Reviews from

in the past

This game shows its age a lot, but also? Pretty good!!

this game damn Nice old ps1 times. Snake SNakeeeeeeeee

Honestly strangely playable still, but I think this has the least interesting plot out of the four main games, and the gameplay is... not terrible but not great.

¿Y tú por qué luchas Snake?

Metal Gear Solid serisi ile ilk defa, 2013'te Dost Kayaoğlu'nun "En sevdiğim 10 oyun" videosunda karşılaşmıştım. "Bu oyunun grafikleri ne kadar boktanmış." deyip hayatıma devam etmiştim; ta ki 2022 yılında YouTube'da karşıma "Mgs - The Man Who Sold The World" videosu çıkana kadar. Daha sonra oyunla alakalı biraz araştırma yaptım ve ilk oyunun 1987 yapımı Metal Gear olduğunu öğrendim. Oyunu yarım bıraktım ve YouTube'dan hikayelerini izledim ve MGS'yi oynamaya başladım.

Kontroller bok gibi, oyunun sonundaki konuşma ve Master ile ilgili olan şeyler dışında hikayedeki her şey çok tahmin edilebilirdi; save sistemi çok kötü özellikle boss savaşlarında. Bunlar dışında; karakterler, mizah anlayışı, boss savaşlarının atmoferi çok iyi.

Bu oyun sanki daha büyük bir hikayenin temeli gibi.

Dated game, but still worth playing. Hoping for a remake in the Fox Engine, Konami.

For me this is the best MGS and still to this day, it just needs a modern remake.

It's just like one of my Japanese animes...

(Quick Note: I played MGS1 on the Duckstation Emulator, so that might influence my opinion on this game.)

This is a very, VERY strong start to a franchise. As someone who's main experience with Metal Gear up until this point was mostly memes and playing MGSV (which is very different from the rest), this game still delivers for me.

Where to even start?
I think I'll start with the presentation. I think we can agree that some aspects have definitely aged, such as the character models with their lack of emotions and kinda stiff movements. I think the writing and voice acting makes up for this but we'll get back to that.
I honestly think a lot of the limited graphics gives it a unique art-style. Something about it just ticks right, and it also benefits the atmosphere since it takes place in a snowy, dark and mysterious island.
Secondly, game-play. I definitely can see that this is very bare bones compared to other MGS games. I still enjoyed it either way, doing my best to sneak around and, in emergencies, fighting off foes. Some parts kinda frustrated me (LOOKING AT YOU, FURNACE) and many of the bosses were good fun.

Now we get onto the story. This story is excellent. It starts off already crazy with the initial premise, but as you go on and on, things start to open up and it all feels so natural. Just finding and learning more about the secrets of Shadow Moses. Not to mention the insanely good characters that are accompanied with highly talented voice acting. I absolutely enjoyed listening to the dialogue since they're voice acted so well.

Overall, a solid PS1 game, and one to possibly drive me into a Metal Gear Brain Rot.

This is one of the first truly cinematic video games, this game took presentation to another level. With that being said the gameplay really hasn't aged that well. The tank controls can get pretty difficult to deal with, and there is a lot of backtracking involved just to pad out the game time. It would be nice if you unlocked new areas with the items you get, but you're litterally just running back to the storage room to open another door again & again.

A game so good, they made it twice.

muito divertido de se jogar tem um aspecto quase de adventure de resolver uns puzzles e tal historia bacana bonita (data aprox.)

consegui dar um jeito no emulador, só falta um pouquinho pra zerar

Not the best stealth but its stil good game, best story in a stealth game.

Writing: 4/5
Gameplay: 5/5
Art Design & Visuals: 3/5
Voices & Sounds: 4/5
Atmosphere & Immersion: 3/5

A certified classic, MGS's story is still one of the best the medium has to offer. Gameplay tho, it has aged like milk, is not unplayable but it can take some time to get use to. For that reason, if you have never played a MGS game, start with this one, even if is not the first on the timeline.

Borrowed from my cousin.

I could never beat the 2nd level.

Snake, Did you like my sunglasses?

its fine, really, even growing up with the PS2 MGS games, i never really quite could stomach the original. feels too rough nowadays, and though the story is engaging, it does feel like a chore to play at moments.

one of the best games of all time. I think I've done 3 playthroughs

An amazing game that started or helped boost the shooter/stealth games has amazing innovations making full use of console capabilities at the time to improve in the whole game experience and amazing story and characters tho you can feel that it aged well also start noticing limitations due to this but all in all an amazing game

The first game I ever played through multiple times, and I still adore it to this day. Just need them to finally make the movie!

True to Kojima's inspirations, Metal Gear Solid is achieves a truly cinematic feel back in the day when that was not so common place. Even the Playstation's infamously wobbly 3D was not enough to dissuade the team at Konami Computer Entertainment Japan from moving their camera around. Legitimate shots and cuts were set up in this 1998 game. These cutscenes are also used well. They're almost exclusively for dialogue or action the player is not involved in. While some aspects are a bit silly, the story is still exciting even if you know what's about to happen. It feels like a classic action thriller. If you're a lore head, Metal Gear Solid is lousy with canon for you to sink your teeth into. I also really respect MGS still owning that it's a video game with very serious characters telling you to "Press the Action Button" or similar things when explaining game mechanics. It's a little surprising to me that controlling Solid Snake actually doesn't feel that dated, probably owing to it essentially being a top down shooter. Being unable to control your aim via a analogue stick can be rough, but Snake has more than enough auto aim to make up for it. Navigating the view cones of the Genome Soldiers can be quite tense while you're trying to be greedy and seeing how many extra rooms you can explore to procure more items. And the boss battles are intriguing puzzle boxes with more solutions than most people think about. More than I definitely thought about. Once you're done with the main game, there's some VR missions for you to go through. I had a good time trying to (and successfully) beating the dev supplied times.

É muito bom, apesar do meu favorito ser o MGS2 Sons of Liberty

Um dos melhores jogos de PS1 que pude jogar. Nunca consegui zerar, mas isso nunca me frustou a ponto de parar de jogar. Lembro de resetar o memory card só pra poder jogar tudo de novo até a fatídica parte em que eu ficava preso por não saber o que fazer. Um dia vou zerar esse jogo com mais calma.