Reviews from

in the past

So bad. Like so bad. literally the worst game.

It's not as bad as The Gray Garden and it's not as good as Wadanohara, so I'd put it in between the two, but one thing is for sure, it's probably the game with the biggest DSP mark if you've played it, you know what it is.

Por favor dejen de jugar al parchis con yonaka

we dont talk about mogeko castle

playing this at 14 was the beginning of my problematic tendencies and i love it

I love Moge-ko mogegegegegegegege
She's literaly me

The first half got me hooked up and i was like "okay this is some promising rpg maker shit" and then i was punched in the gut by the most boring tedious repetetive experience i had in a long long time
They really couldn't put idfk a single puzzle to beat the boring walk escape talk formula?
omg i had so much expectations cause i love deep sea prisoner as a creator

Idk what to say. Its weird as hell

Eu não devia ter uns 12 anos quando joguei.

realmente é ruim em varios sentido, mas eu tenho muito afeto mesmo

This shit sucks so bad but it's honestly amusing sometimes in how bad it is. I'd replay it over Wadanohara or Gray Garden since it at least doesn't have the terrible battle systems. Also Moge-ko yes please.
Played in Japanese

My friend told me I would learn plenty of new things about myself playing this game. He wasn't lying

Absolutely adore this game’s artstyle.

The rest of this game is definitely,

A nostalgic experience for me personally. The textured art style together with the simple soundtrack and nonlinear story made this a title I will never forget.

aburrido abubuabubuaburrido

☠️☠️juro q quando eu tinha 11 anos isso parecia mt mwljor

absurdo. calcinhas. criaturas amarelinhas homicidas. tudo é muito esquisito, imoral e às vezes nem no fim é explicado, mas admito que me diverti pra porra. queria que a vida acontecesse com a ost de mogeko castle tocando no fundo

Muito bom, mas eu não sei se recomendaria pra alguém hoje.