Reviews from

in the past

Alright, fine, my arm's been twisted, it's not as good as I thought it was. The 100-coin missions are frequently slogs (albeit a clever way to use the full level) and a couple worlds are just straight up annoying, coupled with the occasionally fumbly controls, it can be a bad time if you're going for all the stars.

It's also, like, one of the most impressive games ever made and gets more impressive with every replay since, while the bad stuff is still bad, the fact that it's still as fluid and enjoyable as it is makes up for it, in my eyes. Seriously, every time I hear some enlightened zoomer say "hot take: mario 64 controls bad", my eye twitches. No shit it has weird controls, IT WAS ONE OF THE FIRST GAMES TO DO THIS

De los primeros juegos que jugué, gracias Tito

Juja se te cayo el pendejo

This is the literal foundation of 3D Platformers, so it definitely shows its age with the camera and visuals, but that arguably makes it more charming.
Some of the stages are honestly kind of ass but its Mario 64 bro

It's a great game but takes time to get used to (also it's best played with the original N64 controller)

Game so good I 100%ed it again <3

I understand how this game revolutionized the genre but personally I don’t enjoy it as much as the other 3D mario games, still worth to play it no mario game is bad but it is obsolete to it’s successors

How does this game still hold up so well??

A slew of copy paste, padded game goals to try to make up for the fact that every world is a get from A to B skeleton with glints of aesthetic sensibility.

I been playing this on 64 emulation, but I'd say the best gameplay is on Twitch.

É só entregar uma shotgun na mão dele.

Plataforma 3D em terceira pessoa. Este tipo de game EXISTE por conta do genial trabalho feito pelos designers que além de criar um clássico instantâneo, também mudaram para sempre algumas regras de game design quando desenvolvendo este tipo de game.

Yahoo man in his first 3d adventure gets to save the princess but in 3D SO AWESOME. This game is nothing short of amazing except the freaking camera.

Still handles beautifully, but what stands out today is how the level design, which conformed to the limits of the hardware, ends up being just big enough to encourage exploration but not big enough that it overwhelms the player (something Rare would later do with their N64 platformers).

literally the most influential game ever made.

(9,5+/10 on Super Mario's Franchise)

It set many precedents for 3D platformers as one of the most impactful video games. Super Mario shows us how genius Miyamoto really is.

The "Wahoo!" guy started looking directly at me and I'm not exactly sure how to feel. Why does he keep looking around like that? Kinda shifty if you ask me. Great first attempt at a 3D Mario, but the later stages have tried to kill me IRL.
Favorite Star: Watch for Rolling Rocks

i feel like this is the perfect depiction of what true creativity is. kinda goated

The game that revolutionized 3D gaming, and still as fun as always. However, as time went on, it has already been surpassed in almost every way.

This is still the best platformer of all time. No other game is this fun to control.

O jogo talvez tenha sido um dos jogos do Mario que mais envelheceu com o tempo. Muitas vezes senti que morri não por incompetência minha, mas por causa do próprio jogo, a propria câmera muitas vezes desiste de focar no Mario, isso dificulta muito tudo.

Todavia, o jogo segue muito cativante e divertido, me prendeu de modo absurdo. Demorei pra pegar no tranco, tudo segue muito simpático e divertido, entendi porque dizem que esse é o pai do Mario Galaxy.

a true classic, I really love this game

Maybe i've come around on this one

The camera sucks, but this game has a indefinable magic that will never be replicated. A subtly off-putting atmosphere that colors every inch of it.

Of course, it's also one of first games to really make 3D work. It created an entire genre of shitty knock offs. It's a legend in the speed running community. Yup, it's a Classic Gaming Experience.

Don't worry if you can't beat it. No one plays past the midgame anyway. But those early levels are classics. Give it a shot.

The older I get, the more I appreciate this game.

In the nicest way possible: This game gets more fun the more you learn how to play it less. The controls and movement options are immaculate. Being able to finagle around and do things that you shouldn’t is super cool.
But it’s not perfect. I think that making precise movements is awful, wall jumping feels bad (or I’m just bad), and certain moves feel underwhelming (slide kick, punch combo)z
The levels can also range in quality. Not the specific worlds because i like all of them, but some of the particular missions can reek. This is very rare though.
After 16 years of playing this game, I’m glad to have finally done everything.

Probably my least favorite of the 3D Mario titles, but it's still quite important to me.

I have beat SM64 at least three times, with one of them being a 120-Star run. It took me a very long time to grow comfortable with the controls, and I remember that during my third playthrough of the game, I grew very irritated with the control jank and was eager to beat the game quickly to move on to playing Sunshine. I remember being so bitter by the time I reached Bowser and glad to be done with the game for a while. However, then the credits roll, and honestly the credits felt so incredibly special that by the end of it I was filled with sadness and regret that I played through the game not feeling joy. This caused me to evaluate the situation and think about why I didn't enjoy it and how I can enjoy it next time around. Ultimately, this game taught me to accept games for what they are and what they did for their time, not to criticize something for my own skill issues, and to slow down so I can appreciate things that I otherwise wouldn't be able to experience if I am too focused on moving forward as fast as I can.

Since then I have come back to the game a couple times to really master the controls and it has been the first and only game I have tried to speedrun (I chose Penguin% lol). I now enjoy it much more than I once did, and that credits roll is probably my favorite credits roll of all time.

Just the right balance of fun and challenge as I remember when I first played it as a child. Movement is really crisp and deliberate and so many of the stars feel satisfying to get. Only worked up to around 58 stars as a child but have run to 100 this time as I have other games to move onto. Will be coming back intermittently to get up to 120.

Music and sounds are so satisfying and suit all the visuals, the music especially gives a huge nostalgia hit, sometimes hauntingly so - Jolly Roger Bay always made me feel uneasy. The camera is as clunky as its reputation suggests but rarely prohibitively so once you get used to flicking it around. Definitely a drawback for people born after this era and used to smoother 3D platform cameras. Ridiculous that this is almost a 30 year old game, the step up from its predecessors is huge. Still an 8+/10 game now and easily a 10/10 for its time.

So much fun w game it was smooth and cool

Tem muito jogo que envelhece como leite. Porém, Mario 64 envelheceu como vinho. Para mim, até hoje esse é um dos melhores jogos da história. Eu não sou tão velho para ter jogado esse jogo na época (com todo respeito aos idosos), porém joguei depois por meio de emuladores (não me processa Nintendo). Esse o único jogo do Mario 3D que eu cheguei a jogar, mas achei incrível.

A gameplay do jogo, por mais que seja um pouco travada por conta de ser um jogo mais antigo, é maravilhosa. As mecânicas são muito boas, criativas e quase não a bugs que estragam a jogatina. Para mim, que sou um amante de plataforma, esse jogo é um prato cheio.

A história do jogo é mais do mesmo: Mario indo salvar a Peach do Bowser.

Os gráficos são simples mas bonitos, principalmente para a época, sendo esse o primeiro jogo 3D do nosso bigodudo favorito.

Se você gosta de jogos de plataformas e de jogos retrô, recomendo demais jogar.