Reviews from

in the past

The first game I ever played so it's forever tainted by that nostalgia. However, I do think it's fair to say that despite this nostalgia this is one of the best games of all time. It set the standard for 3D platformers with such aplomb that some modern 3D platformers still feel worse to play. It feels endlessly creative with the level designs, enemies, and objectives. Also has my favorite overworld in anything ever.

Rainbow Ride kinda sucks doe

Maybe it's the nostalgia talking, but this is always the best 3D Mario game for me! I loved it when I was 7, and I love it now I'm 28, it never gets old.

chef's kiss

So many of the games from this era have aged like milk due to control or performance limitations but somehow Super Mario 64 is still exactly as fun as I remember.

Como isso consegue ser tão bom desde a epoca do meu N64

Whilst it’s obviously been refined and perfected, there’s still a place for the janky, ugly original for just about anyone who’s after an engaging platformer and doesn’t mind having to wrestle an absolute hunk of a camera into place every fifteen seconds.

Read the full review.

Mein Lieblingsspiel, trotz vieler Schwächen


The original 3d mario is still magical decades later

One of the most comforting games I've ever played. This game makes the simple acts of jumping and running around fun. Levels toward the end are genuinely challenging. This is the type of game that would be fun to complete on an annual basis.



Es un juego que en su día fue pionero en muchas cosas, pero que hoy ha envejecido regular. Aún así le tengo mucho cariño, incluso a pesar de esa cámara diseñada por el mismísimo BELCEBÚ

Precursor of the best platformers ever made. This game is a gem.

On peut rejouer à Super Mario 64 plusieurs décennies après qu'il n’a pas toujours pris une ride, c’est à ça qu’on reconnait les vrais chefs-d’œuvre ! C'est un classique indémodable du jeu vidéo et c'est un jeu qui aura pratiquement défini les bases d'un genre à lui tout seul.

This game stockholm syndromed me into liking it. I really didn't like it when I was a kid but when I play it now I have a lot of fun... Usually. Some things are still awful and signs of it's age.

Never owned an N64 as a kid but every time I got to play this somewhere it felt like an absolute adventure. Finally filled that void with the Switch version

não consigo pensar em um defeito genuíno desse jogo

one of my favorites games of all time

from my weak pc days. really gotta play again

Listen, it was never THAT good, it's pretty nice, but it shouldn't be put on the pedestal people put it on. Aside from the bad camera, which is absolutely reasonable thinking of the games release, which makes me repeat my first to takes, it is very fun and gave the base for the next generation of jump and runs, but that was it imo. With out the speedrunning community, the game would be long dead.
It aged like milk, but cheese is not something you hate, so there's that. The game can't be really criticized, because all flaws can be refuted by the age of the game. However, when you ignore release, it is not that masterpiece people make it out to be.

Ainda bem que os jogos evoluem kkkk
na época esse jogo lançou deveria ser fenômeno, mas jogar ele nos dias atuais é meio difícil, principalmente por toda inercia do mario e escolhas quem contestáveis na hora de ficar coletando as estrelas.
Mas é um ótimo jogo e a soundtrack é muito chiclete, adorei cada musica desse jogo e como ele é narcisista pra krl com a própria franquia, o jogo do auto amor.
Se amem assim como Mario 64 ama a si mesmo.

I've sunk more hours into randomizer mods than most games ever get.

I didn’t get to fully play the original version until the release of 3D All-Stars. Coming from someone who grew up with the DS version, this version plays satisfyingly thanks to the analog stick. There’s also just something charming about polygonal Mario in polygonal mushroom kingdom. One of Koji Kondo’s best works come from this game.