Reviews from

in the past

Think this might've been the 1st videogame I ever played as a kid. Later on, when the GBA remake came out, I remember being so hype for this to come out, but not being all that impressed or hooked once I finally had my hands on it. It was just too easy with no optional stuff to discover. Game was a 'one-and-done'.

Mario 3 on the GBA. eReader not included.

This is how I played 3.
Real good. Portability just makes it better.

Si fue peak fiction. No me arrepiento de haberle hecho su 100%

Fun but I never considered it the toppest tier of Mario platformers or even close. Still a classic.

Cool on the go plateformer, always fun to replay it even after all those years.

based based based kino kino kino

An excellent remake! The only downside is that in some levels the level design aren't so good

As mecânicas do tabuleiro são muito legais, assim como as fases.

A melhor versão do melhor jogo já feito na história! Simples assim! As fases extras são a cereja do bolo! Jogado no Nintendo Switch Online!

Nintendo Switch version was short and sweet!

a great way to experience an already great game

the best mario game! and it would be the best version if they didn't decide to give him VOICE ACTING

when I'd walk home from Sierra's Ruzafa apartment on Sundays I'd walk down to the Turia and lay on the grass while watching folks walk by and just get my digital ass whooped over and over again. oh, to be in the public eye once more...

played this on so many car rides home, amazing game.

SMB3 but on a GBA system which is not optimal

Good version of Mario 3, first version of it I've played. Not my favorite 2d Mario, but still a classic.

it was the best game in the entire world till world 6: when the troll level design started to show up. apart from that, some levels feel very innovative and some power ups are very fun::: FROG MARIOOO!

also everytime mario slid down a hill it made me so happy!! i love him

No el mejor en cuanto a gameplay (pantalla más pequeña), pero mi favorito en cuanto a estética y diseño de niveles de los mario en 2d.

Finally played the e-reader levels for the first time and all I can say is Europe was robbed

Melhor versão de Mario Bros 3, joguei no switch, e os e-Reader cards são incríveis, melhores fases do jogo estão neles, me diverti demais, Mario é Mario, e às vezes me pego pensando se gosto mais de Mario Bros 3 do que Mario World.
O fato é, toda versão de GBA de algum jogo de SNES, é melhor que o original (pelo menos os que eu joguei).
Me incomodo um pouco com a jogabilidade do Luigi, prefiro jogar com o Mario, mas aí já é detalhe, o jogo é bom demais.

Nostalgia pura, primeiro jogo do Mário que tive contato na infância.

Really great way to experience the original Super Mario Bros. 3

I get that out of the options available, most prefer the original NES version and I tend to agree. This feels like an ungraded version of the All Stars version which has upgraded graphics and a save system. There are a few additions, some voice clips and rough use of rumble were the most obvious to me. It also keeps track of completed worlds, which is cool.

I love playing these tightly packed levels and by finishing the game you can go back and replay or tidy up uncompleted levels.

Less obvious is the inclusion of Level Cards which was a rudimentary form of DLC. These are included in the Switch Online release, and were on the Wii U release. These borrow elements from Super Mario Bros. 2 with turnips and World with the criss crossing quad cannon shots and Chargin’ Chuck. In a time where the last new 2D Mario to release was probably Yoshi’s Island this is a welcome inclusion and sort of paves the way forward to New Super Mario Bros and Mario Maker series going forward.