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in the past

Uma boa sequencia do Centipede e mto semelhante tbm

Nota: 5/10 (★★☆) - Jogável

Arcade version:

Millipede is an upgraded version of Centipede where you have to avoid more enemies, that come out from the sides and below you to kill you faster, as well as being careful of Flys that fly down and create more barriers to make it difficult to shoot the millipede.
The game is a harder version of Centipede, that is fun to play, however in terms of arcade version, I prefer Centipede, and compared to the other versions of Millipede, I'd put this one in second place.

Played on Atari 50.

Centipede - The Lost Levels

I'm sure it was a big leap over Centipede at the time but it didn't feel that much different other than some slightly better animations and colours.

A fine sequel, but I prefer Centipede in all honesty. I just like the slower pace and the game doesn't end in seconds after draining all of my lives in seconds.

Centipede with a bit more to it and a bit more challenging. The bombs around the map help but it's still annoying how shooting actually works in this game for how much more fast paced this is.

Millipede is probably one of those first examples of a remaster/remake that adds clear improvements to visuals and audio, but arguably doesn't quite match the original's brilliance. Personally, I prefer this over Centipede, but I can understand those against the changes.

Faster, with a little extra style.

Played through the Atari 50th Anniversary Collection:
Incredibly solid update to Centipede even though the volume intensity is actively trying to ground you into submission.

What if Centipede but it constantly sounded like you were trying to plug a guitar into a way-too-loud amp but you never actually fully push the instrument cable in

Esse certamente é um dos arcades já feitos. Bem frenético, não te deixando pensar muito, apenas atire no que ver pela frente. Eu parabenizo quem consegue jogar de forma que planeja os ataques com bombas na centopéia (ou lacraia, tanto faz)

One of the more solid and enjoyable arcade titles. Definitely not a bad choice.

2600 version:
Feels like a faster version of the arcade machine, while just feeling like a worse version of Centipede 2600, because even though it has things like other enemies, as well as bombs to kill the Centipede with, it just feels like a modification of Centipede 2600 made to be harder and isn't as enjoyable in my opinion.
In the 3 versions I played, this one goes in last place.

Played on Atari 50.

Played as part of Atari 50.

It's better than Centipede, at least. I mean, the green rectangle showing where you can move alone is a huge improvement. The board moving down each wave is another clear improvement in terms of mixing up the board, which was really boringly static in the original centipede. And the DDT bombs also help a ton in cleaning up the board.

But it's still kind of a clusterfuck. So many bugs just fly straight into the movement box and are frustrating to deal with at best, and will just kill you with almost no warning at worst. There's even more kinds of enemies than before, to the point where you don't even really spend all that much time focusing on the main gimmick, the millipede itself, at least, any more than any other individual insect type. It's been very tangibly improved but it's still not really in the league of other shootemups of the era for me.

Well if you like Centipede this is worth trying. Too fast for me but its still fun but it just goes by so fast. Definitely takes a few quarters to get a handle on it and even then if you're like me you wont' get very far. For my time I'll probably stick with the original and just mix it up on occasion with his one.

(played as part of ATARI 50)

It's CENTIPEDE with a couple new enemies and uglier colors. Still a halting, mildly frustrating time. The new environmental bombs are a nice touch.

the game over sound jumpscared me man

An improvement over Centipede in every way. Adding the dynamite gives you a sort of panic button to buy yourself some breathing room. The addition of a zone of free movement allows you to get more aggressive while also introducing new threats that keep the game even more engaging, and everything feels a little faster and more hectic. It's the ideal pace for an Arcade game that makes you want to go back for another shot at the high score.

It's just better Centipede.

Much like other arcade sequels, it doesn't change too much from the original Centipede, but it does have more faces to see, and it feels more alive. So, it gets at least that right.

Game #191