Reviews from

in the past

of all the games i've played this was definitely one of them

you know that when you enter a metaphorical mindscape and its literally filled with giant neon signs that say TRAUMA you are experiencing the work of sophisticated and mature artists

combat, traversal and narrative in this game are agonizing but the environmental design and a lot of the OST are inspired

Por uma ironia do destino, quase ninguem se lembra mais de Remember Me, o que é uma pena, mas se a Dontnod encontrou sua galinha com os ovos de ouro com Life is Strange, good for them, até parece que teve um esboço de fazer o segundo mas acabou não rolando.

O que eu mais queria era começar um negócio "video games nostálgicos", essa safra de jogos dos anos 2010's é algo único. são uns jogos de 10 horas, de ação e aventura, com uns conceitos originais e o mais importante: artes conceituais e modelagem 3D dos personagens nos extras.

Neo-Paris é linda e é incrível isso se manter 10 anos depois, uma imaginação do que seria uma Paris cyberpunk e o centro da tecnologia na Europa e se reerguendo depois de uma destruição total. Cada vez que a cutscene abria a câmera para mostrar a cidade de fundo era um negócio mágico mesmo.

O combate também é legalzinho, tem uma ideia boa por trás, montar seu combo com qual atributo você quer é interessantíssimo, uma pena que fique repetitivo ali pela hora 8 de jogo.

A história me pegou um pouco, ela parecia ir para um lado depois foi pra outro. o jogo tenta fazer você se conectar com os personagens, mas é meio vazio, ninguém tem muita personalidade, eu estava só assistindo sem sentir uma unidade de emoção. entretanto, esse conceito de mexer com memórias é uma ideia muito forte (e como tudo nessa vida, Doctor Who tocou por cima nesse tema na temporada 3 episódio 3, Gridlock, mas isso fica só de curiosidade). esquecer seu passado, ou momentos da sua vida é o caminho correto para superar a dor? outra pessoa fazer isso com você, remixar a sua memória para você fazer o que ela quer, quão assustador é isso? é realmente brincar de deus como a protagonista coloca. senti falta de uma discussão sobre a ética mais aprofundada sobre por parte do jogo, as vezes ele tava quase lá, Nilin fazia um comentário sobre, mas não avançava muito. acredito que não ia para frente porque poderia quebrar a ideia central do jogo.

Escrevi tudo isso só para dizer que "ah, bom jogo", no meio desse mar de AAA's que saem hoje em dia, falta espaço (ou vontade) de saírem uns AA's despretensiosamente. bom ótimo jogo de 2013 e que se sustenta em 2023.

PS.: o negócio de Doctor Who é literalmente uma única cena

Fascinating game that ultimately falls short of its potential - packed with smart ideas and a beautiful artstyle however, I think it's still worth playing. Its inspirations from games like Uncharted, Batman: Arkham and Mirror's Edge are plain: still they come together into something that feels unique and almost works.

It's a damn shame. If the combat was less janky and the storytelling tighter, I have no doubt it would actually be remembered.

Recordar a ostias, 2010s edition


One of the most ironic titles ever, and a really nice ass.

i dont really remember anything from this game

Underrated. Underrated. Underrated. A game that deliberately tried to break the mold of games at the time only to be criminally ignored by the very people that were begging for a game to do it. A cool combat system, and a great protagonist in Nilin.
I will always remember.

This game has a very cool and interesting concept but as I was playing I felt that everything was going downhill except the story, certainly the story is the most positive point of Remember me.

Another cool thing is that the game is very immersive, the graphics are beautiful but nothing surprising for the time, the setting and the scenarios along with the story really captivated me in the game and that's why I wanted to finish it.

But as I said at the beginning, not everything is perfect and there are many things that Remember Me leaves something to be desired, the three things I least liked were the repetitive combat, the camera angle at certain times and I also had the misfortune to witness some bugs that made me go back in some checkpoints.

I still think Remember Me was worth playing, this game really surprised me in some ways.

Has it's strengths that elevate it past the wave of forgettable 360/PS3 era action adventure games: Cool art design, some parts of the graphics still hold up despite being mid-budget for its time (one of the first games, if not the first, that used PBR helps it immensely), memory remixes are a neat idea, setting is cool, etc. However, it is bogged down by the moment to moment story being weak as well as 95% of the gameplay being a pretty mid 2013 era action adventure style. If it was a pure adventure game that quadrupled down on the Memory Remixes probably would of been much more fondly remembered.

Remember me é ironicamente esquecível

Não acredito que a Dontnod que fez Life is Strange também fez esse jogo, fazer o que, não dá pra acertar sempre.

Esse jogo tem coisas boas, tem um potencial na história e uma boa ideia com a remixagem de memórias, além do gráfico decente e os cenários bem detalhados, mas nossa, a gameplay é fraquíssima, o combate é o mais simples que se tem na indústria, você pode ficar spammando o mesmo botão até o inimigo morrer, além de ser um combate repetitivo também, a câmera é meio bosta também, ela muita das vezes não se posiciona bem e as vezes ela fecha demais o campo de visão fazendo você ficar perdido, outra coisa é o parkour pobre e travado.

Em resumo, o jogo é um porre

De bonnes idées mais assez mal exploitées.
Les combats sont assez brouillons et l'histoire est aussi un peu bancale.
Globalement j'ai quand même passé un bon moment, mais ce n'est pas un jeu que je recommanderai à tout le monde.

“O sofrimento de encontrar-se preso está em não ser possível, por qualquer momento, fugir de si próprio.”
Kabo Abe

Remember me é considerado por alguns uma pérola em meio a tantos jogos experimentais e por anos imaginei que esse seria mais um jogo incrível escondido em meio a tantos fracassos, pena que acabei sentindo o oposto.

Após finalizar a campanha passei alguns minutos pensado sobre a ideia principal:

Eu teria coragem de mudar minhas memórias?

Mesmo aquelas ruins ou que me fazem ficar acordada durante a madrugada?

Aqueles pensamentos desmerecedores e tristes não merecem destaque na formação do meu caráter?

Tudo que existe na nossa mente tem criação no cérebro e até hoje esse é um dos elementos de maior mistério da humanidade, pois como uma coisa minúscula consegue organizar, armazenar e ordenar tanta coisa?

Essas são duvidas que futuramente responderemos, mas enquanto esse momento não chega acho que deveríamos aproveitar todas as possibilidades e pensar da forma mais extrema possível.

Como esse é um título da DONTNOD (Life is Strange, Vampyr e Tell Me Why) eu já imaginava um enredo rico e extremamente forte, porém não estava esperando a queda na reta final. O mundo criado pelos desenvolvedores junto com a parte artística deixa qualquer jogo futurista no chão, o único e real problema é, como esperado, a conclusão. Tudo que envolve o mistério da protagonista acaba sendo jogado no lixo só para agradar uma parte chata e extremamente duvidosa do enredo, afinal quem teria coragem de fazer determinados atos mesmo após presenciar o quão assustador e horrível são as consequências?

Ao mesmo tempo que o enredo decai ao extremo também fica perceptível que o jogador não consegue criar laços com nenhum personagem “amigo” da Nilin e quando essa situação é colocada a prova o desleixo e a falta de entrosamento causam zero impacto emocional em cenas que deveriam nos fazer sentir ódio e remorso. Curiosamente, o contrário acontece com os antagonistas que possuem uma relação pessoal com a nossa Memory Hunter, não sei ao certo se foi proposital, mas a única verdade que posso passar é em como senti que precisava de algumas opções de escolha para o caminho final graças a essa inversão de relacionamento.

O universo do jogo é complexo e muito interessante, a ideia de modificar a mente humana e como a própria Nilin disse, brincar de Deus, é algo fora da caixa para um lançamento de 2010 e eu gostaria que mais jogos explorassem o tema “memórias” de maneira similar.

Falando na Nilin, preciso dizer que a forma como desenvolveram o relacionamento dela com o jogador e ao mesmo tempo a assimilação de ideias para a continuação dos capítulos foi genial. Os monólogos funcionam de uma forma pouco apreciada e as dúvidas e questionamentos parecem sincronizados e isso é algo tão raro que me deixou contente em observar.

Infelizmente, o sistema de combate com combos repetitivos, o pouco dano gerado pela combinação de jogabilidade e a câmera que parece amar bugar a cada 10 minutos são resumidamente uma combinação de horrores e te fazem questionar a todo momento se vale realmente a pena a dor de cabeça. Compreendo que tentaram inovar com esses elementos e algumas vezes isso realmente é moldado em um formato bem trabalhado, mas do que adianta 5 segundos de posicionamento bom quando temos 2 horas de travamentos e dificuldade de movimentação?

A soundtrack não aparece tanto, mas quando se mostra é exemplar e a combinação de pequenos erros e distância sonora fazem a imersão ser apreciada e muito agradecida. Além disso, a combinação com a ambientação e atmosfera fazem desse uma das melhores representações de Paris e isso não se restringe somente aos espaços públicos ou ao esgoto, o que mostra o trabalho rico e cuidadoso que tiveram.

Mesmo não agradando na reta final, Remember Me é um ótimo exemplo do que tivemos da geração de 2010 e isso me deixa muito feliz, pois graças a títulos como esse a minha vontade de continuar explorando mais da genialidade de desenvolvedores dificilmente vai morrer. Uma pena que nunca teremos uma continuação corrigindo erros e melhorando os acertos.

Irony doesn't even cut it when saying Remember Me has been utterly forgotten by even the most devoted Dontnod fan. Dontnod's first project had an admirable scope with Alain Damasio's gigantic story bibles and the aim of its female protagonist, and if one actually plays the game, the well built world (and the multitude of supplementary material the player can read if they collect all the Mnesist Memories) showcase this ambition in spades. Yet, the dull combat with its five and only five combos—albeit customizable to a large, kind of arbitrary manner through Pressens—dilute the singular best part of Remember Me: Memory Remixing. Dontnod should've focused exclusively on Memory Remixing and its explorative functions to carry its narrative and supplemented small segments with combat—because whew! Nilin and whoever the fuck else was in the game are not at all memorable, except Jax, you murderous son of a bitch. I can't complain too much for something I had yet not played for years, but Dontnod really came out with the most pathetic whimpers for a studio who followed this with Life is Strange and Tell Me Why, vastly superior games with characters I actually like.

A fairly enjoyable game for a sad winter day. Strong and gorgeous art design elevates the game over its dated technology. The city of Neo Paris is rendered with a lot of love, but unfortunately the environments kind of go downhill in the later stages.
The combat is although pretty basic, is kinda interesting and keeps you on your toes.
As for the story, it's not particularly good as far as dystopian tales go, but it still manages to present some curious questions.

Os últimos dois episódios estendem o jogo mais do que o necessário. Tem uma boa ideia pro sistema de combate (combos com efeitos personalizáveis), mas não flui muito bem, deixa a impressão de que o jogo é muito lento.

Talvez se fosse um jogo mundo aberto, como era a ideia original, teria funcionado melhor. Neo-Paris tem um visual legal que é pouco aproveitado nos corredores que o jogo coloca pra você seguir

Incredible looking game for the blandest gameplay and story ever. Legitimately forgot that it existed, and that I beat it.

Remember Me is a brand new IP from Capcom. I always welcome new IPs because you never know when you’re going to get the next Assassin’s Creed. Once I started to Remember Me I instantly fell in love with it. The art style is fantastic, the story is engaging, and the characters are memorable. This will be a game I talk about for years to come…at least the story anyways.

you are Nilin, a memory hunter fighting against M3morize. M3morize is a corporation that invented technology to let you forget any memory you want and gain memories. As you can tell, this leads to a civil war because everyone eventually becomes Leapers who are completely corrupted and bereft of memories. It turns out that there is some sort of new world order to wipe out everyone’s memories and make them all mindless soldiers. That’s the jist of it, and if I say any more I will give too much away. The story is fascinating and really plays well with the art style and atmosphere.

The problem with new IPs is that the developers concentrate on just one aspect of the game and the rest of it gets left behind. This is apparent in Assassin’s Creed 1 after playing AC3. You can see the difference. Remember Me has an amazing story and characters, but the gameplay is just lacking, it just feels useless and unnecessary. The tools you have to play don’t really mean anything in this game, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad. The first thing is the combat system. While it’s unique it is very limited and actually holds the player back. Nilin has four different combos she can do over the course of the game. You fill these combos with two different attack buttons called Pressens. These Pressens can increase your health, decrease S-Pressen cooldown timers, give you more powerful attacks, and cause a chain reaction. This seems really interesting, gaining health during combat? It’s more frustrating and limited than you think. With just four combo chains you have to memorize all four of them and also remember what Pressens are in each one. I had one as a focused cool down combo, then one for health while the third was for power. The further in the combo the Pressen is the bigger effect it has. With just four combos combat gets really repetitive and super boring, it just never picks up.

Once you unlock S-Pressens things get a tad bit interesting but only during boss fights. These are powers that can let you attack really fast, stun everyone, place a bomb, and even turn invisible and get a one-hit-kill on an enemy. You can use two different ones on robot enemies that will attack you. These S-Pressens are key to winning tougher battles later in the game. That’s all there is to combat, and it is so limiting and repetitive. I actually only kept going because of the story.

Another part of the game that is never fully developed are the puzzles. There are only four in the entire game. These allow you to remix people’s memories to make them think something happened a different way. You watch a cutscene then rewind it looking for glitches that can change the scene. You have to set off the right glitches to change the memory. The problem is that there are no multiple outcomes. You just keep retrying until you get it right, there’s no fun in that. If I mess with someone’s memory, let me decide how it goes. I also wish there were more of them. There are also Remembrance puzzles that you interact in the world with. They are usually really easy and the answer is given to you after just a minute. I hate how these things were so underdeveloped, they are great concepts. There are a couple of move-the-stuff puzzles using your arm’s special powers, but I felt these were useless. You unlock a gun type of thing that can blast enemies and move things. Why do I need to unlock this throughout the game? Honestly, the moving and blasting open doors just felt like pointless filler.

Lastly, the exploration is very linear. The controls respond well, but the best part is just viewing everything. You get taken from the slums to the richest areas of the city. The journey is fascinating and breath-taking. Remember Me feels like a mix of Mirror’s Edge, Steven Spielberg’s A.I., and Blade Runner. I ate it up and the characters are very memorable. I just wish it had better gameplay to compliment it.

After you finish the game you will be talking about the amazing story for a while. While none of these mechanics are bad, they are just underdeveloped and feel like they need more work. The combat is interesting but very limited and repetitive, the same 5 enemies repeat often, and the puzzles are underdeveloped. I hope Remember Me comes back because I love Nilin and her journey through this break taking world, just give us better tools to explore it.

OK I understand that this game got middling reviews and yes it isnt perfect but this is the kind of game I used to play growing up. These single player action adventure with an importance on narrative type games. This took me back to my years of gaming growing up. Yes the controls are janky and the story is only ok to some but I enjoyed it. What really made me love this game is it's world. That futuristic sci fi setting that resembled other works of fiction I enjoyed like ff13 or the mass effect series or star wars. You know, where its not quite cyberpunk but still futuristic. I love those settings and if anybody knows of anymore games with those settings please let me know lol( I know ff8, enslaved and the watch dog series are on my list as well). The music, the setting, the visuals, the lore to ts world and the boss fight being unique and not just mindless button smashing made this overall fun for me. Of course there was some bad as Isaid the controls are janky and for a game where platformming is such a big part of it thats not a good thing. It was like a lesser version of uncharted but one that hit the necessary notes for me personally and admittingly I loved seeing a half black girl as the lead lol. Hidden gem for sure and a game that is in my top 50 personaly.

Stop what you are doing right this instant and go buy the art book of Remember me TM. The artbook is fantastic.
The gameplay is average with a average soundtrack.

I remember that fucking ass, let me tell ya.

Remember Me was a pleasant surprise for me since I wasn't expecting a whole lot from the game but it ended up being a fairly good experience in terms of setting and story.

The setting of the game (Neo Paris) is one of my favorites for that particular gen and dontnod did a great job of providing an adequate art direction for a futuristic yet historical look type of setting. I even bought the art book for this game because I enjoyed the setting and art so much.

The story, while a bit convoluted is interesting. Level design is fairly linear and gameplay is decent as the game plays it somewhat safe in these departments.

Overall, Remember Me is an interesting game worth experiencing for the setting and story alone.

Incrivel. Cara, não tenho palavras para descrever Remember Me. Jogabilidade, gráficos e principalmente a história são espetaculares. A única coisa que não curti foi a duração do game, mas tirando isso é maravilhoso.

This game is seriously a DONTNOD's gem. The story is mindblowing and has some plot-twists, the mechanics are nice, the worldbuilding and visuals are stunning, the fighting mechanics and combos are satisfying, and even the parts where we have to change memories are cool and require some thinking. Sadly, the game is not open-world, because Neo Paris looks pretty amazing and I would love to explore it.

this was like my third time going at this I played it years ago on PC got bored moved on then it was free on PS Plus tried to give it another go got hard locked in a scene early on in the game and I just didn't care to replay the 2 hours or so I had already sunk into the game now years late I beat it in an afternoon and its fine the combat is really boring the there's a cool concept but the overall story is not all that, as per usual from don't nod there's hints at good writing that get buried under cliches and just straight up cringe

Eu queria que a historia desse jogo fosse boa igual o design.