Reviews from

in the past

I lost my copy of this for a long time, only to find it in the bottom of a pool bag that none of my family used for years. That was a really good moment. I found a copy of Contra 4 in there as well. That was a good day.

I have a very complicated relationship with this game. When it came out, I hated it. I hated most of the new Pokemon, I hated Mt. Coronet, and I hated Team Galactic. I had started high school at this point, and felt like it was time to move on from Pokemon. I decided to complete the National Dex and walk away.

I spent every bus ride to and from school grinding out levels to evolve my Pokemon and fill that dex. I got most of the way there, but before I finished Soul Silver and the competitive scene renewed my interest in the series and I decided to stick around. Diamond and Pearl represent the lowest level of interest in Pokemon I've ever had.

Despite that bias, Diamond and Pearl are fine. They're still good Pokemon games. It's not getting more than a 4 though because Lickilicky is a war crime and I will never forgive.

i aged a year just watching my pokemon heal in this godforsaken molasses covered game

first game i ever played so its the realest for that alone

If it wasn't for the inclusion of WiFi battling & trading (which doesn't work anymore) this game would've been a mediocre sequel. Many of the new monsters I personally found underwhelming in terms of design, this was the first time a game didn't motivate me to catch a full team. The battle gameplay is slower than its ever been and I found much of the map forgettable. I've heard Platinum was better but this didn't leave me wanting more of Sinnoh. Once again features locked events only accessible via hacking.

The base game for my favorite generation of pokemon. Always a blast to play this whenever I have the downtime.

Es casi tan bueno como el perla pero en este no sale Palkia

I like this game well enough for its better story, music and region, its good for that, but the game speed holds a lot of it back and the pacing is noticeably bad, platinum imo fixed almost all this games issues and is one of the best games in the franchise so def play that over this

I think Gen 4 goes pretty undiscussed when talking about Pokemon as a whole, it didn't do much new or much unique with the games other than just being pretty dang good and consistent.

[ Story: 8/10 | Gameplay: 6/10 | OST: 9/10 ]

I love the gen 4 games to death. The plot is great and Sinnoh is so goddamn fun to explore, but I don't want to explore it at 4 mph please.

The game is slow. The game is poorly paced. The game has a weird roster. It's HM hell. Honestly, some of the whackest Pokemon games. I wish there was a way to experience Sinnoh, which is actually one of my favourite regions, but in a more enjoyable manner.

oh wait-

Inicio de una generación, no es perfecta pero sirvió como base para su mejora.

not bad pero lo recuerdo un poco lento

An milestone for Pokemon. The 4th generation games as a whole represent a peak in overall game quality for me. Even though this game doesn't hold up well, it's an important first first step in Pokemon's glory days, and introduced a lot of mainstays to the series, online play, the physical/special split, the day/night cycle, etc. While this game is now outclassed by Platinum in every way, it's still worth recognizing for everything it has done for the series.

This was my first Pokemon game so I'm probably rating it higher than I should. Also I never played Platinum and when I do I'll probably knock this down to a 7 by association.

This game is pretty slow and all yeah but my inner child loves this game so yeah

I bought this game after my Pearl got ran over by a car

It’s alright platinum is better lol

very very special place in my heart i loved mining and making poffins. really just vibed in this game and had a good time

As per usual, Pokémon charms players with its addictive monster-catching/training elements, but bores them with its repetitive, tedious combat system, now aggravated by excruciatingly slow battles. Although the new setting is wonderfully rich with lore, the plot is too reminiscent of the previous generation’s with shallow characters and writing. Level design provides enough room for exploration to make the journey fairly enjoyable along with some pleasant optional side-quests and additional activities.

Probably my least-favorite Pokémon game. Slow as hell and boring as hell. Nothing about this game really stands out or shines, to me. It's just... a Pokémon game.

Hardly played enough of it in my youth (again, turn-based RPGs do little for me), but I do remember it being a fun time. From watching my brother play this (and just from being a kid), I have a huge attachment to the Gen 4 era of Pokémon, so I still get a bit of a nostalgic thrill when I see Diamond/Pearl.