Reviews from

in the past

weird and janky port of RR1 and 2 mashed together with questionable collision and handling, decent music, a bit of an oddball tbh

meh ost, meh gameplay, it be like that moment


Ridge Racer gameplay is bad but this game has good progression and great style

Something about RR64s sloppy handling, texture mushiness, and crackly audio fidelity makes me want to throw my N64 out the window
It's still Ridge Racer
But only barely

Cannot even describe the energy I get from drifting right through a hairpin turn without losing a beat of speed. Just giving in to that sweeping faith without a second to think about it.

I haven't played any other Ridger Racer games besides the first one. I'm positive this one's regarded as the mediocre western stepchild of the other games, but damn this was still so great to play and I'm not the kind to undercut an experience assuming the competition might blow it out. This rocks.

15 Minute 64 Before I Get A Memory Card Chronicles #1
Hey blue car stop fucking passing me

It's not a bad game per se, and a pretty alright entry in the Ridge Racer franchise, especially since it has a 4-player mode, but by the time it came out Type 4 was already available on the PlayStation and is definitely superior.

If you're looking for Ridge Racer for 4 players, you're in luck! Otherwise 64 is probably the weakest entry in the series unless you value more content over historic context. This acts as a compilation game of sorts for tracks from the original PS1 pair of Ridge Racer and RR Revolution, along with a couple new tracks that are alright but noticeably worse.

My biggest annoyance with this one is "progressive collisions", where crashes aren't supposed to sap speed instantly like traditional RR. Oftentimes this means you'll crash into a wall without knowing how to steer given what direction it'll give you traction again isn't clear at all. Other times, cars hitting you from behind can literally phase through you, making you hit them and slow down in the process. Thankfully you can change collisions to work like in Revolution, making the game a lot more playable imo.

For a racing game with 8 tracks, the campaign structure will make or break the game. This one is really monotonous, with a long checklist of races that unlocks cars and new tracks as you fill it out. Once you get to the end, it asks you to repeat the whole thing at the highest speed class for who knows what. I got the devil car and can get the angel if I feel like it, I'll call that done enough and probably not think much on this one again.

eu estava relutando em dar uma nota maior pra esse jogo, ele é lindo e tem um controle excelente e responsivo (coisa rara nos jogos de corrida do N64), porém ele é limitado apenas à 3 pistas que possuem váriações, e os carros desbloqueáveis são inúteis pq são PIORES que os iniciais.
o sistema de drift também é bem responsivo quando vc aprende a usá-lo.

MAS TEM A PORRA DO GALAGA e a música do pac-man no jogo, além de que pra platinar essa merda eu quase perdi a mão de tão difícil que são as ultimas corridas

If you change the '6' in the game's title to 'type', it becomes 'Ridge Racer Type 4', and I think that's a pretty cool easter egg.