Reviews from

in the past

É muito bom, apesar do meu favorito ser o MGS2 Sons of Liberty

My first Metal Gear experience, and I was blown away. Even though this game was 24 years old at the time of playing.

words cannot describe how fucking good this is ohh my goodness my eyes

I do not like this game. The story is great, but the PS1 gameplay jank completely ruins it.


this game was really different for it´s time with meta jokes and a "hoolywoodian story". but nowadays is not so amazing, and not só deep as it was seen back then, gameplay is simple but fun

A fantastically detailed game plagued by a predictably lazy port and heinous controls. Developing ghost pics of the devs and programmers? Using puppy pee to avoid bloodthirsty wolves? S-Tier. However, I don’t need to be reminded this game is 25 years old to forgive its immortal sins. Heed the advice given at the end of game and move on. It should’ve ended with Rex!

после этой игры мой мир изменился полностью. Без шуток. Слишком гениально для этого мира.

muito divertido de se jogar tem um aspecto quase de adventure de resolver uns puzzles e tal historia bacana bonita (data aprox.)

consegui dar um jeito no emulador, só falta um pouquinho pra zerar

pacing perfeito, storytelling impecável, personagens cativantes e história envolvente, minha única crítica: boss fights, apenas a do psycho mantis é de fato boa, e a do raven é no máximo maneirinha

Easily one of the best games ever made, and a landmark achievement that moved the entire industry forward in terms of cinematic storytelling and unique intuitive mechanics.

snake make love with me , don't you love women?

I love metal gear solid for all its stupid kojimasims and bombastic plot. The gameplay is great fun and very fulfilling to master.

man this game was so fucking frustrating but i loved it. if the gameplay didnt piss me off so much, i would've held this game closer to me.. The story is so good and classic, the music is awesome, the characters, the graphics, the level design JUST UGH EVERYTHING BUT THE GAMEPLAY MAN.

Its a good game that plays well and has an ambitious story but while it REALLY wants to convince you that war is bad and asks you to REALLY feel for these characters, it ultimately kind of fails to do it in a way that doesn't feel forced and tacky. I respect Kojima's writing a lot, but it still needs a lot of polishing to become truly great.

Le + grand classique de l'année 98

Um dos melhores jogos de PS1 que pude jogar. Nunca consegui zerar, mas isso nunca me frustou a ponto de parar de jogar. Lembro de resetar o memory card só pra poder jogar tudo de novo até a fatídica parte em que eu ficava preso por não saber o que fazer. Um dia vou zerar esse jogo com mais calma.

6 bullets.... mooar than enough to kill anything that moves....

Uno dei giochi della mia infanzia.

good game but has aged. feels good for a ps1 game

I've always wanted to play this but never had the consoles, but when I heard it was coming to pc my just exploded. I don't need to say anything about this masterpiece. Just perfect. My favorite game.

It's a cool game but the style goes a loooooooong way.