Reviews from

in the past

A really good sequel, the combat is completely overhauled and most of the flaws of the first game are solved while still keeping all the good.

For whatever naive reason I played this one first before the first one. As good as the first one imo, only done the tutorial and saw a little the main game and exploration, but I'll go in order first.

Better than the first in like every way

This game is fantastic. It fixes basically every issue I had with its predecessor.
Now not every single location in the overworld is filled with encounters, they actually let you rest with encounter free areas. You can walk through the town of Tsukudo-cho without being harassed by demons every 5 steps. Speaking of, Raidou's movement speed is practically doubled both in battle and out. He can travel at a reasonable pace and actually do some respectable moves in battle. The gun is way faster and so actually a worthwhile option, and he even now has a dodge roll move so he no longer feels like a sack of bricks on a trolley. The magnetite system has been completely revamped and is actually a factor in battles now.
Like its predecessor it still has an incredibly strong style and amazing 10/10 meguro ost.
The only thing I'd say is that I prefer the plot of the first game, but 2's is by no means bad and in the end thats just personal preference.
Its a shame that this is a niche game within an already niche series. I think more people need to experience this one, its seriously fantastic.

raidou introvertido e gostoso aiuiaiui

a huge improvement from the original, great aesthetic, but kinda meh

much better than the first game as it was really polished here. the story felt more improved here as well. one thing i really liked was the addition of side quests, these aren´t really done in megaten too much but i felt this game did it well. the combat is fast paced and fun, a huge contrast from the first game´s slow combat. overall the improvements here actually made this game fun as hell. i enjoyed it

Descubrí que si en una bifurcación de camino en la que llamar a Tarrasque lo haces desde la parte más cercana del camino adyacente lo invocas en tierra y puedes navegar por cualquier zona del mapa que no sea agua

Atlus back in the ps2 were another Kind of beast

Probably my favorite PS2 era MegaTen game, the gameplay is really fun and a big improvement from the first game, I really like the characters in this game and how they expanded more on the Kuzunoha's, the story is good but I'm gonna be honest I really liked how much more crazy the first one was in comparison to this one
Devil Summoner still holds up as my favorite MegaTen series, something about these games connects really well with me and just bring me joy whenever I play them really

One million times better than the first game, being able to summon more demons, faster and more fluid combat, more movement options, less dumb AI (Still kinda dumb tho), a vast demon collection, better cast of characters and plot, however, it can get a little tiresome to get lost and don't know what to do to progress the game, also getting ambushed in this game feels TERRIBLE and i seethed with rage everytime i dropped locusts because of it. I would never call this game amazing or anything, mostly for the lack of memorable boss fights and i still would take press turn over this game's combat anyday of the week, but it's the only solid entry of the Raidou duology.

I don't know how it's possible, but this game took everything they did in the first one and threw it out the window. The combat was changed; there were some improvements, but basically demons became very useless, and they added special powers depending on the weapon, which hardly changes anything in combat. The story of the game was just horrible this time around; there were several new characters with no charisma at all, and even the characters that had charisma in the first one had much less shine in this one. The main villain of the plot is interesting at first until he becomes unbearable too. The final chapter this time also gave the game a boost, but the ending was a mess. You can perfectly understand why they never made a Raidou 3 after this.

got this one on a whim when it came through a store i worked at, and it quickly became one of my favorites. i would sit and play for hours just grinding to expand the compendium. game looks great, pre rendered backgrounds reign supreme in style. honestly i think the city and town areas were more memorable than the dungeons. some tracks shine while others are pretty standard loops, but nothing that i ever found grating. story and characters are entertaining throughout. while building crazy demon comps is not entirely needed to beat this (aside from a few battles) i enjoyed messing around to see what i could build. definitely one of my highest recommended smt games

Una mejora enorme al primer juego, aun con sus fallos aunque.

Man MAN this game. I started my journey back in 2023, almost finished it, and then my PS3 suddenly stopped turning on. After some pondering, I decided to set it aside for a while since I didn´t had enough money to hand it to someone for it to be fixed. 8 months passed. And then LOW AND BEHOLD THE MACHINE FIXED ITSELF LMFAO?????

The last dungeon was TORTURE I will hear that god damn trumpet of death on my nightmares. WHEN I CATCH YOU WHITE RIDER!!!! WHEN I CATCH YOU!!!

Besides that, this game is mountains and bounds better than the first one. The music is great (Shoji Meguro the goat), I loved Narumi and Tae even more. The themes of responsibility and the balancing between what you want to do and your duties is quite well discussed, proxy of SMT to handle these deep topics, all tho the game does have its fun moments.


On it's own, Devil Summoner 2 is a great game, with the inclusion of being able to use 2 demons instead of one, it's not as cluttered as I originally thought it would be. The story is much better expanded, and the battles don't feel as long as before. Though the music took a back seat repeating some tracks too many times. The part where the two demons become a problem is more in the fact you have to go through a battle menu at the start of every random encounter. But that aside a great game!

Everything I said about the first game is enhanced here. Combat is a lot more engaging and really fun, there's weapon types that change the way your moves work. Demons are significantly more integral to combat now that you can summon two into battle, and the music.. my god the music is blissfully beautiful, made me love the atmosphere of this game even more. I don't think it overshadows the original with all of these improvements too, there's merit in playing both. There are some flaws with the story, same with the first, in this game's case there's some padding and moments that drag a little bit but they were over before I could realistically really hate those moments. Great game overall.

A very nice improvement over the first game!
The gameplay feels infinitely better, and the story is way more compelling with great characters and themes.
It does have some padding, but still, great hidden gem!

What a ride! Huge improvement over the first game. Also, I rarely bother with sidequests and such but I just had to do (almost) all of the case files.

"GO WHITE BOY GO" dijo Raidou, enviando a Mokoi para darle en la picha a su oponente con su bomerán

phenomenal story and characters with a lot of fun demon interactions. i like how you can use them to help you investigate :) so silly.
combat sucks though but that's probably something to do with my preference. i don't like the mix of hack & slash with turn based