Reviews from

in the past

Felt like the game was coming to its natural conclusion then Chris is like NOPE, HALFWAY THERE! And I just caaaan't right now. It's fun but outstays it's welcome.

An absolutely average classic style RE game. It is an interesting tonal midpoint between 3 and four though, now all I've got to do is play RE0 and RE1R and I've played them all!

A weaker game than RE2 and RE3, not to even mention REmake which is still the best of them so far to me. The gameplay just isn't as good, but still a great game overall. Shout out to that midgame character switch that left me without 2 weapons on a character that really needed them early on, but I still managed with just the handgun for a while so it's doable even if you get screwed over. The one time I didn't rotate my saves this happened! It's been nearly 2 decades since I first played so I forgot about this, even though I'm replaying.

Anyway, every cutscene is so ridiculously amazing in this game, it's legitimately gold, specially whenever Alfred Ashford makes an appearance. He lowkey sells the game with how stupid everything about him is, and I mean that as high praise.

Aside: the PS3 version is a pretty standard HD port, looks blurry at times and I had an issue with pre-rendered custcenes becoming sporadically choppy. Solid otherwise.

Já digo, melhor Resident Evil

Muito bom, a jogabilidade e a Gameplay é que nem do clássico só que melhor, a história é até que boa, e a trilha sonora é excelente.

Melhor resident evil da historia (talvez contenha saudosismo nessa review)

nao sabia jogar na epoca era muito burro e criança

Icônico e revolucionário história ótima dramática reencontro da Claire e Chris Alexia mds esse jogo

Decent entry with some really good puzzles and ok level designed that is unfortunately crippled by ridiculous difficulty spikes that are made worse by the abrupt switching between two protagonists with no warning and no chance to item-manage before hand. Any playthrough it should be attempted with a guide in hand to avoid accidental soft-locking.

Imagina, vc ter 12 anos comprar essa merda, pra ver um FILHO DA PUTA, voltando ao normal, depois de ser infectado e morrer depois.

Na boa, Vai se fuder Steve Burnside.

I think unironically that this game is still better than Resident Evil Zero but yeah if there is a game that desperately needs a remake it is this one

seriously one of the most boring games ive ever played. i cant imagine going back to finish this, but maybe someday. awful

I was actually having a pretty good time with this outside of a few rough patches and would probably rank it above the PSX games with ~3.5 stars. However, I'm softlocked. Just before the final boss, as well. I've probably put in 12 hours and it's such a gutpunch that, because I ran out of healing items and saved exclusively in one slot, it's physically impossible to complete the game without having to go again from the start. The games pretty fun, and definitely overlooked, but don't make the same mistake I did. It's really a shame because every other Resident Evil game I've beaten with several healing items to spare, so it really does feel like a massive design flaw. I felt I was fairly conservative with both healing and ink ribbons, but who knows, maybe I just need to "get good"

Good game!
The combination of PS2 quality and the tank controls is a bit weird.
A bit too difficult, but nothing that a little bit of practice can't handle.

Que jogo! Arrisco dizer o melhor de todos RE que joguei, mas ainda não tenho certeza. Um aspecto desse jogo, para mim, o faz genial e diferente de outros da franquia: a dificuldade elevada, escassez de recursos e as mudanças bruscas e inesperadas no gameplay te motivam e obrigam a retornar o save várias vezes (mesmo sem efetivamente morrer), e assim você revê os lugares novamente mas tecnicamente pela primeira vez. Por isso não coincidentemente o jogo te dá inúmeras chances de salvar que podem parecer excessivas, mas não são. Adorei como ele propõe esse modo de jogar, (lembrando vagamente o que Kojima fez) e que casa muito bem com o estilo survival horror. A história achei meio fraquinha mas honestamente nem importou, gameplay salvou tudo. Jogão!

It's some good old cheesy resident evil fun.

The map is a bit overwhelming and it isn't innovative in the slightest, but if you crave some classic RE, you really can't go wrong with it.

Joguei no PS2. Naquela época tinha adorado esse jogo. Mas não sei se envelheceu bem.

This was a pretty great RE game, but from me working backwards, the classic tank controls took a lot of getting used to. The soundtrack on this game has been the best I've heard from Resident Evil so far. The twins had me very interested and keep me wanting to see more of them.

I do have to say that some puzzles are rather cryptic, but from what I've heard that's more standard to classic RE than anything. And is it maybe my TV, but is the PS4 version just darker and harder to see things in? I checked other playthroughs to see if it was the game itself, but they were much brighter. Either way, I did enjoy my time with the game, albeit I was frustrated near the end because of instant death traps.

El RE más melodramático y con un voice acting tan atroz que es "so bad it's good". Aún así la historia es de las más decentes de la serie. Los Ashford son villanos interesantes, con más profundidad psicológica que el villano promedio de RE. Hay mucha exploración, puzzles y un diseño de niveles decente, pero lleva el backtracking al extremo y a veces es muy críptico dando muy pocas pistas de que hacer para avanzar. Con todo lo disfrute más que RE3 (el verdadero spin-off).

Yeah this one's just weird, I guess that's what makes it memorable, because the setting certainly doesn't do that... Man I wish Steve wasn't in this game.

The mid-boss and the final boss sucks.

Es puto favo el juego, el chris va full coca

simplesmente um dos melhores resident evil.

Steve really does represent this game pretty well.

Bom jogo. Ate onde sei, foi o primeiro com uma câmera que se mexe acompanhando um pouco o movimento do personagem, mesmo ainda sendo uma câmera fixa. É o clássico jogo de administrar seus recursos, onde você tem de pesar gastar munição matando um inimigo ou correr o risco de tomar dano tentando desviar.

A história não é nada demais por boa parte do tempo, mas trata-se de algo de 2001, e mesmo data não sendo desculpa para roteiro, ainda é de se considerar que a franquia não tinha lá grandes histórias até então. É o clássico "deu ruim aqui, temos que sobreviver, descobriremos o que está acontecendo no caminho e iremos embora", mas ainda assim e interessante. Alfred é um bom vilão, e mesmo algumas coisas sendo estranhas, as reviravoltas acerca dele e da irmã são bem interessantes.

No fim, é um jogo muito bom para sua época, com trilhas sonoras memoráveis, uma boa variedade de cenários, boa gameplay, um elenco que em sua maior parte mantém interesse e um bom balanceamento na maior parte do tempo.

Spooky, Goofy, Weird and Frustrating

Resident Evil: Code Veronica X is a port of the Dreamcast Code Veronica. The game Follows Claire after the Events of RE2 still looking for her brother Chris and brings her to Rockford Island 3 months after the events of Raccoon City. It’s a nostalgic game from another era but honestly even for its time when I played it this game has some big problems. Don't get me wrong, at heart I love Code Veronica and want this game to get a “RE2 remake style remake” as much as the next guy but looking at this version and taking off the nostalgia goggles this game has some issues, I'm going to go over.

Gameplay: This is Technically the real Resident Evil 4 or 3 depending on how you look at it as it pushes the story forwards. This is a more hard-core survival horror game with no hand holding, no directions on where to go and fixed camera angles. You have to manage a limited inventory and saves, and the controls are classic Tank controls. It can be fun to progress though if you know this series and what you are doing but there are some huge glaring problems in the gameplay. This is definitely one of the harder RE games to beat as it has some really awkward boss fights that are not just difficult as hell but almost impossible if you don't bring the right ammos and guns with you to certain parts. The worst boss is the boss on the plane, if you don't bring a grenade launcher or flame arrow rounds with the crossbow you will probably have to restart the game or jump back a lot of saves. This is a theme in these games that if you don't have enough health and ammo you gotta restart but this game its very specific and can seriously screw you over big time. There's also a segment or two where you switch to Chris and then Back to Claire and if you don't leave some of your items in the Item box then you will probably get stuck and unable to continue late in the game, like I said a lot of design flaws in the levels.

Graphics, Music & Voice Acting: The atmosphere and Environment in this game is certainly interesting and I could see this game being one of the best ones if it were reimagined in the “RE2 remake style remake” like they have been doing but it’s definitely aged poorly. The returning characters are pretty great, but I’ll be honest the new supporting character Steve is essentially a child in a young adult’s body. His voice acting is pretty rough, in general the voice acting is pretty bad which was the case in all of these games back in the day, One of the villains Alfred's voice acting is so bad at points you might find it physically painful to sit though or just hilarious.

Story/ Minor Spoilers: Basically 3 months after the events of RE2 Claire goes to different umbrella facilities around the world looking for Chris and gets captured. She is then brought to Rockford Island where this first and part of the 3rd act of this game takes place. She teams up with another captive named Steve and they get sent on an autopilot plane to a secret Antarctic base where they are captured again. You then replay though both areas looking for her as Chris. I could see this game as a modern remake being one of the best ones but between the bad acting and bad level design this game isn't in my top 5 for Resident Evil games. Also did I forget to mention the Villain or Villains are really cringy and weird? I can’t say much without spoiling it but their whole story is enough to make anyone with a brother or sister uncomfortable let’s just say that. There are some upsides to this game as well like seeing Chris and Claire reunited and having Wesker return is all awesome but this game has aged graphics, bad voice acting, bad dialogue, Awkward and sometimes very difficult level design that wasn't great even for its time. This game will probably take you 12 hours or more to complete.

Id only really recommend this game for absolute fans of the franchise which let’s be honest if you are reading this review and buying this game I can’t imagine you are a new comer if so what the hell are you doing here? go play the others first and come back lol

Overall: 5/10

Ótimo spin-off, poderia muito bem ser um jogo numerado da franquia

A game from my childhood I will always go back to every year. My favorite game of all-time