Reviews from

in the past

Has all of the endearing campiness of a classic action movie but stretched across a 10ish hour Playstation game. Not to downplay the design, the aesthetics are astonishing, the action is genuinely thrilling and the soundtrack BANGS. Apart from some padding toward the end and how quickly it drops a lot of the sneaking mechanics, Metal Gear Solid is still as worthwhile as when it was released.

La experiencia cinematográfica definitiva del PS1.

What an absolutely incredible game! The first thing that struck me was that the game was a lot more punishing than the later entries in the series, and that the controls were surprisingly good, except for the fact that you couldn't move the camera. However, that was something I counted on and therefore it wasn't a huge problem. What was a problem was some of the backtracking done towards the end of the first and second disc. The boss battles in this game are mostly really epic, and seem like they haven't aged that much at all! And I liked how the plot became progressively more and more confusing like it did in the third game! Combine this with an incredible soundtrack and some really cool game design, extremely revolutionary cutscenes with voice acting and all, and a nice attention to detail (I noticed some rats in a place where I once fought a sniper, and I tried to snipe some of the rats, and it worked!), and you have one amazing game. Solid recommendation to everyone (pun intended)!

A certified classic, MGS's story is still one of the best the medium has to offer. Gameplay tho, it has aged like milk, is not unplayable but it can take some time to get use to. For that reason, if you have never played a MGS game, start with this one, even if is not the first on the timeline.

The highlight of this game for me is the Foxhound members, they're all so cool in their own right and Kojiima characterizes them so effectively in a short amount of time. The overall plot is pretty cool, lots of double cross shenanigans which I always appreciate and NUKES BAD!!!!

I just don't feel like the gameplay holds up all that well, it's super clunky and with the overabundance of boss fights it leads to some pretty frustrating moments. Definitely a game that's held up by the strength of its writing, at least in a modern context.

-popcorn piece gets stuck in my teeth-

-goes to KFC-

"Snake, what's the heart of a computer's operating system?"

One of the few games that are perfect.

Well, great game but too much time has passed

Definitely one of those games

Clássico do PS1. Merece o reconhecimento que recebe e recebeu.

It's just like one of my Japanese animes...

This is one of the first truly cinematic video games, this game took presentation to another level. With that being said the gameplay really hasn't aged that well. The tank controls can get pretty difficult to deal with, and there is a lot of backtracking involved just to pad out the game time. It would be nice if you unlocked new areas with the items you get, but you're litterally just running back to the storage room to open another door again & again.

A high water mark for early 3D level design and presentation, Metal Gear Solid is a fun arcadey stealth game wrapped in a stylish package.

no idea why i never finished it

Love CAN bloom on the battlefield and this game proved it.

I got So Close to finishing this game and it was a fucking amazing experience all throughout. Easily my favorite of the top-down Metal Gears.

idk my least fave mgs game. go gay war criminals wooo

Foundational achievement in gaming history. Nothing would ever be the same. The best is yet to come.

¿Y tú por qué luchas Snake?

its fine, really, even growing up with the PS2 MGS games, i never really quite could stomach the original. feels too rough nowadays, and though the story is engaging, it does feel like a chore to play at moments.

The first game I ever played through multiple times, and I still adore it to this day. Just need them to finally make the movie!

muito divertido de se jogar tem um aspecto quase de adventure de resolver uns puzzles e tal historia bacana bonita (data aprox.)

consegui dar um jeito no emulador, só falta um pouquinho pra zerar