Reviews from

in the past

remember this being my favourite ratchet game but i dont remember anything about it :(

This game is literally 100% completable in like 2 hours lol. It's basically a demo and I'm glad I got it for free with a copy of one of the Ratchet games I bought. It's basically a tech demo for A Crack in Time.

Just barely better than tools of destruction. I think this mostly comes from the fact that I actually had fun killing the enemies in this game. The weapons didn't completely peter out by the end of the game like in ToD and that in and of itself solidifies it just above that game for me. However, the game feels incredibly uninspired. Nothing in this game really matters and it's a largely forgettable experience.

Would I recommend it? That's a tough call. The only people who should be playing this in the first place is people going through the future saga. I hesitate to call it a trilogy as some online do due to the fact that this game is incredibly short and overall unimportant to the story at hand. All it really exists to do meaningfully is do a teaser ending to get you excited for the next game. This is mostly DLC to ToD.

Still, it's somewhat enjoyable. If you played through Tools and think it's overall a good game, you'll probably have fun with this as well.

While this game is shorter than the rest of the games in the series, its overall story is important especially for the game that follows. The addition of the difficulty setting in this game is great and it also introduces the magnetic tether concept which the next game utilizes very highly. The tether needs to make a comeback god damn it! Still a great game aside from the length.

It could have not happened, and that would be okay. The next game probably would've benefited from that.

Feels like something thrown together to tide you over until the next interesting thing.

plays like a demo for the game it succeeds

A small snack for fans of the series to enjoy between major releases. Quest for Booty tries some new ideas which are both hit and miss. I remember the ending cliffhanger being quite significant and it did build hype for A Crack in Time. Overall, decent 2-3 hour game.

Insomniac absolutely should not have made this game, but it's not a complete waste of time. The setting is fun to look at, and I think the concept of the final boss is neat. Other than that, it was a waste of Insomniac's time and money, and it was a waste of mine.

Why? Were people really clambering for the next entry, to the point where you needed to fart out a 3 hour title?

Also these pun names are getting straight up lazy now.

It's one of the best although it's my least favourite from the trilogy they limit you a lot which makes it a different experience and can be very cool.

Had fun as a kid but honestly, going back to it it's kinda empty

This shit is like 30 minutes long

Very short prelude to crack in time. Yarr mayteys

I think this is one of the most pointless games ever made (albeit still fairly fun since it's a R&C game) but I have to admit I'm curious as to how most R&C fans reacted to the ending when it first came out

Es el peor ratchet and clank que jugue por que no tiene clank y es corto como yo en mis adjetivos positivos

Fine for what it is, but what it is isn't much. Probably should've been dlc

Totally thrown together and is honestly not even worth playing. It's just basically a dlc expansion of Tools of Destruction without much of the level design that made it interesting in the first place. You fight the same enemies over and over and there isn't that much interesting to say really

It is so hard to talk about the bad Ratchet and Clank games for me, as I love the series even though I think I only like 3 games total in the series. I don't know, I just would not recommend this game in the series to be honest. I honestly just can't think of any reason to lay it when there are better games in the series.

Obviously, on a much smaller scale than the previous games, I don't think this is bad. It's obviously on the weaker end for the series, but there are still some fun ideas here that make this a decent little breather between the other two Future games that were released before and after it.

Short and sweet. No filler, honestly not much killer either, but also nothing particularly bad to be seen here, and it's nice to play an R&C game with more focus on platforming and surprisingly clever level design than most games after Going Commando. There're no original weapons, which is understandable but kind of a bummer, but the selection is at least pretty good, and they feel a lot better to use here than in Tools of Destruction when almost every late game enemy had both way too much health and also didn't really react to taking damage, which isn't an issue here. Story is dumb, but it's not like these games were ever particularly well written.

The short runtime and lack of a new game plus kills this game for me. R&C is all about restarting to collect the final parts and the RYNO and just Merc the absolute hell out of everything early game, and without that it feels like it wasted my time

A cute enough little standalone companion for ToD. The art direction is very striking in this one, and more Ratchet and Talwyn is always fun.

In modern times this would have been a DLC. A cheap one.