Reviews from

in the past

One of the duller Beat-Em-Ups in the genre, a game only memorable for how forgettable it is. The player is never given sufficient options in combat to feel as though they are ever doing anything but button mashing. Avoid this one.

I like the idea of having a cool autocombo in a beat em' up but the levels on this one are pretty dull and repetitive. Still a cool game though.

Very ok beat em up game with a poor and repetitive level design

possibly the best combat in any beat em up, besides SoR4. this is definitely one of those you should only play with infinite lives, but pulling off combos and finding new hidden moves is worth the trouble

Esse jogo me intriga de verdade. Ele é de 2001, muitos anos (muitos mesmo) após a febre dos beat 'em ups, ou seja, um jogo super tardio tanto para o gênero quanto para o conceito de arcades em si.

Ainda assim, saindo tão tardiamente, COMO ele consegue errar tanto a mão com problemas e defeitos que ja eram condenáveis lá no começo dos anos 90? Tiveram pelo menos 10 anos de indústria para lidar com isso.

Tudo o que tu imagina que possa ter de errado num briga de rua tem aqui: gameplay meio insosso (mesmo com combos, super arts e etc - no fim tu vai se pegar usando throws e golpes na corrida a maior parte do tempo para fazer o gerenciamento dos inimigos na tela), com personagens pesados como se tu tivesse pilotando uma geladeira eletrolux daquelas que tu acha na casa da vó, level design pavoroso e repetitivo... cara, até o erro grosseiro de permitir que inimigos ataquem do lado de fora da tela os caras deixaram aqui...

O que se salva no jogo é que, e isso é inegável, os persoangens principais são extremamente bem feitos e animados, quase como se fosse um jogo de luta. Inclusive, o jogo tenta passar esse feeling de jogo de luta, com animações fartas, super moves, combos... mas no fim, nada disso contribui de verdade para o gameplay graças as péssimas decisões comentadas antes. Quer dizer, do que adianta um medidor de combo se tu não consegue realizar eles direito, pelo personagem ter animações lentas, hitboxes ruins e os inimigos quase sempre conseguirem te interromper no meio deles?

Não comentei nada sobre a trilha sonora, pq ela é tão genérica que eu realmente não me lembro dela em quase nada.

Sengoku 3 é um jogo 300% melhor que os seus dois irmãos anteriores (que são jogos horrorosos). Mas isso não qualifica ele a ser um bom jogo.

When I started the first Sengoku I wanted to play one each day and honestly while the first two games have their issues especially the first one. They still have neat ideas for the genre and I actually liked the 2nd one a lot. At the end of my review of 2, I was actually hoping this one would improve even more from that game. Sadly what I got is a game that doesn't even feel like it's part of the same series.

I actually did try to play the game on the 5th of October but I was so disgusted at what this game was, I dropped it by the time I got to the boss and played more Deathsmiles (I swear I'll make a review on that soon.) It just was shocking at what I was playing. There was this awful delay to moves and the game lost everything that made sengoku 2 interesting and fun. The game even had awful bosses again how freaking swell. But now I tried it again and I hate it even more then last time.

This game really wants to be a combocentric beat em up and honestly it fails at being so. Your moves just don't feel like they have good hitboxes and also feel like they have delay which is hilarious considering how fast your moves were in Sengoku 1 and 2. It also has this level select for the first three stages and then just never does it again because I guess they want to be like Thunder Force but without the fun.

The enemy variety gets repetitive in fact the whole game is repetitive and not in a fun way. The problems you might have early on just get worse and worse and it drove me to the point I had to put the controller down and just sit on my bed doing nothing for 10 seconds just so I wouldn't go insane. The bosses are so atrocious, they are exactly the kind I hate in this genre and some of them just don't know when to die. They don't even have cool designs like the last game.

I could go on and on but I don't want to write like 7 more paragraphs of me complaining but while this game starts strong if you just pretend its not a sequel to Sengoku 2, it just gets worse and worse to the point it becomes bad. I don't want to replay the game. This isn't Sengoku 3, this is just beat em up #239 with the Sengoku name put on it. This was a huge disappointment and even though the game looks nice, I don't even care because it's just your typical stuff you seen before. Anyway screw this game I'm going to pretend now the series ended at 2 so I can say the series ended on a good note.

Played with C_F. A lot better than Sengoku 1 and 2 - it has actual gameplay this time!

That said, SNK's new art production pipeline of semi-rotoscoped models with super high-frame animations means they couldn't offer the same variety in locales and enemy types the original games do, so you spend about an hour beating up on the same spearguys and undead kunoichi. Mind you, you do this while flexing a great interweaving combo system, but it's the usual hang-up of systems-focused game design over context-focused game design.

How is this even the same series. I know it released a lot later but it's just such an insane improvement on the first two games.


The dullest Neo Geo game I’ve played so far. Magician Lord might’ve been atrocious but at least it was never boring.

This game controls a little better than the first two and the different characters are a lot of fun and well-developed gameplay-wise, but it's not Sengoku! There's no Nobunaga in a sky castle with skeleton dragons, there's no warps into ancient Japan to fight cool oni, there's no transforming into any useless spirits. It's just a weird Final Fight now. When in the first two it was cool stuff thrown at you every second and each level never staying past its welcome, here there are stages drawn out as much as possible with the same bland beasties fought again and again. Jesus, these levels drag. I really wish the diverse characters were used for a better game, like either of the first two Sengokus.

It's also pretty cool that it touts a whole thing of "each character has different strengths and suited for different situations" but you can't change any of your characters until they die, and therefore until you put another quarter in. Maybe not a big deal in some other games but coming off a series that was made famous for being able to switch characters on a dime, it's not great!

The best character by far here, by the way, is the guy who can wield a whole tree trunk.

Such a letdown. After HG101 and half the Internet spoke of it as the ultimate beat-'em-up, it turns out to be a slow-as-shit trudge through inanely-designed encounters, with pretty good visual quality and variety.

Cool beat 'em up that's a tad too long and has some really annoying enemies. It looks and feels good, and it's cool how you get 2 more playable characters partway through. Fighting is generally fun but enemies get knocked off screen too much and certain enemies like the flying noh masks and bosses like the final boss and the flame bird could be really annoying.

Picture a knife Galsia. Now imagine they had a way bigger hitbox, an invincible reversal on wakeup, and took forever to kill. Now imagine about 75% of the game is going to be spent fighting these. Congratulations, you no longer need to play Sengoku 3!
Really frustrating. It looks awesome (2000s Noise Factory for you), there's a solid amount of playable characters and you can certainly do a lot with them, but it all feels so slow and everything has years of recovery on it and the enemy variety is ridiculously poor (going to assume that part, at least, is going to involve memory constraints) which just exacerbates the already overlong stages. Bosses suck too - the final boss in particular is probably one of the most tedious in the genre. Add all that to fact that this features none of the crazy, over the top shit thrown at you in the previous games and you've got a major disappointment. It takes two entire attack strings to break open an item barrel! Why!!!

Sengoku 3

Nunca fui lá muito fã desses Beat'em up clássicos, mas esse é um dos mais bacanas que já joguei.

Os personagens são divertidos de jogar, é bem criativo no design, não parece uma cópia esfarrapada de Final Fight. Os cenários são bem diversificados (Brazil Mentioned 🥳🎉), e a OST é daora até. Eu curti, mas não deixa de ser um Beat'em up meio genérico.
