Reviews from

in the past

good puzzle game, fun mechanic, good coop

I need to replay this game again! I've played it multiple times and try and replay it every couple of years. It takes everything you'd want from the original and innovates excellently. I have so much nostalgia for the summer of 2011 playing this game after finishing school.

My problem with physics based puzzle games is usually that you feel like you brute-forced the answer and just happened to find the solution, but this game has an incredible way of making the solutions feel thought out, which makes them so much more rewarding. I’ll give it time and maybe I’ll push it up to 5 stars

The game really shines in its co-op maps, where it feels like they had a lot more room to actually design self contained puzzles. JK Simmons’s work as Cave Johnson is still some of my favorite voice acting in any video game, he really overwhelms Merchant and McLain by comparison. Much like Portal 1 though, if you have an ability to remember the solutions after a first time playthrough, you’re gonna enjoy the game less and less as time goes on, as the solutions and setups never change. Fortunately the workshop support can counteract that!

lo mejor que hizo Valve en sus tiempos de hacer juegos, portal siempre es una experiencia jugarlo, no importa el tiempo que pasa, es una aventura divertida siempre, con personajes maravillosos como glados y un humor bastante bueno.

Damn it I still have to finish this game at some point I really love this game is amazing

while the Multiplayer was disappointing... The story was the best Valve ever produced

i personally wasn't crazy about chapters 7 and 8 and found them to slow down the momentum of the playthrough but overall a much more fleshed out game than the original with all the same incredible writing and storytelling! 4.5/5

O melhor jogo de puzzle que eu já joguei na vida!
Ele pega as mecânicas básicas do Portal original e expande com uma história melhor e os gimmicks de gel.

A Valve está de parabéns, mesmo que nunca vá lançar um Portal 3. Pelo menos temos alguns mods disponíveis com ideias interessantes, por exemplo o Thinking With Time Machines.

a bigger improvement from portal 1 for about everything!

90% - Now you're thinking with portals baby

A wounderful puzzle game that worked on the core mechanics of the first game, that had great puzzles (even though I was so blind I had to use YouTube for help), I would have to give it a 4.5/5

I'm not even sure how many times I've played this game, but this was my first time in a while so I have many thoughts. The most striking thing to me this time was how good the soundtrack is, like wow. I listened to it a lot when I was younger but I forgot how good it was. The second big thing is the variety of level design. Despite the game's length, they continue having fresh ideas all the way through and honestly some of their best levels are right at the end. As usual, the gel area always bogs down for me but that might just be a personal thing (I really just don't like the gels for some reason, I never have). Honestly the only thing that detracts from this playthrough for me is that I don't think the humor holds up personally. It was great when I was 13 or 14 when I first played it but now that I'm almost 23 it just doesn't land and seems permanently stuck in 2011. Despite that though, the voice actors' performances are great and I especially love Wheatley's lines in the final areas. This was the first game I got REALLY into story and world wise and I'd say it still holds it's place as one of my favorites of all time! :)

EDIT: and the co op is amazing too! It makes you approach the levels in a totally different way than in single player and feels almost like I'm playing a different game. The split screen for it on switch was a little awkward at first but once I got used to it it was great to be able to play it on the couch with a friend.

Wonderful game, graphics and lore/

Basically the greatest game ever

Amazing game that I just can't bring myself to finish

the sexual tension just gets thicker the more you try and kill one another


Portal left me wanting more since that game is so short, so I'm so glad that Portal 2 was able to satisfy that feeling. There's so many fresh ideas on top of the basic mechanics from the original, and it does a great job expanding on the lore while retaining Portal's personality and humor.

AND the co-op is fantastic based on what I've played so far.

guy gifted this to me 2 years ago along with a couple of other valve games and I.. thought it was pretty cool.

A masterpiece in every way. Video game perfection. The best game of 2011. The greatest character in all of fiction. The funniest dialogue. This game should be required by law to be played by everyone.

Terra meter: 84%

Story/narrative - 4/5
Gameplay - - 4/5
Sound/music - 4/5
General presentation - 5/5
Overall enjoyment - 4/5

The puzzles were fantastic
The story was great
GLaDOS roasted you with out filter she was cooking that shit start to finish and didn't stop
Leaving you staring at the screen being like DAYUM MEN