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loading screen are too long

one of the best rpgs out there right now. if you like isometric rpgs where your choices matter and the world feels fleshed out, this is a must. edér <3

CRPG a la vieja escuela con una fantástica narrativa y personajes, mucho texto pero digno de ser leido.

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English/German Below

This is a top classic RPG with modern techniques combined.


The Story is very interesting and has a dark tone in it. Its well written and the dialogues are just beautiful made. With that comes a very good score in the background.


Its a classic RPG but it has some clever modern mechanics. First of the Partymember system and Skillsystem is very well made. Only the crafting part wasnt my favourite. Besides that the game gives you an own fortress, where you can do quests or decide about proposals off supplicants. The degree of difficulty is very challenging and you have to think about the fights.


Graphics are good but could be better and I had some glitches or little bugs here in there, just save the game often.


Modern classic RPG with a beautiful story and writing 4.5/5.


Nach 32 1/2 Stunden und 685 Gamerscore liefen die Credits. Ein wirklich gelungenes Beispiel für Kickstarter.


Sehr sehr interessant erzählte Story. Die einzelnen Textpassagen, auch die nicht gesprochenen Roleplaymomente, waren wirklich ein Genuss zum lesen und zuhören. Die einzelnen Storys der Partymember und auch die Geschichte der Seele, Beseelung usw. haben mir gut gefallen. Das Spiel erzeugt eine sehr düstere und auch traurige Grundstimmung, insbesondere die Thematik der Hohlgeborenen.

Dazu wird alles mit wirklich schöner Musik untermalt. Einzelne Dialoge sind auch Obsidiantypisch wirkliche Highlights und ich musste teilweise laut lachen, im Übrigen sind die Dialoge sowieso fantastisch, weil auch unglaublich vielfältig. Auch haben einzelne Entscheidungen signifikante Auswirkungen und die Dialoge sind wirklich mit bedacht zu führen.


Für die Art von Spiel die Pillars of Eternity nunmal ist, ist das grundsolide. Ich hätte mir bei den Zaubern etwas mehr Wumms gewünscht und überhaupt waren die Kampfanimationen nicht sonderlich spannend. Die einzelnen Gebiete waren hübsch gestaltet haben sich aber doch auch öfter geähnelt.


Man bekommt ein umfangreiches klassisches Rollenspielerlebnis mit einem anspruchsvollen Schwierigkeitsgrad. Das Partymembersystem ist eigentlich notwendig, insbesondere sollte man am Anfang in der Taverne Member anheuern. Die einzelnen vom Entwickler gedachten Partymember mit festen Namen und Quests sind bunt gemischt und haben sehr nützliche Fähigkeiten (Heal, Tank, Schurke usw.). Deren Nebenquests, sowie viele andere Nebenquests haben Spaß gemacht und zum weiterspielen motiviert.

Überrascht hat mich das mögliche Aufbauen einer Festung. Die vielen Quest- und Handelsmöglichkeiten, sowie kleinere Geschichten die damit verbunden sind waren sehr erfrischend. Insbesondere die Kopfgeldmissionen haben Laune gemacht aber auch das Erforschen der Unendlichen Wege oder die einzelnen Entscheidungen
(insbesondere was die Bittsteller betrifft und die Möglichkeit Leute in den Kerker zu schmeißen).

Leider ist mir das Handwerk wieder zu kurz gekommen, es hat sich nicht so spannend gespielt und wurde recht schnell öde. Man versteift sich auch schnell für längere Zeit auf bestimmte Rüstungsteile und ich habe auch viel zu selten dadurch Teile ausgetauscht bzw. für manche Rüstungsslots ewig keine Items bekommen (erst gegen Ende von Akt 2).


Ich hatte ein paar kleinere Grafikglitches und 2/3 plötzliche Abstürze (immer schön speichern). Ansonsten ging es mir richtig auf den Sack, dass ab Mitte Akt 2 Gegner sehr oft einzelne Partymember übernehmen (Mindcontrol) und dabei wirklich sehr oft die Waffensets getauscht werden. Kann gut möglich sein, dass das so gewollt ist, weil die KI mit der besten Waffenkombination auf die entsprechende Verteidigung reagieren will, aber warum werden die Waffensets nicht wieder getauscht, sobald der Mindcontrol abläuft. Läuft darauf hinaus, dass man ständig nach einem Fight bei teilweise 6 Membern durchswitchen muss.


Wunderbares klassisches Rollenspiel mit vielen clever eingebauten Ideen, einer unglaublichen Sogwirkung, tollen Dialogen und starker Atmosphäre. 4.5/5 Seelen.

I thought I'll enjoy it after Divinity games which I love but naaaah I don't think it's for me

Narrativa densa , con un ritmo horrible limita sus posibilidades en pos de mantener sus mecánicas noventeras, no es para mi

I despise this combat system. Other than there being a bit too much text and exposition, the game is pretty much perfect. But the combat system is so boring and annoying, I never had a problem with the old fallout combat system, It was fun and tactical and didn't take up too much time. This game however, almost every combat encounter after an hour of playtime was purely an annoyance, there are so many stats to keep track of and options with builds and consumables and abilities, but to actually conisder any of that while playing requires you to pause the game every 2 seconds. This game is already absurdly long, and so many encounters are easy filler. It's a shame since I loved the lore, characters and aesthetic of the game

Good writing and gorgeous visuals carry a wonky RPG system.

I've tried twice to get into this. I've made it past Act 2 on my second attempt. But, I always end up bouncing off of this.

One day, I will come back to beat this game. I want to like it.

A Cautionary tale of two things:
1. Why the CRPG fizzled out in popularity
2. Promising too much on a kickstarter
that said, I think the game is alright. play it on easy or story mode because the combat really isn't worth engaging with

Nice game!
Great gameplay mechanics, nice story.

While outclassed by it's sequel, Pillars of Eternity does a fantastic job of marrying the tactical combat of older crpgs with the more modern story telling sensibilities of both modern tabletop and video game rpgs.

It has nice art and music. I guess that's where all the kickstarter money went.

First game I ever backed on Kickstarter. Never regretted it.

Don't play this game if you're illiterate.

Really scratched that Baldur's Gate nostalgia itch. A good one for lockdown.

A true rpg to the very bone, really captures the feeling of creating a character in an unfamiliar world

Negatives: super dense from story and gameplay perspective, and the moment to moment gameplay isn't always fun

Well written, despite being at times verbose. Beautiful environments, great role-playing opportunities but real time with pause is just too chaotic to be enjoyable.

Aside the text dump it takes on you its kinda interesting and has some old school crpg vibes

Tem uma história promissora, mas infelizmente não consegui acompanhar por causa do gameplay.

One of the best RPGs ever made!!

Enjoyable story and world building but the combat just didn’t click for me.

Com uma narrativa relativamente simples e um elenco completo com personagens interessantes, Pillars of Eternity é um dos poucos jogos que consegue passar uma sensação de humanidade e conexão entre personagens e jogador, mesmo com a pouco natural e (em minha opinião) estranha forma de comunicação que é o CRPG.

As mecânicas são sólidas mas apresentam sim grande espaço para aprimoramentos, os quais espero ver na sequência que se passa no arquipélago Deadfire.

Em resumo: Uma história bem contada que calhou de vir com uma mecânica relativamente antiga.

Too long, I had to stop at fifty hours. The game couldn't recapture me after I finished the White March

Finally came back to the game and finished it. Turns out I had just about an hour's gameplay left. My original critique still stands but it is still an incredibly great rpg with combat that gets VERY STALE. Still, I shudder to think of any RPG that can stay fresh after 50 hours let alone 60. Games like The Witcher 3 and Elden Ring are exceptions not the rule. I definitely appreciate my time spent with this game but I ABSOLUTELY do no want to play it again. I planned on immediately playing the second game after this but I need a LONG break between the two games.

Rtwp combat kesinlikle benlik değil, hiç alışamadım, sevemedim. Lore ve hikaye tam ilgimi çekmeye başlamışken oyun bir kaç saat içinde bitti, bu kadarcık mı diye kaldım. Compainon hikayelerinin daha uzun olmasını isterdim, bazıları çok seyrek ve kısaydı. Deadfire için hiç heyecanlı değilim zira yine aynı rtwp combat. DLCleri oynamadım. Bir de kendini bu kadar ciddiye alan bir oyun oynamadım uzun zamandır, sakinn.

Games seems good and quite complex but it is absolutely not for me