Reviews from

in the past

Having never played Risk of Rain 1 but having followed Hopoo Games and RoR2 since early access, I've been very excited for this game. It completely lives up to the hype. Beautiful pixel art and soundtrack makes it such a vibe to play. The 2D style allows for more relaxed gameplay which is fun but inferior to RoR2. I love discovering all the secrets and unlocking new items and survivors. An amazing remake of a Rogue-Like classic

esta guapo el juego, esta dificilillo, tiene bastante contenido desbloqueable y oculto, y la mayoria de personajes se juegan bien, la pega es que hay algunos personajes que son una pedazo de mierda al principio que no es ni gracioso, como commando, es un mierdon como una catedral y que los mapas son muy muy muy grandes, si no tienes un personaje con movilidad da un asco tremendo moverse por el mapa

Been loving this as my go-to Steam Deck game. Prismatic Trials are a blast and are a much more interesting way to unlock items than generic challenges found in RoR2. I do still think I prefer RoR2 overall though.

gameplay that's designed in such a way so that your best defensive options are jumping repeatedly like you have springs in your legs

game is phenomenal they took everything from the original risk of rain and made it like 100x better

This game left a poor first impression on me. Wandering around aimlessly to find the level exit is slow and boring, and the combat isn't exciting either. It would probably become more fun if I kept playing, but I don't want to put my full effort into it.
I've been waiting for Risk of Rain 2 to go on a cheap sale, so I hope that game is better.

this in theory should be one of my fav, sadly i can't even say why i dont enjoy playing it at all, it just feels not right to me.

it's risk of rain 1 with some modernization, bug fixes, and new content. holds up very well overall. if you've never played ROR1, don't let that dissuade you, this is the superior version of that game.

Balatro has replaced this as my current roguelike so I'll mark this finished for now even though I might come back to it eventually. I wasn't compelled to go for the 100% but I did get to 90% after almost 50 hours and I can say that this game took over my life for some time. The original Risk of Rain holds a special place for me as the first roguelike that I really got into. It's my favorite genre and I'm happy that Risk of Rain Returns improved the original pretty much in every way possible. I love the better pixel art, the updated soundtrack, the new characters, skills, items, etc. One memorable moment for me was when I won my first run and I got to hear the choir rendition of the main theme that plays during the credits, it felt so... right. So yeah, I really really liked it. One of these days I'll finally try Risk of Rain 2...

you are the biggest dissapointment and gift i have ever been given ever i hate you 10/10

Was not expecting the peaquel to peak but Hopoo gifted us all

Si te gustó el 2 (o simplemente el original), este juego debería estar en tu repertorio. Menudo vicio, es una auténtica pasada lo adictivo que es. Los personajes son muy diferentes, está lleno de secretos, puedes jugar con tus amigos (y robarles cofres, o más bien, reclamar lo que es tuyo je). Para el precio al que sale, merece más que la pena. Una locura de juego vaya

you offer to the shrine, but gained nothing

i still gotta play this one but yes i do have this game

2 stars and a half because again i havent played it

heard ror2 is piss easy compared to this so ill have to give it a try

It is a very very good game, cool pixel art, cool animations, very cool ost by Chris Christodoulou and an especially cool last stage and final boss, BUT the game is way too hard for me in normal mode and too easy in easy mode so it's frustrating or boring, I can enjoy the game with some artifacts (game modificator basically) in normal mode though. It still sucks that I bought this game to play with friends and I can't because of a huge skill gap

surface tension returns is one of those few music tracks i would have passionate sex with

A remake of a classic roguelike. Super fun and difficult.

+50% games played as Acrid
I like leezard

While it lacks the replayability of its successor/predecessor, the game is still a whole load of fun.

The challenges are much tougher than in RoR2, so I still have those to do.

They're back, the beautiful faceless women... and DRIFTER TOO!!!!

I genuinely dislike this videogame and everything it stands for.

lvl 1 crook vs lvl99 mafia boss the game