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Amazing sequel. I was initially bothered by its change of tone. The original felt so real and strengely adult thanks to Olimar logs. Thankfully, Pikmin 2's humor makes up for it completely. Every night I looked forward to each email you get from your boss or family, even some good ol' spam.

Gameplaywise, I like the caves. Perhaps they're overemphasized, as they're more than half of the total play time. That said, I like how brutal and cuel they can be some times. They can be very stressful, but that ensures they'll be memorable.

This is both the best and worse Pikmin game in the franchise.

This port/Remaster it's a window the most bullshit and funny game Miyamoto has created because who in his right mind think "Let's drop bombs from the celling for the funnies"

Tiene mas profundidad mecánica con los nuevos Pikmin y daños elementales y la ausencia de cuenta atras lo hace mas relajado, pero tener que repetir secciones por muertes injustas es muy ñeh. Y la UI es un crimen ocular. No está mal pero me ha gustado menos que el 1.

Growing up is realising Pikmin 1 is the better game.

Significantly longer and more challenging than the first game, but to its own detriment. Some of the content in this game - the caves in the third zone especially - are the best of the best content in either of the first two games. But by the end of the game the charm wears off, and it's a whole lot of tedium and resets forced by bad luck and bizarre design. The final boss is an insanely spongy mess, more a test of patience than a test of skill, and when I finished the game with all treasures collected I had been ready to be done for at least 6 hours. 18 and a half hours is too long for a Pikmin game, too long for any game with so little variety in the things you're doing.

All that complaining aside, it still has a lot of charm. Great enemy designs, some excellent boss fights, and occasionally you hit a peak like the Submerged Castle where the game design really locks into something and you have a majestic, tense, challenging, and rewarding experience. Pikmin is Pikmin, and Pikmin is good. Just, maybe not this much of it.

Maybe I shouldn't have jumped from Pikmin 4 back to Pikmin 2. Sure, 2 is the only game in the series that I haven't played -- AND the updated switch version looked shiny. But as soon as you remove those QOL and AI upgrades present in later games, 2 feels rough around the edges.

By nature, 2 is more of a dungeon crawler where smart pikmin play and attrition prevail. You can finish the game rather quickly if you optimizer the dungeon. But the overworld magic is what I really like in both 1 and 4.

por un lado, mejora todos los aspectos de pikmin 1
por otro lado, cuevas

algunas cosas me gustaron más como las mejoras de tus personajes (que encima se notan bastante), los pikmin se sienten mejores y las cuevas son un cambio de ritmo dentro del timer de los días

pero a su vez echo de menos la presión del límite de días (puedo vivir sin ella) y ese extra de planificación que trae, algunas cuevas simplemente no son divertidas, los mapas me parecieron menos interesantes que los del primero dkw y la omisión más flagrante el gráfico de después de cada día que podría estar mejor pero era un gráfico (que chulos)

es más pikmin y a un nivel similar así que no me quejo.

Technically I didn't finish finish this as I didn't get all the treasures but I'd rather get punched in the face than put myself through that. Idk if I'm just bad and I know I'm new to Pikmin but I feel like this game goes against so much of what makes the first game good. Insanely frustrating and annoying dungeons, fairly boring reused overworld that serves no purpose besides being a hub world for different dungeons, a useless day/night cycle since time limits basically are gone now and needing to get all 201 treasures to get the "actual" ending. I really appreciate the small improvements like the second captain and better Pikmin AI but I really did not enjoy this nearly as much as I did 1 or 3. Maybe someday ill go back and subject myself to the cancer that is all treasures but probably not soon.

Huge improvement over the already great first game but also brutally harder.
I love the dungeon crawling n this game so much.

Le deuxième opus de la saga Pikmin, l'ambiance atypique est toujours là grâce notamment aux musiques.
Dans cette suite plusieurs nouveautés, on était rajouté, les plus notables étant les deux nouveaux types de Pikmins ainsi que les donjons. La limite de temps est elle aussi est supprimés, ce qui ne rend pas pour autant le jeu plus facile au contraire, les donjons apporte un véritable challenge ainsi qu'une utilisation plus judicieuse des Pikmins (limités à 100).
Une suite réussie, car elle garde l'esprit du premier jeu et développe ses idées.

why the fuck can't i skip the cutscenes in this version

Amazing experience. Disgustingly difficult, but that's exactly what I loved the most. It's not hard to get to the credits, but the thing is, the real game begins after that. And it's been a long time since a game has put me on edge so many times, this is really one of the hardest games I've ever played, but in a good way. When Nintendo feels like it, they're godlike at making insanely difficult post-game challenges and here they REALLY felt like it. I 100%'d the game and enjoyed every second of it.

I also loved the characterisation done in the enemy and treasure logs, for both Olimar and Louie. Louie you crazy bastard.

Fixed a lot of my problem with Pikmin 1's Pikmin AI but this sequel just takes 1 step forward and 2 steps back.

I think the no day limit compared to 1 leads it to be a much slower paced and focus on collecting treasure instead of collecting ship parts leads it to a 100% is no longer necessary and the player can complete as much as the game as they want. (I know it wasn't technically necessary in 1 but it was, despite how they framed it). And as stated early the Pikmin AI is much more intelligent than 1 is, to the point where I question why that same pathfinding wasn't implemented into the Switch port of 1. They'll drown less and are much easier to calm down when they do drown.

The dungeons I'm pretty mixed on. On one hand, I like the risk-reward aspect of it. You have a limited amount of Pikmin, but the dungeons are basically the only way to find high value treasure quickly and you can get unique Pikmin from them. On the other some of the most unfair challenges come from these. Mostly bombs random dropping right out of the sky. The dungeons are also randomly generated. Its not too bad as each floor of a dungeon tends to have a pattern to it but it can just lead to a situation where you just want to redo the RNG. One time I got a bomb dropping bug on the other side of a wall my Pikmin needed to break and the bombs hit box just went through the wall. That was annoying.

I think the game was almost a good step in the right direction that kind fell ever so slightly short, in RNG that was ever so slightly more annoying than Pikmins 1 Pikmin AI. That being said its still was overall enjoyable.

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First time playing Pikmin 2 (sorry Duracell). There are so many more improvements from the first Pikmin. As a kid when Pikmin 2 first launched, I wasn’t thrilled on the treasure hunting aspect, preferring more the survival setting and the 30 day limit… well as a kid I was also stupid 😭! I LOVED going through this game finally and collecting all sorts of treasure and going into the Piklopedia (not spell checking that) and looking at what Olimar had to say about it. Another thing I enjoyed about Pikmin 2 is just how much more of a challenge this game can be compared to 1. I don’t know if it’s because this was a new experience for me as opposed to me beating OG Pikmin multiple times throughout the years but some of those caverns you enter… oh boy.

Speaking of challenge! My coworker told me today that i didn’t REALLY beat the game because now I have to rescue Louie and get the good ending. I told him i got the the best ending if you hate Louie. For real tho, I can already tell this last area is going to test my patience and I’m actually super excited for it (except 100 purple pikmin, screw that)!

there is something off about the game but I can't put my finger at it idk why but I feel it is different from the Wii and GameCube version for some reason

I vibe a lot with what this game does, the removal of the time limit in exchange for tougher dungeons with limited Pikmin count. For the most part it all works for me.

UNTIL you get to Wistful Wild. Here the game more or less runs out of new things to throw at you and instead makes dungeons as gruelling and lengthy as possible. Combine that with some uneven difficulty and balancing and sadly this game just falls off towards the end and becomes a chore to play.

This definitely has the blueprints for the best Pikmin though, as long as 4 is halfway challenging it might just be the perfect version of this formula.

Man do I feel conflicted on this one. I find the overall structure of the game to be too focused on combat not the exciting pikmin route and time management of the others. While there is a fun novelty in the cruelty of the caves, they become grating in the back half. The fact that I still rate this game so highly is a testament to how good the core gameplay systems are. Even when it's, in my opinion, focusing on all the wrong parts, it's still delightful, charming, and surprising throughout.

Only one word can describe this game, STRESSFUL

As a game I think Pikmin 2 is better than Pikmin 1, but as a playing experience it is significantly more frustrating.

You have way more options to deal with the enemies here compared to Pikmin 1, but they added a bunch of insta kill hazards and annoying randomized enemy locations to try and balance it out, but all it does is make the game very frustrating to play.

Despite all that the fundamental improvements made to the game bring it up so much. Having 2 captains is great, the AI for the Pikmin is way better, and not having a time limit helps to make the gameplay outside of the caves less stressful.

Overall even though Pikmin 2 is flawed in a lot of ways, it’s still pretty good. Especially if you love it’s crushing difficulty and treasure hunting.

Ok since I don't feel like writing down a whole lot, here's the basic takeaways of my thoughts of this game.

I very much enjoy the things it refined or expanded upon. I like having two captains more than 1, I enjoy the reworked Pikmin types as well as the new types of Purple and White, I generally like the areas and most of the new enemies and bosses, and for the most part, I like the idea of the new cave diving system, due to the challenge it introduced being to keep pikmin alive rather than keeping an eye on a clock.

However, the caves kind of suck in the latter half of the game. Valley of Repose and Wistful Woods have some awful fucking caves, both because of the enemies and hazards they threw in, and especially because of the RNG of that jumbles the layout of these floors that can at times, just be actually unfair. Not like "oh this game is being mean so it's unfair", no I just mean the game thought starting the map off with a white wollyhop, or an angry bulbear, or a fucking gatling groink would be a fun start to the floor combined with occassional onslaughts of other enemies. It's all too much at times.

I still like this game for as bitter as I feel about the caves, but I think I just like Pikmin 1 more. I like it's structure more, and while it at time had some frustrations, it certainly didn't just outright piss me off.

Fuck Bulbears.

La secuela directa del juego.Al quitar el limite de 30 dias y poniendo como objetivo recoger todos los objetos que puedas ,haciendo también que puedan subir la dificultad de base y mas entretenido la exploracion. La nueva mecánica de cuevas haciéndolas de generación procedural y también quitando la obtención de pikmin dentro de ellas un verdadero desafío.

O sistema das cavernas é bem chatinho, o que me desanimou de continuar.

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I love a lot about Pikmin 2. I love how brutal it is, I love the weird but memorable soundtrack, I love how interesting the level design becomes with the random dungeons, and I love the new Pikmin types.

But I do have some gripes with this game. It is pretty dated visually, and I also don't like how the two captains are handled. Since I played this after Pikmin 3, I want to multitask like in that game, the go here function sets the "Dandori" bar for the rest of the series. I feel like Louie is only useful for holding all of the Pikmin while the other Captain goes around the floor triggering the bomb rocks and other traps. Otherwise, they're just kinda there.

Still a great game! Not as replayable as 1 and 3, and that brings the game down a little bit for me but it's still Pikmin so I am really glad I was able to finally experience it.

Pikmin has seriously become one of my new favorite IPs and this one was the last one i needed to play to finish them all ( minus pikmin on 3ds naturally)

Pikmin 2 is not only an improvement on Pikmin 1 but also lets you enjoy the level design this time instead of running around frantically looking for ship parts. Loved it!