Reviews from

in the past

I started and finished it in 2022 but I replayed it in 2023 for the master. I love it so much

Me lo rejugué en su versión de steam con todo su contenido y sigo disfrutándolo, es uno de mis rpgs favoritos

Very good RPGmaker game, has some very cool story ideas

100% cleared, took about 6 hours for everything

Mad father, a classic now avaliable on steam with more stuff, story bits and improvment in the graphics department, an excelent remake.

Short game that I managed to play on a plane trip , great experience for an old semi horror game

Really only OK but fun, this genre is the videogame equivalent of a B-movie.

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why the f*** do i need to read maria's dairy to get the true ending and i can't do it after she chases after father the worst thing ever i hate this the worst thing i have seen so far in the game

amnesia przy tej scenie ze starym z piła mechaniczna to chuj

very shlocky but decent puzzles and atmosphere

Mad Father was already one of my favorite RPG Maker horror games, and this remake is pretty serviceable. The atmosphere here is top notch, and thanks to it and some cool puzzles and awesome art style, this game has a lot of personality. The story is kind of convoluted and the plot twists are somewhat predictable, but they are still decent and I like the themes. As for the remake experience, it has more unique graphics and overhauled areas which make it feel fresh. I wish the character portraits were also redesigned, some of them are more pixilated than they should and some look a bit weird, but as most of them were pretty good I can't complain too much. To sum it all up, if you wanna play this cute horror game, this is the version I'd recommend.

I love this game! Playing an updated version was so much fun and reminded me of how much I loved this game when it was first released.
It was wonderful to revisit the Drevis Family and playthrough their story again. RPG maker horror has such a special place in my heart and part of that is thanks to this game

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Um bom jogo com uma história interessante de uma família bem...especial
OSTs boas, uma sendo um marco na época dos Horror RPG Makers
Gameplay simples mas boa
Finais incríveis

Provavelmente meu maior problema é o Blood Mode. Por tanto que o criador deixou claro que teria um novo modo, você esperaria coisas novas, porém é o mesmo jogo com pequenas diferenças. Gostei de ver a reação da Aya adulta aos eventos, mas definitivamente foi a parte mais fraca do remake.

if this game was an AITA reddit post the verdict would immediately be "everyone sucks here"

My first ever RPGMakerHorror game ever. Plus half a star for nostalgia.

need to finish the remake, it's so beautiful

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Mad Father is a surprising, decent written RPG-Maker-Horror game. It tells the story of Aya, an 11 year old girl, and her plight to save her father from her mother's vengeful spirit.

To make a long story short, her father's actually a badly written weirdo who likes to manipulate, murder, and then splice people into dolls. Fortunately, Aya's a well written character whom we see develop over the course of the game from an implied, future murderer like her father to an empathetic hero. At least if you get the TRUE "True End".

Let's talk about the endings. There's like 4 vanilla endings to the game; 2 "Bad Ends" and 2 "True Ends". The bad endings frankly aren't worth talking about and the two true endings are what you want to aim for. Unfortunately, the better of the two true endings is not articulated as different from the other, which is an interesting choice- being that its slight difference of a sentence and a half re-contextualizes everything to an almost alarming extreme. The "True End" that you get without collecting all 20 gems will imply that Aya has taken up the mantle and resumed the doll murder thing, the "True End" you get when actually collecting all 20 properly finishes Aya's arc and shows her respecting the wishes of her father's victims. It would not be so bad if the mechanic worked... correctly? Not to say the game is buggy or anything (It's not). But it seems the intention was for the gems to act as a representation for Aya's empathy, which would be great if that was what it did, but in execution over half of the gems are, like, a reward for resisting a jumpscare, breaking a barrel or just exploring. If the 8 or so instances where you are helping spirits, people, etc. were what actually determined the good "True End", it would be a lot more rewarding and make a lot more sense. Instead, in order to get a complete story, you have to tediously press the action button on every corner of the game to make sure you found the inconsequential gem that was inside a mandrake you have to cut open. It seems like a silly oversight.

Otherwise this game is very, very charming. I love its characters and artstyle, and I think its story is actually pretty good for what it is. If sen is implying a second mad father with the after after credits scene, I'll certainly be there to play it.

One of my favorite RPG Maker games. Very interesting story that I enjoyed.

easier and not as scary than the original game, makes up for it with the stunning visual update and some extra features that makes the remake feel fully fleshed out

I played the original, but in this case I couldn't remember much. So, in this game, I truly felt like I was doing a lot of new things and in general came to love it a lot. The doll maker feature added a tiny cute detail, I missed this game a lot!

Your average horror-RPG maker game, not too scary in comparison to other games, but brings a bit of tension to the player at all times when playing it

Memories of coryxkenshin playing this game

jakimś cudem ulepszyli już samą w sobie iconic grę i ten stary goniący mnie z piłą mechaniczną jest nadal straszny jak sam skurwysyn

Śliczny remake, pixel art w tym wydaniu jest przeurokliwe a Aya jeszcze słodsza
Szkoda trochę, że nie odnowili też ilustracji, z pewnością dodałyby jeszcze więcej klimatu
Cóż w zasadzie mogę rzec, krótki przyjemny pixel horror z wciągającą historią
Nawet kiedy część fabuły już znałam czy to z mediów czy innych źródeł, byłam bardzo zainwestowana, ciekawa dalszego przebiegu wydarzeń- więc myślę, że jak ktoś podchodzi do gierki nie wiedząc totalnie czego oczekiwać to będzie bawił się jeszcze lepiej.

Now this is how you do a remake!

Really cute remake, i had a lot of fun replaying this game after such a long time. I don't really remember when i played this game for the first time but it has always stuck with me.

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mad father more like clinically insane completely deranged no redeeming qualities piece of shit blood relative.

played on halloween for those spooky vibes.

it was a lil spooky. ayas a silly lil gal. i hope shes doing ok. she has a whole ass villain origin story. batman will be her next opponent.

The first RPG Maker game I've seen to use QTEs as a mechanic. The scares are good, but like most things from this developer, the storytelling is pretty poor. The extra mode and gallery that came with this remake are really interesting though. Rough around the edges but good enough to be a certified Video Essay Classic™.