Reviews from

in the past

I literally don't remember this game

I love Remember Me - the story, the world, the memory-hacking mechanics, are all so incredibly interesting to me. It's just a shame that it's all tied together with forgettable climbing / melee gameplay.

El sistema de combate y la alteración de las memorias son dos propuestas interesantes que tal vez pudieron afinarse más. Sin embargo, son bastante disfrutables.

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The memory sections of this game were pretty cool, but overall this is a pretty by the numbers 3rd person action/adventure game.


É um bom jogo, com um combate divertido (tinha uma mecânica muito legal de criação de combos), história cativante e ambientação muito linda, porém totalmente esquecido.

Ironic, because I don't remember anything beyond thinking the memory gimmick was interesting.

Un jeu plein de bonnes idées, mais arrivé un poil trop tard, et qui des fois, sabote lesdites bonnes idées.

Game is called Remember Me
Most people forgot about it

The concept was cool but I never felt like I was having fun playing it. Kinda interesting to see a pre-Life is Strange Dontnod, though; would've never expected they'd make a game like this.

I feel disgusted by myself that I've mastered this trash. I really hate myself from the past that I was autistic to do achievement hunting and this could be a case study why it's not healthy.
The game is down boring and bad.

A few neat ideas but the combat was so annoying I eventually had to drop it

Gosto desse jogo, não sei porque, mas já zerei 2x!

the story was meh, the setting was ok but underdeveloped, the boss fights were just annoying at times

A likeable game that tells a deeply personal story in a thoughtfully-fashioned world.

joguei quando pequeno e achei lindo, talvez minha opinião mude se eu rejogar

Great world and aesthetics, nice premise, but the gameplay's not that hot. Just another Arkham knock-off with some little twists that don't really mean jack.

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This game is fun! Sometimes. Not very often but it is fun. There are so many strong ideas here. Remixing and stealing people's memories. Parkouring around Neo Paris. Creating custom combos with new properties and uses. I personally think they should have picked two to flesh out, because as a whole this does not work.
If I were redesigning this game? I'd have gone for full on parkour (with really fluid, satisfying movement) and memory shenanigans. The absolute best moments in this game are the remix segments, they felt inventive and clever. They could have gone even further with those too. The movement isn't great but it's perfectly functional. I just wish the game was bold enough to not default to melee combat. Even though the combo system is really neat, the actual combat gets fucking mind numbingly boring. Plus dealing with crowds is awful because your combo resets if you even look in the wrong direction. If there wasn't combat I'm certain this would have been a significantly stronger and more focused game. Believing that Nilin was taking down these absolute tanks of enemies in power suits with her bare hands became less and less believable as time went on.
That being said, the presentation was A1. Looks great for an Xbox 360 title, music was phenomenal, UI and the 2D floating elements around were great too. I really really wish a concept this cool, with artistic execution so perfectly accomplished, hasn't been wasted on annoying platforming, simple puzzles and shit combat. The story was perfectly fine, with a really dumb twist at the end that didn't make much sense to me. Interesting that you can see the throughline from this to Life is Strange from Dontnod, those sequences where you see memories flying around before remixing them? Looks just like the LiS time travel bits. To me.

Igual es por llegar casi 10 años tarde, pero me sorprende no haber leído ni oído nada sobre este juego en ninguna parte. No le doy el sobresaliente porque para eso, la trama tendría que haberse desarrollado más. El caso: una sorpresa, no ha envejecido nada mal, y lo único que le reprocharía es el tener que encontrar todos los documentos para saber más sobre su mundo, lo cual es una jodiendo porque, para mí, han resultado ser ideas muy interesantes y nada mal ejecutadas. Jugablemente, es sencillo, tiene plataformeo y el combate es satisfactorio cuando entiendes el sistema de combos, que tampoco es que sea muy complejo, pero tiene su gracia. Lo que me ha llamado especialmente la atención es que parece una mezcla de las ideas base del Deus Ex con Assassin's Creed, pero sin ser ni de hechos históricos ni de jugar entre dos mundos; es completamente futurista. Puede sonar regular, pero a mí me ha entrado super bien.


The Game is Fine but really nothing that special or notable (I am avoiding the pun)

Story is bad even by video game standards, it really paint by numbers and predictable sci-fi dystopia setting could be interesting but Family issues and poorly realized memory gimmicks are just badly written I dont want to spoil the story on this 10 year old game so I wont go into detail any more on that.

what I will say it what really kills the story is the pacing its so poorly paced out characters are introduced and forgotten at the drop of a hat early on their is a lady who you rewrite her memory so she thinks he dying husband who needs money for treatment is already dead so she "joins the resistant" what does that mean she acts as a drop ship for the player twice and is never mentioned again... what the heck what about her husband is he actually dead now that she isnt trying to raise money anymore we just got that guy killed?

This happens with every character too there is a black guy we met early on he tells us we are old friends and give us our gear we leave and then a little later his bar is burned down then he is never mentioned again. a Character called bad request we meet for 1 minutie to give us a memory and then way later his is imprisoned we are supposed to care why exactly we hardly know him.

Villains are like this too I can get why they dont get mentioned after beating them since that's like the end of their chapter and all but they need a start for that to work, instead villains work like this they are introduced 2 minuses before their fight exposition all of their backstory then are defeated and forgotten I wonder what Kid Christmas is up to no never hear from him again.

Combat is this games strong suit its Batman Arkham Like sticky combo combat with a twist that you can augment your combo's with healing damage or cooldown reductions its neat but I could never really get a hang of the odd timing lag in combo stacking and mostly stuck to X X X combo

Level design is mediocre lots of linear hall ways that open out to a fight dome then return to a hall way

Soundtrack is really good some odd choices in setting and theming between the songs but I dig it.

Graphics were pretty good some muddy textures but overall the world and character designs are quite good.

I remember wanting to see this game through for so longgg and then finally getting to do so and it was

Despite the negative opinions about the game, I really liked it. I loved the world and atmosphere they created, the idea of the future here is unique and I loved seeing the small details of the streets. The boss battles were unnecessarily long and hard though and there was more story and less gameplay which was a bit annoying/boring.

Imported from my Backloggery:

This game is largely forgettable in its combat and story, but some of the game mechanics were super fresh. The combo creation system was inconsequential, but a cool mechanic nonetheless. The memory remix mechanic was great though. The visual design was amazing and is something that I will always remember. The game still treated me like a baby throughout and largely felt generic. It lacks impact, and is worth a skip.

Infelizmente eu não lembro nada desse jogo 😭