Reviews from

in the past

Pretty great although switching between Visor Modes and Weapons can be extremely annoying made the Metroid Prime Boss Fight spawn several tumours in my brain. Make more of these Nintendo thanks.

Beat it once with the hybrid controls, but really want to get another playthrough with a gamecube controller. Just holding out for either a patch that fixes the gamecube controller glitch, or when December rolls along...whichever comes first.

I don't know if this is going to make any sense, but this is the game I wish Halo was. A FPS with rewarding exploration. Add in the classic Metroid(vania?) upgrade and progression system, and you've got a really, really good game.

To be honest I forgot this game came out this year, so I wasn't planning on reviewing it. I really don't have much to say other than I loved it. I never played the original, but this felt like a perfect way to first experience it.

Metroid is another series I'm new to, and this easily became my favorite entry of those I've tried.

Fuck the phazon mines
Other than that pretty great :)

Near perfect game. The atmosphere and world is just as good as any other Metroid game, and definitely worth it's current price.

amazing, easily one of my favorite games ive ever played. that said.
FUCK the omega pirate. with how amazing this game is it BAFFLES me that a boss fight that genuinely poorly designed made its way in there.
FUCK the fission metroids too they're just annoying and they suck.
also the ZR button on my switch's joycon broke and stopped working in the middle of the final boss so thank GOD the A button also shoots or i'd've been fucked.

bu oyuna çok kriptik çözemiyom diyenler muhtemelen textleri okumaya üşenenlerden ibaret

Very fun and immersive FPS metroid game. Never played the original but was quite happy with this one.

Has a lot of backtracking but you still explore a lot of new areas. Combat is simple but fine. Lots of weapon and visor switching.

I loved this when it was out on GameCube but it's not clicking for me. I've put hours into it but it's just annoying me now.

I'm just going to come across as dumb, but I keep hitting brick walls with progress and have to check a guide. But I don't really feel it's always my fault. Like one boss on scanning mentioned something about having a soft underbelly, but the guide said shoot it in the mouth after an attack. Or a hole being behind a statue you have to blow up, but the other identical statues don't blow up. And normally it's just looking in the dark for a hole.

It doesn't help that a lot of people are complaining about the end boss being too hard too. I don't want to bash my way through to eventually hit a wall I can't get past right at the end.


Made this game look even more beautiful. Now hopefully we can get the same for the 2nd and 3rd game.

first playthrough ever, while theres some frustrating aspects to it they dont really matter in the end. they dont make em like this anymore

There are certainly aspects of Metroid Prime that haven't aged well, and there are certain parts (looking at you fission metroids) that frankly never should have been included in the first place. Overall, though, this game is a triumph, and the remaster is an excellent way for younger fans like myself to experience a true icon of the industry, and I'm very glad I gave it a try.

I definitely gotta play more metroidvanias going forward. Metroid Prime is very good but I did have a lot of small grievances with it, the backtracking and the boss fights being the worst of it. When I say backtracking I'm not referring to revisiting areas, I'm talking about having to traverse the same pathways over and over again to get to and from a specific area. My problem with the boss fights comes from how long they take and how they aren't involved enough to remain interesting for the whole duration. None of my complaints are major enough to ruin the game or anything but they're enough for me to dock it a few points.

Fantastic Remaster. Fixes all of my problems with the original games control scheme. still has an obnoxious endgame but that can be overlooked in my opinion. Can't wait for Prime 4, but hoping I get a way to play 2 and 3 without having to resort to emulation.

The back tracking is annoying but the music and atmosphere makes up for it

i spent like a full month searching for a copy and then when i finally did i played it and didn’t like it

Finding the artifacts at the end ruined it tbh

Metroid Prime adapta muy bien la esencia de esta franquicia a 3D por primera vez y en un género bastante ajeno a Nintendo para la época. Visualmente el remaster es verdaderamente increíble para el Switch y ojalá hagan lo mismo con Echoes y Corruption. La música tiene un toque bastante distinto a lo que estoy acostumbrado de Nintendo (Koji Kondo básicamente) y se siente bastante refrescante. A pesar de que es una traducción bastante fiel de 2D a 3D el combate si se siente algo plano y básico, sin embargo hay bosses que ayudan a cambiar un poco la cosa. La exploración es lo que me engancha y lo que creo que este juego mejor hace.

the children yearn for the (phazon) mines

this should be my perfect game and idk why but there is something that is justtttt missing.

This is a near perfect game except for a few things. How spongey the final 2 bosses are and collecting the chozo artifacts. I didn't understand them at first and as a result had to do a bunch of tedious backtracking. Beyond that man this game is like perfect. A good remaster of a amaing game.

Same amazing game just updated visuals and controls. Amazing time, one of my favorite games still. Not sure why they made the thermal visor slightly blurry, but that's really my only problem.

Çok iyi bir oyun olduğuna %100 emin olmakla beraber, yok arkadaş ben bu oyunu oynayamıyorum. metroidvania türü galiba 3d aksiyon olmaya uygun bir formül değil yada benim kafam basmıyor. Hem harita çok karışık hem de daracık klostrofobik odalarda combata gir çık olayı bir süre sonra inanılmaz yoruyor. Bazı noktalarda kriptik öyle anlar var ki rehbersiz oynamak imkansız hale geliyor. ha bir de Allah aşkına bu nasıl bir oyun mekaniği dizaynıdır ey yapımcı! Scan visor kullanmaktan oyuna odaklanamıyorum bir türlü, tara babam tara tara babam tara... Otu tara, boku tara, sağı tara, solu tara... AVM'lerdeki özel güvenlik bir günde bu kadar taramıyordur. Burda portal'dan örnek vereceğim, o oyunda zeminlere veya yüzeylere portal açma mecburiyetimiz olduğu için (mantıken) gözlerimiz çevre dizaynını seçmek yerine portal açacak yerler arıyordu, haliyle oyun boyunca odak sürekli duvarlardaydı. Portal'da kabul edilebilir bir durum ama metroid'de sürekli scanlayacak yer aramayı hiç bir mantığa oturtamıyorum. Info almak için scan, use'lamak için scan...Yani etkileşime geçilecek şeyler için basit bir use tuşu veyahut infolanacak objeler için basit bir pop-up ile çözülemez miydi bu olay? Demek ki çözülemiyormuş. 2002 yapımı gamecube versiyonunu oynama fırsatım olmadığı için remastered ile arasında nasıl bir fark var tam olarak bilmiyorum lakin gördüğüm kadarıyla grafikler güzelce cilalanmış. Orjinal oyunda combat böyleyse vay haline ki ateş etmek hem yorucu hem de su tabancası gibi hissettiriyor. Harita dizaynı oldukça kabız. oyunun herhangi bir yerinde her an hiç beklemediğiniz bir şekilde kaybolabiliyoruz. Neyse lafı fazla uzatmayacağım. yapımın overhype olmasına anlam veremiyorum klostrofobik, soğuk, ruhsuz ve karanlık oyunları seviyorsanız, yağmur sadece sizin kafanıza yağıyorsa, apartmanın kazan dairesi gibi alanlarda combat'a girmekten rahatsızlık duymuyorsanız bir deneyin.

J'en étais à : perdu apres le boss de glace qui donne la magneto morph ball

Had to give this five stars because this is one of the greatest remasters I've ever seen.

Nintendo's Halo CE

There are only a few games I've played that perfectly capture the feeling of loneliness, this is one of them. Similar to Halo CE, Prime just masters the atmosphere. For pretty much the whole playthrough I didn't know what the fuck was going on or why I was where I was but damn was it a mood. The gunplay is very simple as is the platforming but exploring every piece of the planet is what sold me. I never got tired of the backtracking and frequently would stop whatever I was doing to go back to certain areas whenever I'd get new equipment just to see what it provides.

I like the idea of different beams but switching between them is a bit clunky, it's not very smooth and so when you gotta do it in comabt you're pretty vulnerable to taking damage. I also wish there was some sort of checklist like Dread where you can see how many collectibles you have left for an area just to make it a bit easier. I don't look at this as a bad thing but some of the missile upgrade locations where completely mental, even if I re-played this a dozen times I would have never found them without a guide.

I now understand the pain of the Metroid Prime 4 people