's one of the cutest games every! Everything about the world is so charming and the soundtrack is one for the history books. The fact that the game is so good on top of all that is just icing on the cake.

I could repeat my entire LocoRoco 2 review here if I wanted, LocoRoco is an absolutely amazing concept for a platformer and I am so happy that after playing the sequel for so long during my childhood I could eventually get my hands on the original and play it.

To my disappointment, on my first playthrough I discovered many things that I loved about the sequel originated in the sequel. Although that does make me appreciate the second game even more, any time I play the first I can only wish for some of those features here.

With all that said, it isn't to say I don't still greatly enjoy this title with its unique level design, catchy gibberish songs, and extremely charming art style. It creates an extremely good foundation for the sequel to build off of.

LocoRoco was really pretty and the songs were fun, but I found the game kinda boring as a kid. I'm more boring now so I might try it again sometime!

last level was really cool ngl

Very charming and cute game

This was such a memorable game. I loved the art direction and sound design.

favorite game as a kid. love the simplicity and the fun little environments you explore and go around and the bangers this soundtrack has

my first psp game, love those little blobs

This destroy all of the DS and the 3DS games alone

I don't know, It was nice back in 2009 and now it's cute

When in the end the guy eats you and you destroy his bones and swim in his blood inside his body with the scary music that traumatized me so hard as a child.
But this is a good game yall

J'en ai de bons souvenirs, un jeu très mignon et bien barré.

there is something about the music in this game that makes me want to cry my eyes out. its too cute.

Epic music and vibe i love being a singing blob

Joy in its purest, most distilled form.