Reviews from

in the past

great visuals and sounds, its beautiful and the ending was great

oof, the switch port of this. There's some absolutely, fantastically charming inventions in this thing, but the performance issues wore me down after half an hour.

a master class in colour & sound.

I love all the physic objects and how everything has a fun sound.

Quite liked this little scavenger hunt, but the sentimentality totally missed for me.

Unreal use of non-pbr techniques, really pushes boundaries of mixing light and flat/gradiented color.

Overpolished in an Twitter Indie way but that's a very personal and stupid bugbear. The text is just too bouncy to read!!

A unique experiment, makin colors, shaders, and sound randomized and proceduraly generated. Nice snack game with fun dialogue that has a bit of sadness behind it. Tadpoles are annoying tho and collecting bugs multiple times was mostly not interesting.

Slow-paced exploration... documentation thing. You catch creatures in an endless marsh to restore constellations to the sky. There's a good few distractions in each biome, little puzzles to be solved with item-environment interactions. It's a cute, relaxing game with some tedium built in as you chase the last little things on the list.

It's a pretty chill game where you wander a small marsh, collecting small creatures, listening to bird poetry, and talking to stars.

Pretty short but doesn't drag. Feels paced well. The characters are entertaining for what they are.

Fun chill vibes. Art style is whimsical and creature collecting is satisfying. Definitely not worth the price tho so try to grab it on sale.

Fun game about catching critters and self-reflecting, 100%-able in 3 hours.
Comfortable to play with some nice poetry to boot.
The little interactable things in the overworld are a nice touch too!

Cute short game about exploring, collecting bugs, and looking at constellations. Reminds me a lot of Proteus.

It's fine, it's short and sweet. The conversations with the constellations were the most interesting part. The only problem was trying to find certain bugs multiple times which became annoying

Smoked last night and wanted to play something neat that I could finish in a sitting, this really did the trick. From afar Paradise Marsh seems like a game I wouldn't enjoy, but I was pleasantly surprised to find a lot to like here. A case can easily be made that this is just Proteus for Gen Z, but its unexpectedly nice writing and great sound design stand out enough to warrant checking it out (Disasterpeace is great as usual). Come for the star bugs, stay for the poetry birds

i went into it completely blind, so finding out what the story / major theme was fun and i liked the sentimentality. very good visuals and sound design, cute writing, overall a very enjoyable short game. would recommend (thumbs up)

A pleasant 2-hour walker/clicker where you will have to catch each type of insect several times and then make a constellation of each creature. Yes, the visual is not outstanding, but still quite pleasant, it’s not necessary to wander slowly - you can bunnyhop, or eat magic flowers /mushrooms, and, speed up) there are a lot of cool little things in general, you can throw some pebbles in water, clean up the trash, wash the scattered clothes, and also they put a lot of replicas into the game, they seem to be funny, but without a very good knowledge of English it is impossible to fully appreciate them. It only infuriated that day and night would change very quickly, and, you can look for the last insect for about 10 minutes) And the map here, by the way, seems to be auto-generated randomly, because in which direction you don’t go, there will be no end.

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