Reviews from

in the past

Completed with 100% of achievements unlocked; 'true' ending, via new game plus and Solstice update. A rather neat puzzle/exploration game, where players guide a child protagonist on a quest to restore light to as dying world. The puzzle gameplay is decent enough, but the game's real strengths come from the story and the concepts underlying this. Most significantly, the game directly acknowledges that it is a game, with the protagonist interacting with the player, and much more than that, but I won't go into detail to avoind spoilers. With a touching and thoughtful plot, this is an experience that will stay with you for a while.

Зашёл, вышел, посмотрел, поиграл, круто,
Играл, думая что это игра от TobyFox.

holy jesus this is one of the best indie games i've played, it is so unique i unironically love it, and i never thought i'd be so immersed and so interested in a game about a silly little cat girl/boy whatever Niko is, and i never thought i would actually FEEL good when she said my name :)) either way this game is amazing please play it

I like explorer based titles like this a fair bit, this was a nice ride, I really like the last bit where you had to overlay the two windows to solve the puzzle, that was very dynamic. In general, I like those kinds of half ingame-half sprouting into your pc type situations for games its cool and feels fresh

Un juegazo como la copa de un pino. En 3/4 h consigue que la prota te importe mucho más que otros de 50 horas. Una vez pasado lo volví a instalar y jugar solo par volver a ver a Niko, y eso dice mucho. En cuánto al juego en sí, es una aventura gráfica sencillita con toquecitos de humor y un apartado artístico muy bueno. Cuándo lo inicies se juega en modo ventana, y os aconsejo encarecidamente que no lo cambiéis, así el juego se disfruta el doble. Por lo demás, un juego que en momentos me ha recordado a Undertale, y eso es decir mucho.

This review contains spoilers

Don't forget, you have only one shot.

O jogo é muito bonito (visualmente e figuradamente) e bem imersivo
A história é bem interessante apesar de vaga, e na verdade ela ser vaga dá mais ainda a atmosfera de um mundo caindo aos pedaços meio sem salvação mesmo
O jogo tem mecânicas muito criativas o que deixa bem divertido de jogar, os personagens são bem únicos também, mesmo que a gente veja eles pouco, e niko é perfeite amo elu
Enfim, o jogo é ótimo, só acho que poderia ter sido explorado um pouco mais o dilema final de salvar niko ou o mundo (e obviamente a resposta certa é salvar niko, o mundo já tava acabando de qualquer jeito)

the wallpaper puzzle completely blew my mind when i was 12

Oneshot é um jogo calmo, tranquilo e curto. Ótimo pra passar o tempo e é uma gracinha.

Terra meter: 78%

Story/narrative - 4.5/5
Gameplay - - 3/5
Sound/music - 4/5
General presentation - 4/5
Overall enjoyment - 4/5

A unique little game with a lot of missed potential. It uses the medium marvelously to construct a narrative that failed to live up to its promise. The first third of this game is a borderline, interactive masterstroke of atmosphere and capturing the fragile nature of the situation at hand. It quickly loses its pristine atmosphere and becomes a more character focused adventure with more comedy, which is just a lower quality than the first third or so. Characters are quite surface level, not the game strongest element, yet there is so much focus on them. The secret ending helps a great deal, but not enough to push this past a 9/10. Does not help that in terms of gameplay there is not much to talk about.

I like this game a lot . Its story is good and its characters are endearing

It also uses the fact that it's a video game reallly well. I love it when media takes advantage of the media they are! ! super cool what they do here

changed my life. i love niko

absolutely phenomenal and under appreciated game go play it right now

i liked the part where Niko said 'it's one shottin time' and then he one shotted all over everyone


Undertale's quiet little brother. It may not be as loud or have as much personality, but it is just sooooo endearing. Probably one of the warmest, coziest games I've ever played in spite of its apocalyptic setting, which is saying a lot considering A Short Hike is one of my all time favorites. Yet it's incredibly nuanced and bold too—the large chunk of Undertale that I've already finished, quirky idiosyncrasy and all, never evoked as much of an emotional response as this game did in just how overwhelmingly cute and bittersweet it is. Definitely and admirably wears its influences on its sleeve loud and proud (and especially in the soundtrack, in which you can hear everything from Undertale and Minecraft VGM to lo-fi hip-hop and jazzy chords and maybe, just maybe, even a little impressionism) yet it still manages to stand on its own foundations as something wholly original (probably because of the gameplay though). Don't even get me started on the meta-elements of this game because 1. it's absolutely ingenious and 2. talking about it is basically a massive spoiler in and of itself that just ruins the fun. If I had one thing to pick on about this though, it would probably be the relative lack of the more meta-gameplay elements, which was a shame because of just how interesting and resoundingly creative the concept is. But hey, who am I to complain? This is one adorable, touching, great game, and you bet it is every ounce as good as its contemporaries if not better. Although I uphold the latter. lolol also sorry for the rambling spiel

nota: 2.5/5 (não recomendo)
comentário: quebra cabeça estilo god of war, resolva o problema e depois descubra o problema kk, bem casual. A história não tem nada de incrível, ele brinca algumas vezes com a dualidade de emoção e lógica. Só recomendo para aquelas pessoas que AMAM jogos indies com quebra cabeça.