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A lovely visual upgrade with a variety of controller options to please just about anyone. It's paced pretty well in the beginning and then becomes rather tedious to backtrack. There are some rather brutal stretches where I could have used a save point here and there, but I would say these were faults of the original and not due to the remaster. It's pretty much the same game, but with a new coat of paint. If this is how Prime 4 will look, then I'm excited. I hope the others in the trilogy get this treatment too, as the second game is my favorite. We'll have to wait and see, but it's nice having solid 2D and 3D Metroid representation on the Switch!

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un embole agarrar los artefactos chozo, me gustó que el final boss sea el title drop, lastima que en vez de (core) tendrian que haberle puesto (remastered)

First time I have actually played this. I have wanted to for years and was excited for the shadow drop. Beautiful game, atmosphere and gameplay. What a fantastic video game. Also, a bit challenging at times... the omega pirate I was a bit heated about for a bit.

Fantastic remaster of one of the greatest video games ever made.

A pretty good remaster for sure, the modern controls are a nice evolution to the game.

However, it's still kind of ancient in it's level design in a lot of places sadly.

Looking forward to the other games being remastered

Not really my thing, sorry. Not a fan of the first-person perspective and feeling lost. The gameplay just didn't click with me or make me feel engaged, and I thought it was more boring than engaging. I can see why others could like this, but the Metroid series is just not for me.

Why did I end up beating Prime 1 twice before playing Prime 2? Idk fuck off. This game is way, WAY better on a second playthrough though. I think I really was just dumb when I first played it, and the 3D map was overwhelming to me (still kinda is tbh). But this is a way way way comfier ride. I needed to google one or two things to nudge myself along, but I still found most everything myself. Even over half the Artifacts (those still suck tho.) I really do have to commend Retro and the support studios tho. This is not a remaster. This is a remake. Everything looks FLAWLESS and new. It's one of the best looking games on switch and it's a "remaster". I'm terrified of how Prime 4 will look because holy shit this looks so good. BANGER of a game.

I've only played Metroid Prime once on my gamecube when I was really young, renting it from a video store because it looked cool. I only knew Samus from smash 64, so I found out "holy crap, she has her own game?" I didn't like it when I played it. I was super into mascot platformers and rpgs at the time, never played a shooter, much less a metroidvania. After all this time, playing more metroid as I got older, now playing prime fully for the first time makes me realize how much of a masterpiece this game is. Completely redefining metroid in a 3D space, and making the entire series as a whole work in this format is an amazing feat. The remaster, which imo goes above and beyond the definition of a remaster enhances literally everything. It looks beautiful on the switch, and they added so many effects they didn't need to. Metroid is one of my favorite first party nintendo series, and prime is an amazing game on top of that. Here's hoping prime 2 and 3 get the same treatment, and that prime 4 is just as amazing.

I can fight only so many Spirit Chozo

Metroid Prime is in contention (against Super Metroid) for my all-time favorite video game. I know this game like the back of my hand so much… that I finished this “remaster” 100 % - DESPITE the fact I haven’t played this game in nearly a decade. No one was more hyped and happier to see this game brilliantly re-released to new textures and oh so much more than me. But would the dream be real or just that, a dream?

I know this brings up much debate, but for my money this is practically a remake. Yes, I’m aware it’s the same code and they used the same Rude engine that powered the first game (though obviously the engine has been upgraded to match what the Switch can do), but to me there is too much drastic change to not call this a remake. The world looks gorgeous, the particles and textures make you believe its running on Unreal Engine 4 (to be fair, the Rude engine was based on a heavily customized Unreal Engine 2), and even small changes were made to character models such as Meta Ridley, who adds some of the known purple design back to the character. There is no doubt that this, for me, has surpassed Luigi’s Mansion 3 as the best looking Switch game.

But outside of looking prettier does it still hold up two decades since its Nintendo GameCube release? Short answer is hell yes. You could come in this game, thinking it’s the first release and you could not tell it’s a GameCube era game. This is one of those titles that shows the timeless work that Nintendo puts into their games. The sense of being alone in a mysterious planet with some of the best atmospheric video game music to boot is still very much there. The sense of discovery with the scan visor as you explore Tallon IV’s different geographical areas and find yourself uncovering more on the mysteries of Phazon. Nothing in this game ages badly, it’s still a must play game for any gamer, especially fans of the Metroidvania genre.

Metroid Prime: Remastered is a dream come true for a fan of the franchise like me. One of the greatest games ever made, with modern upgraded graphics and now easily accessible for a new generation to play. Twenty years later, this game is STILL a masterclass in game design. It was one of those games that truly showed me what video games can be back in the day, and two decades later I still feel that way. I truly cannot tell you how much of a MUST PLAY this game is. Jump into the suit of the most badass bounty hunter and see why Samus Aran is a legend.

Isso só me fez querer mais ainda um Metroid Prime focado em terror, a ambientação é perfeita, e o remaster ajudou tornando tudo tão bonito

O level design é ótimo e a coisa que eu mais elogio no game, é assustador a qualidade da trasição de 2D para 3D da franquia.
A gameplay também é divertissima, mas certos embates, principalmente contra os space pirates ficavam meio chatos, principalmente considerando o quanto esse jogo gosta de jogar esses inimigos pra cima da gente.
Certas boss fights também deixaram a desejar, mas num geral a maioria pode ser considerada legais no mínimo.
E também, eu sinto uma falta de poder me translocar pelo mapa mais rapidamente, principalmente quando comecei a caçar os artefatos.


Amazing how arguably the best Gamecube game just needed a fresh coat of paint and the joys of twinstick controls to be just as great now as it was 21 years ago. Frustrating save points aside, Prime Remastered is a marvel of atmosphere and exploration. Equal parts its 2D counterparts, Legend of Zelda, and Half-Life, Prime is a must-play now that it has an official - and stellar - remaster.

I've been struggling to figure out whether to play this as a 4.5/5 or a 5/5, and I think after some time of deliberation, I think this game deserves the full 5.
I've been meaning to get to Metroid Prime for the longest time now, and this was the calling card for me to finally get it. And god, was there a struggle, every store was sold out, and amazon had it being sold for much more than 40 bucks. I was able to find a copy of it at a random Gamestop though, and it was the last one there.
Now, anecdote aside, the game is genuinely amazing. I was a bit skeptical, early on I was having fun, but I wasn't amazed. And then as I progressed further and further, something just clicked. The world of Tallon IV is so smartly designed. How the map works is genius. Though some puzzles are more difficult then others, figuring them out was amazing. There was one puzzle where you have to get up a vertical tower, but there's no way to go up. But as you examine the environment, you notice. There's rain particles hitting something invisible. That "aha!" moment, that's what I love about this game, and what made me continue it further and further. Sure, I got lost numerous times, but it never stopped me.
The combat is fun, though when I'm retreading old ground, it could be a bit tiresome. In fact, gameplay was where I was most worried. I was worried the controls just wouldn't make for a good experience, but honestly I think it did the opposite. The bosses were awesome as well!!! The size of each boss combined with the first person perspective gives this amazing sense of scale, and makes you feel so much smaller.
And dare I forget to mention how beautiful this game looks. I've seen footage of the original, and it already looked gorgeous there, so for the remaster to somehow one up it? It's absolutely outstanding.
The more I type the more I feel confident giving it a 5/5, while I don't think it beats out Dread for my favorite Metroid title, this easily takes the second place spot

I don't know if this is going to make any sense, but this is the game I wish Halo was. A FPS with rewarding exploration. Add in the classic Metroid(vania?) upgrade and progression system, and you've got a really, really good game.

To be honest I forgot this game came out this year, so I wasn't planning on reviewing it. I really don't have much to say other than I loved it. I never played the original, but this felt like a perfect way to first experience it.

Metroid is another series I'm new to, and this easily became my favorite entry of those I've tried.

The remaster so flawless it entirely invalidates the original and runs perfectly with no hitch. Was a stable 60 the entirety of my time playing and felt great to control with the new dual stick controls. I only suggest switching the controls for missile and weapon change so that beam combos are easier to pull off. Besides that being one of the many times Ive beaten the game, new insights that I never knew about Metroid Prime til now. The game had voice acting? In Europe and Japan, both of which are options for the remaster to set giving you an opening narration and end crawl among some incidental ones like location announcements but only when entering a game save. I also didnt appreciate just how The Thing this game is. The music stings with a heartbeat like sound are absolutely invoking the cold paranoia alien flick in the most tense of lore areas. Amazing game worth playing again, or for first time if you never have, and this is the version you should play.

Biblical Fiction, what could I say?

Literally the only problem with this remaster is the stupid motion blur on the Thermal Visor. It's too much.

Other than that, real gaming, peak gaming, kino, 10/10.

What even needs to be said other than I wasn't a huge fan of the artifact scavenger hunt.

In some ways it's hard to review a "remaster" or release of a game. Is the perfect re-master one that changes as little as possible, or is changing everything that needed to be changed the ideal?

Regardless, I'm going with my gut on this one. I'm a long time Prime trilogy fan, with dozens of replays on console and emulator over the years, including Wiimote AND Primehack m+kb controls. This is the first iteration that I've felt was not only the intended way to see and experience the world, but the intended way to control and be Samus Aran.

The world looks and feels mesmerizing, beautiful, and brimming with life. Everything feels the same but so much realer, which is an amazing feat. The dual stick controls feel perfect, unlike Wiimote which borderline replaces all of the lock-dash gameplay in favor of a free aim spazz out, dual stick preserves all of the best parts of the core gameplay loop, while smoothing out the exceedingly rough edges presented by "trying to aim at something high up" that felt cumbersome, slow, and pace-killing with the traditional aim method. Additionally, load times(especially doors) are remarkably better. Something that often felt like a mood killer in the original, when waiting at a door for many seconds for the next room to load, is now non-existant. Underwater sections have a much better screen filter that's less difficult on the eyes(pre and post- gravity suit acquisition which also improves underwater visibility).

A small part of me looks at a few long time criticisms I've had of the game, and wonders "what if they changed that", and for better or for worse, it would no longer be Metroid Prime. They chose to stay authentic, and I respect and appreciate their integrity in doing so, this oozes evidence of passion and respect for the players and fans, for a franchise that is far from the Pokemon et al box office smash hits.

For that, I give this game, under the context of "rating this on it's merits as a remaster of an existing game", a 4.5. It would get perfect marks if it were not for 2 issues I found glaring. The doors look awful, and a former Metroid Prime dev pointed out on twitter that the alpha layer of the doors was wrong which made the blue illumination layer go above the textures, making every door feel more like a super metroid bubble than a real door, and in my opinion made them uglier for Prime as well as hard to see when a door had be activated(opened). The much larger issue, is that the thermal visor has had something changed that makes it very, very uncomfortable on the eyes to use. I've seen many others express the same complaint, and the best I can describe it as is a mix of 3D red-blue without wearing 3D glasses plus really bad motion blur. I never feel eye strain or headaches playing games from visuals, but this one actually hurt. Luckily, the beam isn't required for that much of gameplay.

don't forget to scan an ice shriekbat before picking up the thermal visor

its metroid prime with p much no changes besides visuals, i still love it and its one of my favorite games

should probably replay 2 and then finally 3 at some point lol

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first half/second third is peak metroid honestly, the formula of the 2d metroid games put into a 3d environment is something that seems like an inevitability honestly. it works so well and the exploration is so fun and rewarding. except when it gets to that last third. the blatant fetch quest that is prevalent near the end of the game and is mandatory to even get to the final boss is really not my cup of tea, and speaking of the bosses, spoilers!!!!

the 'metroid prime' boss and enemies/fights similar to it are hogwash im sorry. i hate the idea of having to panic kill enemies while youre trying to find the boss by switching your lenses and flicking your camera around like a madman. and dying at the second phase of the fight sends you right back to the beginning of the final area which was not fun i will say! after beating the boss i didnt feel accomplished, just thankful it was over.

lastly, one more negative, the backtracking is absolutely a slog and brings the game down a couple of points in my opinion. since the game is in 3d now, you have many more traversal options and ways to layout rooms, but these new 3d rooms combined with said backtracking makes it a nightmare sometimes to go through. having enemies respawn every 2 rooms does not help as well, definitely makes running around trying to find everything a hell of a time and not a good one.

though ive ragged on the game a fair bit, i still love this game to death, it's not perfect by any means, but god the metroid formula of exploring and finding new shit to open more of the map is a tried and true formula that just works. hopefully prime 2 gets the same treatment as this remaster.

(by the way this was a review on the game itself not the remasters enhancements because this is my first time playing prime! thanks yall! <3)

Fun combat cool bosses pretty environments great graphics but a lot of backtracking

I mean do I really have to say anything here.
It's metroid prime with modern visuals that respects the original art style. It was fucking amazing what do you want from me

A big Metroid Fan here, revisiting this game for a fourth time was a hesitant joy for me. I did ponder about why I ‘needed’ to play this game yet another time, but I talking myself into eventually (and into a new OLED Switch).

Metroid Prime looks fantastic on the switch, it never faltered with frame rates and glitches were non existent. The atmosphere is immersive with its environmental design and sound production. However, this can show its age when there is constant back travel and questionable level design, some incredible with its camera panning and cutting, and others leaving the player in the dark with its obtuse choices.

Gameplay wise Prime feels, dated. This isn’t a game that focuses on its gameplay of shooting, rather than it’s platforming and world traversing. Shooting enemies can at first feel at joy, but by the end of your adventure become monotonous, with little variety in shooter mechanics than will leave you wanting more. The biggest decision you will have when using your gun is to match the colour with the same colour of the enemy.

With these negatives, it’s important to mention how impactful Prime was in my childhood, opening me up to a more abstract shooter game focusing on platforming and immersion, rather than something along the lines of Halo or shudder Call of Duty. Yes, the backtracking definitely becomes horrendous at times (I’m looking at you artifact pieces), but I just remember how happy this game made me as a teenager. A great remaster for a title that impacted so many into accessing an alternative shooter.

Un juego calcado al original pero con un apartado gráfico muy superior, han conseguido que sea un techo gráfico para la Switch al igual que en su día lo fue para Gamecube.
En cuanto al juego, transmite una sensación de aventura, soledad y curiosidad que pocos consiguen. Siempre aparece un camino nuevo que te lleva a algo interesante. La forma de contar la historia a través del visor de escaneo me parece brillante, prácticamente todo se puede escanear y dar información sobre el universo del juego.
Para mi sin duda uno de los mejores juegos de la historia y la mejor adaptación del género “metroidvania” a las 3D que se ha hecho nunca.

Same amazing game just updated visuals and controls. Amazing time, one of my favorite games still. Not sure why they made the thermal visor slightly blurry, but that's really my only problem.