Reviews from

in the past

guyyyys... I am literally just a silly little guy !!! let me in your house.... I'm just a little guy.... don't question why i need to enter your home so bad.... just let this silly little guy in your home.... can a silly little guy even do any harm.... I am so silly and harmless and kind... let me in please...

this game is only as funny as you are, and i am hilarious

AI is a topic that will make people poop and pee. To that I say capitalism is the problem and your worries that the powers that be will kill you for not being useful to them anymore as a lil drone suckin penis or whatever you do as a job. That's real.

As far as entertainment goes, AI games like this will be the wave that might catch on. Suck Up! is a great step in that direction as I had fun lying in front of an audience of people who watched me play. I essentially was doing stand-up routines to suck the blood of like 30 NPC's and doing a new schtick every single time. The AI is responsive enough to have clever retorts when it can make sense of what I'm saying no matter how unhinged I was getting. It's cool!

Anyway, if you like lying and being funny, this game is a stepping stone to something potentially great down the line. I love being a vocally antagonistic asshole. By being that, I stress-tested and saw the cracks in the AI almost right away. The meta is apparently offering them cookies but that's no fun. The joy of this game is creatively making total strangers comfortable enough to let you in their house to suck them.

More please.

I think this might actually be the only cool application of AI in a creative medium i've seen. Trying to get into peoples homes by strictly saying the stupidest shit i could think of to not make it easy on myself and going off on tangents about the deep state with a chatbot is genuinely the most fun i've had with a game like this.

Suck Up? More like "suck ass".

Sure, the NPCs respond quite competently when I say "the Ass Mangler is out to get me" but it doesnt make the 35th conversation more interesting than the 1st or 2nd or 10th one.